She isn't experienced with sex, and I knew this was going to happen. She's bored with the sex you give her. I am guessing.. you're either not good in bed or she wants to be open to different kinds of sex or have an open relationship. Sounds like she doesn't love you, wants to commit to you. U have options.
1.) You can dump her, find another girl who's experienced with sex.
2.) You can have an open relationship, have sex with different people.
3.) You can have a threesome, bring a third party in the act. If you don't want to lose her. I suggest giving these options to her. She sounds like a greedy girl. Wants u all to herself while she's cheating on you, sleeping with other people.
I take it she doesn't love you. It sounds like she wants to go behind your back, cheat on you. If you had a threesome, she slept with a guy and you. Technically it wouldn't be cheating bc you're okay with it. But if she loves you. I don't think.. she would want to lose you, tick you off. So! You should just dump her. Tell her how you feel, and if she doesn't care or respects you.
U might as well find someone else. People that aren't experienced in sex are bi- curious or curious and aren't experienced with sex. She's probably bored of having sex with you, you're not open to sex. BUt if the sex was that great. I don't see.. why she would want to sleep with other men.
Most people that are sexually.. satisfied usually don't want to have sex with other people. I knew a girl who had a screw buddy, and his name was Apollo. She got married to this Adam guy, and she had a kid with him. She became " obsessed" with him " sexually", told me to try.. " friends with benefits". I laughed at her, and said " no". She say's " Angie u should try it, see what happens". I said.. feelings develop, you might as well be boyfriend, girlfriend. Surely. He was still dwelling on his ex girlfriend at the time, still had feelings for her. It was Stacy. I told her you will get used, burned. So. After it happen she got " jealous", possessive with him. I told her.. feelings develop, someone in the relationship get's clingy and hurt.
He ended up developing feelings for me, and wanted to sleep with me. I said.. no. I said.. you slept with Crystal, she is my friend. He told her I kissed him, and believed him over me. So. we got in a big fight, took her booty call over me. So. I dropped her as a friend. Loyal to her but isn't loyal to me.
Anyways. Time went on, she.. ended up finding a new guy. Now she's married for the second time, and already has a sun. She's still obsessed with her ex Apollo. That's because the sex from her husband now, her husband before sucks.
She's not getting the sexual pleasure, the stability and everything into one. Now she wants to cheat, sleep with other men.
Like I said. If the sex was great Anthony.. she wouldn't want to sleep with other men. She would only want to have sex with you,because she's not experienced. She wants to explore different men. U can either let her go, date other women.. and let her sleep around, be single. And not care about her.
Or you can sacrifice a threesome, have sex with her, another guy. If that's what she just wants?! Just to fill avoid of sex. Then after it's done. You can let go of your playmate, move on with you relationship with her, still be together. Not unless you have a resentment, and you're weak and unable to let it go.
But I suppose if you have one, another guy. U should be able to have one with her, another chick. Or just be open. She should just be single, not date you anymore.