First the least important part should be addressed, and that is the dream. The dream meant nothing, and she should not have told you about it (because it leads you on) and the only thing it would symbolize is that she sees you as someone good, and someone good to create with, and not just babies, new things in general.
But what I think is happening here, is that she likes the attention from you. When she gets bored/ lonely or both, is when she reaches out to you. She likes you; if she didnt she wouldnt even contact you. But this doesnt mean what its cracked up to be. This only means that just like guys do, she is waiting for the "better option" by leaving herself an "out" with you. This is why she said she should "be alone" for a while. She also could be waiting for some other guy to make his move, that way she doesnt have to break up with you a second time. (This too, is what guys do also.) So my suggestion to you is this: Dont have any more contact with her. I know you like her and it will be hard to do that. But in order to see if she TRULY wants to spend time, to be with you, to know if you are right for her, and finally and most importantly: to be afraid of LOSING you. That's what no contact will teach her. Now you are going to have to wait it out through her desperations, because there will be those kinds of texts coming from her. Then she will likely get angry. Just wait it out. When about 3 mos pass, and you see or hear from her, you will see about her attitudes towards you, in the time that she has missed you (or not missed you, see what I mean?) As far as jess, don't pay any attn to her, at ALL. It's not even Jess' fault that she texted you-- its your ex's fault for not being responsible with her own cell phone. Simple as that, and thats why you ignore Jess and all other meddling beeyotches. I am a girl and I cant stand it when females or anyone else for that matter meddle in my private affairs. Because they are just that: PRIVATE. hang in there and good luck.