A few weeks ago I started dating and it's a big deal since I'm 13 and my parents don't usually allow me to date, even doe I've gone out with other guys the mostly don't know about. Anyways I hardly ever video chat and when I do it more often it's for a week and then it stops. Today I felt in the need to talk to my friend Albert and we talked for about les than an hour and my mom came in and saw me video chatting and asked me to end the call( it was also 11:00 in the night and it's a school night ) needless to say she gave me this lecture on how I have to be responsible for my actions and don't talk to other boys if I'm with another one. To be honest I don't think that just because I talk to someone that isn't my boyfriend doesn't make it bad, I mean if I talk to my boyfriend and ONLY him for month after month, eventually I would want to talk to other people because the conversations would be different with them. My boyfriend has NO PROBLEM with me hanging out with the opposite sex and it just pisses me off that my mother tells me something I already know!! I know she's trying to help and teach me but I know already it was a conversation over the phone... It seems as if my mother wants me to be a lesbian because I can chat with girls but NEVER with guys. What's the difference !!!?!?! Besides the unique parts... But anywho my question is if I should take my mothers advice and not talk to any of my guy friends at all or should I do what I think is right and learn from my mistakes?