2009-05-31 21:31:58 UTC
guy#2 i've been crushing on this guy sice elementary school, and i haven't seen him till this year. ever since the first day of school i would catch him staring at me. the first couple of weeks he would see me and look over at me then look away right away. the first couple of weeks i saw him walking with a group of guys and he was in front of then he turned aroung he looked at me then smiled then looked away i heard his friends say something to him and they all laughed. then he turned again and smiled at me but i didn't smile back cuz i was too shy. after that he didn't smile at me but he just glance over at me then look away. sometimes he would see me in the halls and walk next to me but i get nervous and walk away. sometimes he stares at me from across the lunch room and when you look at him he quickly turns