There are no rules.
But a couple SHOULD be partners. If both are working, then both pay and both also do housework.
You have a job, right? If you are partners, your money is NOT your money, and HIS money is not HIS money.
Pool your money, pay the bills from it, and decide as a couple how to split what is leftover.
He wants to use you. He wants sex and won't support you.
You want to use him. You want a free ride.
This is very bad, and NOT a good way to start out a relationship. It will not work and it will not last.
Do NOT move in with THIS man, until you two have married. And I would suggest you not consider marriage with him. Certainly not without working out the arrangements satisfactorily, and in pre-marital counseling.
Here's the thing .. this "man pays for everything" gives HIM the right to control YOU and what YOU do. Are you sure you want to give up your rights by being supported by a man?
If you pay your way, you are an equal partner and have the right to expect equal say.
But I would not move in unless he proposed.
Legal marriages have a break-up (divorce) rate of 50%.
Living-together arrangements have a breakup rate of 75% .. so you are making a break-up almost inevitable if you move in without marriage..