First of all, you are a married woman and your thought patterns are falling off the chart. If you love your husband and he is financially stable enough to sustain your lifestyle, you should quit your job if you truly wish to be with him while his job does not permit the time to do so.
If the stated issue is all that is involved, I will be judgemental here. You made an oath to love for eternity. Do you remember the words for richer or for poorer? Well, at the moment your life is poor of physical touch. Your husband loves you and is doing his duty to provide for you. I don't understand how you say you love your husband; yet, you are not content to hear his dear voice daily. Although only for 5 or 10 minutes, you should feel extremely blessed. Hey, if you truly loved that man, all he'd have to do is whisper in your ear for a second, and you'd be gone. Lady, are you sure you love your husband?
Who are you trying to kid? Stop flirting, are you stupid? You've already stated you feel lonely. How is it that you, knowing your vulnerable state, can even entertain flirting with another man. I don't care who the other man is or what his marital status is. You know you are married and are contemplating adultery. Chances are you are seeking just one person to agree with you so you will feel justified for what you plan to do. Well lady, you are way out of line and will not get any sympathy from me.
Your marriage covenant should never be compromised, no matter what. If it takes your leaving a job to keep your emotions in check, then so be it. Better yet, why don't you tell your husband what you are telling us and see where it leads. I thought so. Do the wise thing. Get yourself to a marriage counselor before you destroy something you and your husband worked hard to build.
Go to church. Seek marriage counseling. Do something constructive with your life until your husband returns. Visit him over the weekends, if possible. If you truly love him and are desperate to be with him, you will find a way other than pursuing adultery. Be a wife. If a jealous women can sneak up on her man, certainly you can be a loving supportive wife and go to your own man!