When living with your boyfriend Shouldn't HE PAY FOR THE RENT!!!?
2015-12-04 17:23:18 UTC
my boyfriend wants me to move in BUT he expects me to pay my half of the rent and help out paying for groceries and he doesnt want a woman just "living off him" having him pay for the whole rent and food while my friends boyfriend is perfectly fine paying the rent by himself and for the food she doesnt have to work at all why is it so hard for men these days to provide for the woman pay the rent and pay for dates??? my parents even told me its the man's job to pay rent since he's the man of the house and shouldn't ask his woman to do it thats the main reason why they don't want me moving in with him they think he's trying to mooch off me BUT SHOULD A MAN REALLY TAKE CARE OF THE RENT??
309 answers:
2015-12-04 17:31:52 UTC
Me personally. I would treat my girlfriend like a queen. I wouldn't let her spend a dime. So in this case, I would pay the whole rent, especially if I'm asking her to move in. But not all guys are like that. Maybe he wants you to move in just so you can help with everything, in that case he sounds kinda like a loser and shouldn't of moved out of his parents house. Or he just wants to live with just his girlfriend and needs some help. If so, then that's your choice. Now if you guys agreed on renting a place together, and agreed to do 50/50 that's a different story. At this point if you don't like him a whole lot. I'd think about finding someone else who has more together in their life, or tell him your not ready and he needs to get things together with himself first, like money. Either way, Good Luck!
2015-12-05 10:38:21 UTC
Unless your BF is making $100,000 a yr, or you also have a full time job, why wouldn't you help pay your share of living expenses? Lets say you both make $35,000 a yr. Why do you think you get to do anything you want with your money and your BF should pay for everything. The concept of the man paying for everything came to be, cause, except for farming, being a daughter of the owner of a business, and you work for him, or having a high IQ and becoming a doctor, or Lawyer, women did not work. Less then 10% of middle to upper management jobs were done by women. It was not until WWII that women were put to work. So since now its close to half of the middle to upper management jobs are taken by women, then its not unthinkable for society to change with the times and share living expenses. Now if you are a full time student, and do not work at all, and you now live with your parents, and pay no rent, Then maybe having you move in, he should be expected to pay all the rent, if he can afford it. It might be he does not make enough right now maybe also going to school. Without a paying roommate he might have to move in with a friend or also move back home. You did not give info on how good or bad his financial situation is?
2015-12-07 11:56:44 UTC
I came into this one a bit late, so i'll offer the "love thy neighbor as yourself" ancient dinosaur way of thinking version. If the boyfriend ( can't say BF, showing my age) offers to do the rent/lights/newspaper thing, he's doing this for a reason. To either put an opportunity in your lap and have you make new decisions not possible in the old life, or he simply wants someone to clean the bathroom.

My experience is....maids are cheap - 150/month ( 2 /month) here in the south,so i doubt it's the maid thing. If he's over 30 , he's seen folks do everything WRONG and wants to create something different.

The $64 question you need to ask is : If all was wonderful for months and months/seasons came and went and you have great memories and serious $$$ in your bank account - will your mindset/outlook on the future be the same as if you'd paid rent on your own place or lived in grandma's basement for $0??

If it is different, then you need to ask - what is that opportunity worth to you and your boyfriend??
2015-12-05 13:22:43 UTC
Your bf has the right idea, you have a really wrong one.So his money is your guys moeny and your money is your money? Are you kidding me? If people can share expenses they always should. it's easy you each give half the rent and bills and half grocery money.

Any partners that doesn't have a good reason, like really hitting financial rough patch and not splitting the dates, is crazy...

It' be different if you OR HIM, one of you was broke and the other said, it's OK move in don't pay the rent..etc..

Still you should try to get back on your feet and chip in...etc..

Really do you want to go back to 50s society? Coz that means a lot more than having men pay for dates, that was not a good era for anyone but cisgender, preferably old white men...Pull yourself together...

Why do you mum and dad decide what you will do in you relationship?
2015-12-05 14:33:58 UTC
God damn your stubborn. Okay so what do roommates do?! They both pay their half of everything. And your boyfriend is correct. Why should You Not pay a Dime for Living With Him??? Living together you're suppose to both pay the bills! It's like being married. But how would your boyfriend mooch off you? If you only pay for half the the stuff? You'll both save some money that way. I don't see why your crying about it. You aren't a Baby, You're An Adult meaning you got bills you got to pay. You can't depend on your parents anymore and it'll be a hell of a struggle if your tried living on your own. Trust me it's difficult.
2015-12-05 00:17:52 UTC
I live with my boyfriend, I wouldn't want to pay rent for him while he can do whatever he wants, therefore it would be quite unfair to expect him to pay for everything himself

Because we're partners and I think it's fair for him to have some of his own money to reward himself for hard work with luxuries or goodies

But then again I'm educated, intend to be more than a baby maker or maid, with two degrees and working on a third. I don't need anyone's money, but the combination of both our money has greatly enhanced our quality of living beyond what it would be on one single income. Our incomes combined is enough to rent a house, purchase two brand new cars, go out of town once a month, or a two week long trip out of the country every six to eight months and develop some once in a lifetime experiences together. Both of us also have enough savings to help out friends in need or donate and do some real good for people around us.

How could anyone not be okay with that? Why aren't you?
2015-12-04 19:31:56 UTC
There are no rules.

But a couple SHOULD be partners. If both are working, then both pay and both also do housework.

You have a job, right? If you are partners, your money is NOT your money, and HIS money is not HIS money.

Pool your money, pay the bills from it, and decide as a couple how to split what is leftover.

He wants to use you. He wants sex and won't support you.

You want to use him. You want a free ride.

This is very bad, and NOT a good way to start out a relationship. It will not work and it will not last.

Do NOT move in with THIS man, until you two have married. And I would suggest you not consider marriage with him. Certainly not without working out the arrangements satisfactorily, and in pre-marital counseling.

Here's the thing .. this "man pays for everything" gives HIM the right to control YOU and what YOU do. Are you sure you want to give up your rights by being supported by a man?

If you pay your way, you are an equal partner and have the right to expect equal say.

But I would not move in unless he proposed.

Legal marriages have a break-up (divorce) rate of 50%.

Living-together arrangements have a breakup rate of 75% .. so you are making a break-up almost inevitable if you move in without marriage..
2015-12-07 01:32:04 UTC
you were born in the wrong century. If this is how you see it, you would have been better off 100 years ago.

Women can't preach "gender equality" and then choose the areas in life they want to be equal in and the areas they don't want to be equal in. If you feel he should pay for everything, then you should see yourself as a baby maker that is barefoot and pregnant all year. Times have changed, hun! A relationship is a partnership and that means responsibilities are shared. From bills to housework. You need to get with the times.

If he makes more money than you do then settle on an agreement that would have him pay more than you do. Maybe a 70/30 split. But your idea of how it should be is really messed up. You're the reason I believe ambitious and driven women deserve more credit
2015-12-04 18:14:06 UTC
The 1930s called. They want their paradigm back.

A lot of couples break up over money. Just like you and your boyfriend, they have different ideas about how it should be used, saved, and who should pay for what. Any arrangement two people work out together is fine, I guess, so long as both agree to it.

*IF* the two of you decided *together* that Boyfriend wanted to wake to a home made breakfast, have you pack his lunch, come back to a hot dinner each night, and you clean the house, watch the children, take care of the household chores, pick up the dry cleaning, balance the checkbook, take the cars to the mechanic, take the kids to the orthodontist...and so on, okay. It's called a division of labor. It isn't done this way much anymore. People generally want material possessions that require two incomes to buy. I know at least one guy who did this, and he loved it. When he got home, he got to eat dinner,enjoy time with his family, and his wife took care of almost everything at home.

According to you, your money should be yours, and some of his should be yours, too. It doesn't work that way. If one of you earned three times what the other earned, maybe you could work out a way for each of you to pay a corresponding percentage of the bills. You aren't even willing to do that.
2015-12-05 14:46:50 UTC
Well so if he moved in with think he should pay all your bills???

Whats wrong with paying 50/50? Nothing wrong with it. If you don't want to do this then don't move in and don't expect a ring from him anytime soon. You sound like a gold digger anyway. Geez. There are men these days that won't pay for anything and this guy has his own place and not mooching off of you! What are you paying for rent or are you living at home with mommy and daddy? How self efficient are you??? He is not your darn husband. You are two people dating who could break up at any time with no kids together. If

you are paying rent at your own place by moving in with him don't you save money anyways but I think you live at home with the parents.

~Picture this

Its five years later you are married and have everything you want then boom he hits you with divorce papers. You don't have anything because you have been mooching off of him and he made you sign a prenup. So you got nothing because you wanted to him to pay for everything. Sometimes dependence isn't everything. You better get you some independence.
2015-12-05 14:52:21 UTC
Haha, man the subject line of this topic had me going in direction, but thankfully I read the description. But yea, relationships are about partnerships. If you're living together, then that means you all are working together to pay for rent and other amenities. The way I try to paint the picture for people is that if you are there simply for atmosphere, what makes you different from the furniture or electronics in the house. Yes, there are special things that you all share with one another, but what comes in is that you are replaceable in the grand scheme of things as messed up as it may sound. If you're pretty and just sitting at home, he could have pretty much just about any woman do that for him. You have to make yourself an integral part of the system, not as a blackmail or a means of tying him down. But to show when you all are working side by side in conjunction with one another, there is nothing you all can't accomplish. Whereas if you sit at home and don't contribute, he's going to see you like a big screen tv during his hard times; he loves that thing, but he needs to unload it to lighten his own burden.
2015-12-06 02:16:30 UTC
You are partners, you should both plan the check payings together. Let's have an example, well, if you make 20,000 ( its just an example) and he makes 20,000 then you both have 40,000 and you should divide money for everything you should pay in the house you live, together. No, he shouldn't pay the rent alone, nowadays life is hard but women are getting education too. Before women couldn't go to school or men just had other work circuits, but nowadays you have the chance to help your partner in life so do it, don't just live in somebody's arm its kinda low too...
Celina Hernandez
2015-12-08 09:25:23 UTC
Okay I'm a tad late but I would still like to express my opinion. I think your boyfriend should break up with you and find a REAL WOMEN to live with because a real women would put her half in. A real women wouldn't just lay around the house not doing anything while her man is busting his butt off. This is 2015 almost 2016 honey, things have changed dramatically from back in the days when men provided everything. Stop trying to be a little snotty stubborn girl and grow up ! Get a job and help your man out be a women not a girl if not go find a billionaire who will want to pay and take care of your a**
2015-12-05 08:49:58 UTC
Okay you're way out of line and you need to calm down because you sound like a spoiled entitled brat. First of all girls like you are the kind I don't like and would never wanna be. I'm a woman and me and my boyfriend live together and I like helping him pay my half of everything because I believe it should be 50/50 it's not fair for one person to pay for everything. And sweet heart your parents are old school as hell that or they have too much money because that's not how it works anymore. If you stay there you should help too. And you can't compare your man to your best friend's boyfriend because not every man is the same just like not every woman is the same. 50/50 is a good thing. It's BOTH of your responsibilities not just his. You're not too good to work no one is and you're not a child or disabled you can work and help take care of yourself. You think he needs to pay for everything on his own?? you're the one in need of a reality check that's not the way life works grow up.
2015-12-07 09:04:48 UTC
I feel as if you're someone who harps on about gender equality but then drop statements or questions as you have done. Why should the man have to pay the entire rent cost?? You're also living in the house using facilities... should it not be a shared thing?? I don't see why one person should have to?

Splitting the cost mears helping one and other out paying for a house you both live in. That's what's fair.
2015-12-05 02:25:23 UTC
I believe in equality so i think the man and the woman should split the bills. It makes sense if both have income coming in. But, if a man wants to pay for everything and can afford to do so then it's up to the woman. I personally wouldn't feel good about myself if i allowed a man to pay for everything. I don't want to live off a man. I'd rather have some type of independence. Your boyfriend clearly isn't one of those men who wants to pay for everything (that's okay) so i think you should help out, i mean you are living there too!
2015-12-04 23:03:13 UTC
Some guys will pay all the bills, some guys will believe in 50/50. If he doesn't make a lot of money and can't support you both then he would expect you to help him pay half the bills. If this is not something that you believe in don't move in with him. Stay at home if your not willing to help him out.
2015-12-05 15:51:44 UTC
It depends. Maybe your boyfriend can't afford to pay for the rent on his own and needs your assistance. I would certainly prefer a man who wants to pay the rent but not everyone can. However having said that; some women do mooch off of their boyfriends and have them pay for every little thing, not just rent. It's hard to say
2015-12-05 07:21:30 UTC
This is such a disgusting question.

"He's my BF so he should pay for EVERYTHING."

No, just stop talking. What kind of sexist BS is that? It's girls like you that make me detest being female.

I'm going to be frank with you, he deserves better if that's how you think. He has NO obligation to pay for you as well as himself. Rent, groceries, bills and such cost A LOT of money when you live alone, let alone when you're covering for another person. You can't expect him to be able to cover it all while you just splurge on shoes and clothes or whatever else takes your fancy.

Get off your high-horse and come back to reality Princess, living ISN'T CHEAP when you're not well off in terms of wealth. I'm surprised your parents are so old fashioned. It's so disgusting to think like that.
2015-12-05 04:57:13 UTC
Not necessarily. Depending on an agreement you both make before moving in together, it should determine who pays the rent. Most people pay 50/50 of all bills, including rent and other miscellaneous things. But if your name is on the lease,you owe half the rent. Sorry, but it's life and the law! Good luck and accept life as it is. Your friend is temporarily lucky but it will pass because she'll owe somewhere else.
2015-12-05 14:00:58 UTC
If you don't want to pay part of the rent then move out, what are you doing to benefit him? Unless you don't have a job and he had a good stable job then you should both pay cause your living there too and this stuff adds up. I like to think it like he buys you gifts but your not giving him anything in return. I believe both men and women in a relationship should be equal, none of this "oh he's a man he should pay" personally I feel that is sexist cause women are just as capable as men are.
2015-12-05 17:49:26 UTC
Paying half the rent of a place you're living in and half of the groceries that you will be eating seems perfectly reasonable to me. Every man is different you can't compare your boyfriend to your friend's boyfriend. You help each other out this way instead of just one person covering everything.
2015-12-05 10:49:24 UTC
re: your question "When living with your boyfriend Shouldn't HE PAY FOR THE RENT!!!?"

Nah, we didn't die in the trenches of the sexual revolution for 50+ years now just so women could remain unaccountable trophies. Your boyfriend doesn't owe you a free place to live. Sounds like you want a sugar daddy but your man doesn't want a sugar baby, so maybe you'd both be better off in different relationshps?
2015-12-04 21:50:52 UTC
Your friends situation is different many times BF and GF's when they start living together go Dutch pay half of the bills etc. it is not like he is your husband. Even than these days most men want a strong independent woman who is employed and can help pay the bills. Your basically roommates so no he does not have to pay for everything if your looking for a guy who you can just use for everything this ain't your man. Could also be your friend is with someone who can afford to pay for everything.
2015-12-06 04:16:26 UTC
Being born and having lived on an island all of my life, no such thing as housewives, Not in Hawaii for sure. Super wealthy only. Even with the kind of income my husband brings in and my incomes I bring in, we put it all together so we can take trips, then again you're going to play house and not get married so you do as you wish but days of men supporting women are over. When you discuss marriage is that when you say you won't pay a dime or would you be willing then to share what you both earn?

Go to college get your degree and take pride in paying your fair share or don't play marriage. Your salvation isn't worth it.
2015-12-05 10:16:10 UTC
Half of it.

You are using a sexist paradigm. Your boyfriend is a progressive. If you both earn money and both use the apartment then you should both pay. That is only fair. You shouldn't be prevailed to save more money just because you're female.

Or alternatively you pay an amount proportional as much as possible to how much you earn. From him according to ability...
2015-12-06 07:24:06 UTC
If you're not working then it's impossible for you to pay rent, but if he knows you're not working & can't pay rent then he shouldn't be asking you to pay rent. If you are working then of course you should pay rent. Why would you expect someone to look after you? You're not a little girl anymore.
2015-12-04 17:34:16 UTC
My wife and I lived together before we got married and she helped pay the rent.

Do you pay rent where you live now? Unless you live with mom and dad, you'd be paying rent or a mortgage if you didn't live with your boyfriend. What makes you think it's his responsibility to provide a place for you to live?
2015-12-04 23:01:49 UTC
In my opinion u should help somewhat weather it be with some bills or just good to show that yes u are a couple that should help each other. In a family tho, don't look at is as just half the rent, cuz if u do love him, assuming that's why ur moving in then u should no problem sharing money
Dr. Stephanie
2015-12-04 20:38:08 UTC
If he earns enough to support you both,and doesn't mind, sure, that's fine. But if the income doesn't equal the outgo, and if you are able bodied and free of taking care of children, there's no real reason why you shouldn't contribute, as well. Besides, working in the world can be rewarding in many other ways. Get yourself on a career path, get educated. You never know,not just now, when you will need it. You also will need experience to put on a resume, when job seeking,start now. You also will need to contribute to the social security program from your income , so you can collect in your retirement years. Again, you never know how things will turn out. You will gain self esteem from being able to work and produce income and the reward of being out in the world and making a contribution. It is always good if a woman is capable of earning her own income, again you never know how things will be. Your parents are, quite simply, wrong to encourage you to remain dependent (money equals power in a relationship!), and to be a parasite on someone else. Unless you are both comfortable with him supporting you, which he isn't, you should contribute and pull your own weight in my opinion. Good luck,
2015-12-05 17:54:03 UTC
This is not the 1950's It takes 2 to make a home. You can not expect to be cared for. You may be able to be a stay at home mom for a few years after kids but you need to have a nest egg first. In other words NO he should not pay your rent or food or clothes.
2015-12-05 10:32:05 UTC
If you are both working and earning then you should split the bills. If one earns much more than the other you could perhaps pay proportionately. This is the 21st century, not the 19th. A man does not have to pay all the bills. Equal rights for women brings with it equal responsibilities. You earn, you pay. I grew up in an era when it was legal to pay a woman less for the same work, when "domestic violence" didn't exist, when there was no marital rape - a man could not rape his wife. It took hard work, protests and effort to get things changed and now YOU want to change back the bit where you take responsibility like a grown up. Your attitude appalls me. I thought modern women knew better than this.
2015-12-05 23:25:20 UTC
Why should HE be supporting you? Isn't a relationship about being equal? It's one thing if he picks up the tab at a restaurant for you out of politeness, but when it comes to bills and rent and stuff, it NEEDS to be 50/50 or else it won't work out, unless he is filthy rich. If he is rich, then yeah maybe he should pay for it all.
2015-12-05 13:12:19 UTC
If you are old fashioned, then YES. Some guys are old fashioned and would pick up all the expenses because they feel that is a man's job. You seem to be old fashioned too.

However, you've got yourself a MODERN man on your hands.

Can you live with that?

Or do you need to be on the look out for an old fashioned guy to take care of you?

It's all about what you want and need. And is this a deal breaker for you?
2015-12-07 10:43:16 UTC
When people did the decent thing and got married the man worked and paid the bills and the woman stayed home and did all the housework, washing, cleaning, ironing, mending, washing dishes, cooking/baking and, once children came along, she did the bulk of the childcare also which would then have included the school run - usually ON FOOT.

If that's the lifestyle you want then ask him to marry you, start a family and stay home doing all the 'women's' stuff and leave him to work hard and pay for everything. Bear in mind that you'll have to ask him for money when you need new tights and underwear etc. Enjoy.
2015-12-05 18:19:00 UTC
If you're living with him and using the things he bought, then you should pay half. If you move in together, the next step's marriage, marriage is shared expenses and combined wealth. It's not much to ask to having you pay rent and buy groceries once in a while. Yes, generally men pay the bills but we certainly aren't the only ones who work and make money to pay said bills, like I said marriage is a combined wealth, both parties put their money together to pay bills and other expenses.
2015-12-06 17:10:12 UTC
You are a dumb moron slut. Why don't you stop looking for people to acknowledge that you're right just because you think you are and you're not! People like you are the reason there in inequality. You are the same type of person to preach equality and then expect your boyfriend to pay for your fuc King wing stop. You are a basic as s b itch trying to get your boyfriend to pay for you so you can spend your money on whatever the hell you want! You are so sorry!! Why don't you try helping him live a good life instead of getting him to pay for you to live a good life. I bet you have the notion of being a stay at home piece of p ussy. You are lame. You're mind is gonna rot. You want to be treated like a queen? Stop being a whor e because that's what you're gonna be if you force him to pay for your lazy *** you stupid sorry b itch.
2015-12-05 11:52:45 UTC
You want him to pay for your rent, food, etc.? While you do what? Lay around on your butt watching tv and doing nothing productive? Your parents were your age in a time when things were way different. That doesn't apply now. When your parents want you to move and you can't find a guy to pay your way for you, you'll find out what life is really like.
2015-12-09 03:27:14 UTC
So, if I understand correctly; you will stay in the house all day watching Netflix and lazing around, while your boyfriend is working his *** out there to feed your useless annoying ***? In other words, he will be your slave. If it's that way, he's better off alone. It's not you the victim but him. You don't deserve to be housed and fed when you provide nothing. You are nothing but a burden. It goes without saying that your thinking is outdated. Only your boyfriend has his feet planted in reality. If you are unhappy with him, you're not obliged to stay with him. But the question is WHY would you be unhappy? WHAT would you be unhappy about? Your boyfriend did nothing wrong asking your help. What good are relationships if we don't help eachother? Unless you want to be treated like a goddess and him like junk, waste. I gotta say you're a fricking good for nothing parasite. You little prick must get off your high horse and go help your BF like an exemplary woman.
2015-12-08 00:16:57 UTC
I'm kinda late with my answer here but I'm looking to be moving in with my Boyfriend and I would absolutely refuse to let him pay my way. The way my step mom taught me is that no woman should be dependent on her boyfriend/husband. When I'm old enough to move with him, and when I'm married I want to have my own separate bank account, job and health care plan that way I'm not screwed if we end. In my opinion I think girls should be independent and have their own job and pay their way. You aren't married to this guy, you're only his girlfriend. Its not the 50's.. Get a job and be an independent person. It will do you good.
I am me
2015-12-07 06:58:16 UTC
when you live together it is about sharing. My husband and I (even before we were married) shared a bank account, shared money. If you love someone, you dont treat them like they have a tab. I think you should pool everything together and live that way. If he wants you to pay for living there, then he can pay for all of the things you provide for him. If you know what I mean. Tell him you don't want to be in a dead end relationship with a guy that doesn't even want to take care of you. Just know this: I make double what my husband makes. But we both give EVERTHING that we have. We are contributing and building a life TOGETHER.
2015-12-04 17:46:48 UTC
Many married couples split the bills, so I'm not sure why you'd expect a boyfriend to pay your way. There are guys who will, but you can't base your experience on that of your friends. :( I'm sorry. Maybe he doesn't share the traditional value of the rest of your friends and family.
2015-12-05 20:40:32 UTC
Well I don't pay rent here, and my father knows my situation. That's why my father wants me with a guy who has a BIG heart, and is kind to me. He say's I have been used so badly by people, and it's such a cruel world. He said he would never throw me out on the streets, same with my mother. He's been there since day 1 with being harassed constantly, and people cutting my hrs and provoking me/ bullying me. He say's having a heart of gold isn't good because you're easy to take advantage of. But.. I treat my father good, and I take care of him as well. If you love your boyfriend shouldn't you help pay rent or do things to help him out with other things? Why are you bitching? You sound like a money gold digger. You're not even showing sympathy or giving a good reason why you can't pay rent? There's a difference between being " poor", living in poverty, and unable to take care of yourself. An then.. there's a difference between being a gold digger who has money, and is selfish with.. giving your money out, and " sharing" with people. Looks like your boyfriend doesn't " love" you either. Does he know your job situation, and life style/ environment? Well.. you should support him, and he's suppose to support you. Looks like your boyfriend doesn't love you.
2015-12-05 05:17:18 UTC
Absolutely not! You are not married and, you are not his child. If you want to live for free go back home and live with your parent. They aren't even obligated to pay for you. You are an adult. Your suppose to be responsible and pay you own way. You are an unbelievably self entitled spoiled brat. The fact that you boyfriend has made this reasonable request and your protesting is a big fat red flag to your boyfriend and he should run! Far away from you.


2015-12-08 14:28:29 UTC
uhhh no if you are both working, both using the electric, eating the same groceries, watching the same cable, and living under the same roof then you BOTH pay. Why would it be any other way? So what will you do with your money? Have fun while he struggles to makes end meet to support you? Nope don't think so. My boyfriend and I split everything. The only way this would be acceptable to me would be if you were a stay at home mom. That's it. You work you pay.
2015-12-05 08:20:24 UTC
I see both sides. I understand why he wants you to help out but I also see how you feel. For example. My fiancé and I are planning on moving in with each other is a few months. We are both going to college however, my college is so demanding they won't let you have a job. My fiancé is going to get a job as a mechanic which pays good enough. He said I can live with him without having a job just as long as I cook for him occasionally, help with groceries, keep everything clean, and help him with dinner or make dinner every night. Whichever I prefer. This is very generous of him and I appreciate it. But we are also engaged so it's a little different. So, if you're in a situation like me, work out something like that with him and just do your part like that if you can't financially. Hope this helps :)
2015-12-05 15:49:26 UTC
you must remember that you are not married to this man and he is not obligated to take care of you, you are only a girlfriend and my not ever get married to him. why can't you share the expenses with him. if you were living in your own apartment you would be paying rent and buying food all by yourself. there is nothing wrong with sharing the expenses of the apartment with him. really if both of you work together you will have more. if both of you are working and pay half on every thing neither one of you will suffer or lack for anything. suppose you were sharing the apartment with a girlfriend you would share everything, so why not work it out and share with him. if you think he is trying to get over on you then move back home or get a place by yourself. you can't go by what other couples do because your finances may not be the same as theirs. and their responsibilities may be all together different than yours. you have to do your own thing and not follow what the Jones's do, another thing too, if you are willing to live with this man, suppose you get married to him you will have to do the same thing so this is good experience for you. don't look for the man to give you every thing even if he is able to, be willing to help. because if you get married and are working are you going to stop working just because you got married? if there are no children, what are you going to do every day just sit and wait for him to give you money so you can spend all that he makes shopping and treating friends, that's not fair to him or to you. parents can give advice but sometimes their advice is outdated, sometimes children have to have goals for themselves and make decisions for themselves, share the rent and food expenses. if it is done right you will have more together.
2015-12-09 15:23:52 UTC
I find it interesting that OP has never said she has a career, or even a job, and yet many people here are assuming she is well employed. Maybe she's not.

Contrary to what many in this thread are saying, if being a housewife will make you happy, you should be able to fulfill your dream like anyone else. The question then becomes if you are able to.

In western society many people will expect you to split the income, and your boufriend may agree. You need to communicate with him about what you want in life and see if you are compatible. If not, you need to find someome who wants the same thing you do. Trust me; they're out there.

The other issue is that financially, times are tough. Many couples in the U.S. need two incomes to live comfortably. You might not have a choice.

I believe you should at least be well educated in case you need to support yourself. It's fine if you want to rely on your boyfriend, but you must prepare for the worst (a life without him in it).

Good luck!
2015-12-05 09:38:42 UTC
Wow.... just freaking wow.... you make me ashamed to be a girl yet happy not be a guy so I don't have the chance to end up with you. He isn't mooching off of you, he is acting like a responsible adult. You are the one who wants to mooch off of him honestly like a freaking useless leech. I am so angry at your parents for raising you to be so entitles, dependent, and utterly and truly the epitonmy of sexist. Men are not responsible to provide free rides for anyone because they have some girl bits on them. Men are human beings just like you and deserve to be respected and cared for as well honey. A relationship is 50/50 and if you can't realise that then you need to end the relationship and let him find someone that can handle a real relationship instead of a girl looking for a sugar daddy. I really hope this harsh truth puts you in the right direction, and I spitteth upon your parents' views.
2015-12-06 22:16:52 UTC
It depends on what kind of relationship the two of you have. If he is very sexually dominant and likes to copy hardcore porn, He pays for everything. If he is more than 5 years older, once again- he pays all. Many men these days want a traditional relationship in every aspect except money part. He doesn't deserve a younger woman or to have any heavy dominance over you unless he takes care of you traditionally.

The 50/50 thing is for same age couples who have a truly equal relationship in all aspects.
2015-12-04 17:53:09 UTC
Are you freaking serious?!?!?

Do you work and earn money? If the answer is yes, then you need to help out with the household bills. If that is a problem for you, then I strongly suggest that you don't move in with your boyfriend.

You are going to help him live in that apartment, eat his food and run up the utility bill. It is only fair that you help him out with paying for all of this. It isn't right for a man in the year 2015 going on 2016 to work his balls off to pay for everything while you sit on your *** at home and spend what you make totally on yourself.

I don't know what kind of old world values your parents put in your head. You need to get it out of you head at once. The cost of living has gone sky high. One party in a relationship for the most part can't pay for all of this by themselves. Nor should they. If you believe in equality, then you should be happy to pay half of the bills. It beats the hell out of paying ALL of the bills if you were living on your own.

Not to sound ugly. Based on your question, you are giving the world a pretty good insight as to what you are going to be like as being someone's wife. If you are not down with helping out with the household bills when he could use the help, then you are going to be triple miserable as a wife. This sort of BS is why less and less men are wanting to get married anymore.

If you are expecting your boyfriend to pay all the bills, then you need to do all the housework, cleaning, laundry and cooking around there. When he gets home from a hard day's work, the smell of dinner and Pine Sol should be filling up his nostrils when he hits the door. On top of all that, you better be ******* him like a porn star. After all, it is only fair. He pays all the bills, you cook, clean and give him ***. If you aren't down with all of that, then don't move in with him!
Hazel the McWitch
2015-12-05 16:06:18 UTC
You sound like a throwback from the 50's, these days a woman who expects the man to pay for everything is known as a leech. Where's your self respect woman? Where's your pride? Shame on you!! Although I am getting the faint whiff of a troll here...
2015-12-05 19:29:46 UTC
Listen you bum azz beoch, HE DOES NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU FREELOADING HOE, the hell do you think you are? Your no queen hoe, that poor guy does not have to kill himself working and paying everything while you chill stress free, I will punch you in the face and leave your azz if I were him. Wow I feel sorry for you, he doesn't need some bum like you in his life.

And the fact that he even asked your freeloading azz to move in with him was because he cares and wants to be closer with you but you cannot think or better yet have the audacity to think that he has to pay for everything, if you are going to live there too you bum you put in some work and HELP OUT that's what being in a relationship should be about, its a 50/50 deal and you should treat each other like equals. And this is coming from a female (me) who has a good head on her shoulders and SENSE, plus you should feel ashamed of yourself, you're a pampered dog that expects people to do stuff for you NO!!
2015-12-05 15:56:06 UTC
Hi! How are you?? I think you what you need to right now is to evaluate and try to consider the situation of you and your boyfriends living circumstances as number one priority. Firstly,Have you asked him, have you spoken to him and told him, why is your boyfriend expecting you to pay half and half of the rent? Could it be due to the fact that he's not making enough to cut out all expenses independently? Is he making enough to afford for the both of you together? If so, then it would be reasonable to think of what your thinking perhaps but dont let it get you paranoid! Try to understand the reason for his inquiry. Secondly, try and see that if what I said might be true if he couldn't possibly manage financial situations altogether consider perhaps that maybe he has a good idea for wanting you to help out! Think of the positive aspects to this...think of how if you both help out continue to balance everything out through successfully and hopefully create financial success for eachother then maybe benefits will'll break free from a bit of debt..your credits will go higher...savings will increase and much other possible benefits..if not..then try and find good incomes so that maybe if he does ever end up getting rich and makes more than thousands and thousands per year..then you'll bring up the value of man raising his women..but it all depends on how much he truly cares for you (only ask if things are really good on his part) and he has enough to provide for the both of you...alot of people will think its old style and really traditional for a guy nowadays to do all the work and the paying (maybe for some of us...) but if you believe this is the most respectful way..only ask and consider it if things are turning out great in his situation completely! and he has the awareness and acceptance of kindly and caringly doing make you happy! :D Honeslty it would be a nice dream to have but in reality alot of people would want equality of the payments between both sides of the parties to make things fair..but then again consider what your heart really tells you..dont get worried over this..your a strong girl you can figure this out :)
2015-12-05 06:01:45 UTC
Both should split the bills according to their ability to pay. If would be different if you were in college and he was working, but if both of you are working, expecting him to pay for all the rent is unfair, unless you have worked out an arrangement where you pay for groceries and utilities. Do not move in until this issue is resolved satisfactory with the both of you. Money is often a source of friction between a couple and if you have large difference then you are putting your relationship at risk.
2015-12-05 07:17:40 UTC
Money is one of the biggest deal-breaker in relationships and quite possibly here too. You appear to have no understand of being independent/selfsufficent and not being (what's the word you used) a mooch. Clearly you're trying to mooch off your bf too, only you've tried to disguise it by using your parents outdated values. Women around the world worked hard to obtain equality, and although it's much better you would sooner go back to what they use to call the good old days. Goodluck to you if you can happily live your life mooch off somebody and not feel a little bit embarrassed.
2015-12-05 13:24:51 UTC
No, you both should split it. You femkes always talk about you being independent, yet at the same time, want a guy to take care of you and everything else that involves you. It amazes me on how contradictory in thinking that you b**ches are. And in your mind, you actually believe that your thinking is normal which makes you f**king crazy. The only reason dudes even be around you b**ches is because you have p**sy and that p**sy is everything it's cracked up to be. If you didn't have that, you wouldn't have interactions with guys because they wouldn't have any reason to even be near you. Well, to get their d**k sucked of course. But that'll be it.
2015-12-05 04:08:47 UTC
Well its only fair if you pay half of the rent as well because it wouldn't be fair for him to pay everything while you're just living in his house. Besides its not like he's asking you to pay the whole rent, you only have to pay half or the rent while he pays the other half.
2015-12-05 10:45:22 UTC
No he shouldn't, you should both pay for everything equally, unless you have small children and don't or can't work yourself. Expecting a man to pay for everything while you spend all your earnings on cr@p for yourself, or just sit around at home on your ar$e all day just takes the p!ss.
2015-12-07 00:34:28 UTC
You guys should work together, he's right! If he's not a big time lawyer making a whole lot of money then he shouldn't have to pay for everything.
2015-12-05 07:52:46 UTC
Yes he should pay for the rent but so should you if your in a relationship that means you are supposed to be there for each other and help each other not expect him to do all the heavy lifting when your just getting a free place to stay. So talk to him and say you wanna split the rent because you could end up losing him.
2015-12-05 18:11:21 UTC
LOL NO, why should he only pay the rent when you're living under the same roof? Because you have a vagina between your legs? This post is hilarious and backwards, so funny that it is obviously isn't genuine and doesn't warrant serious response.
2015-12-05 06:43:18 UTC
I am Spanish so I have different opinion? I think you are right. You have lots of other things to spend money on that he don't so he should pay rent. Also you say wants you to move in that sounds like it is his place and therefore he must pay rent. I bet he wants you to look good and you wouldn't expect him pay half for your cosmetics and perfume!
2015-12-06 16:57:58 UTC
Absolutely not. I agree with C. One of the biggest reasons couples break up is because of money. Theres nothing sexier to men than a strong independent woman who can pay for their own bills. And not being pessimistic, but hypothetically if he did agree to pay your bills and rent and you decide to stay home, what happens if you two break up? Then you don't have a job or any money saved up for the future. Be an adult and pay your share of the rent and the bills.
2015-12-06 11:45:38 UTC
No, it is not the 50's anymore. Men don't make enough money to take on all the expenses, plus, if a man gets injured, laid off, or sick, then what? You go under financially. In today's economy, both adults in the household need to work to support their living situation.
Paul R
2015-12-05 16:00:26 UTC
If your BF were to the pay the rent and all the bill and you live cost free then you would be a concubine. If that's what you expect you have no self respect. If he goes along with the idea he would be a doormat.
2015-12-05 10:20:47 UTC
This needs to be decided before you move in. Unless you are unemployed and have no income and he still wants you to move in, then you should pay a fair share of the expenses. It might not be specifically for rent but you could pay utilities and food. If you have your own car, would you expect him to pay for gas, insurance, and the monthly payments? Being a couple means being on a team that decides things together and everyone contributes to the situation.
2015-12-04 20:33:52 UTC
He is correct, it is NOT a man's job to pay for rent at all. YOU are an adult, therefore YOU can take responsibility, YOU can work and YOU can pay for YOUR rent. Why should you not pay for living there at all? Your bf needs to break up with you, so you can go find yourself a sugar daddy to help your wants.
Doug Freyburger
2015-12-06 05:17:56 UTC
In general women are the gateway for sex; men are the gateway for commitment.

In general roommates pay their own way and expect the fellow roommates to pay the own way.

In general committed couples that move in together as committed work towards marriage and work towards merging their finances.

So your situation is clear that he has no interest in commitment. Unless - You also do not work towards merged finances.

Are you there for a free ride or not? In particular have to established a joint savings account or even better automatic deposits of equal amounts of your pay checks into your savings account and his savings account? If the man pays the bills, then close to all of the woman's income is to be invested for the couple's future. If you're not doing that then you are also lacking in commitment.
2015-12-05 12:49:29 UTC
I hope you are kidding!

You should share ALL the bills 50% each, you are both capable of working and this is the 21st C.

The only time that maybe a man should pay more or all of the bills is when the women is heavily pregant with his child or just had a baby and is unable to work or if the women is very ill and unable to work due to something like cancer.

You should also be prepared to pay all the bills if you boyfriend is too ill to work due to injury.
2015-12-06 08:45:52 UTC
if you're living there, you pay for yourself. Unless he has offered to pay your rent for you, both you and your parents have the wrong idea. Just because we're women does not mean we shouldn't have to pay for our own things.
2015-12-05 16:22:16 UTC
Absolutely NOT! If you want to be treated as an equal, then act like one, for goodness sake. Your gender doesn't make you any less responsible as an adult. You are not a child. Stop acting like you're entitled to mooching off your boyfriend without putting in an ounce of effort. Grow up.
2015-12-06 08:40:42 UTC
When living together either married or not, all expenses should be shared equally by both parties period.

The only exception to this in my opinion would be if one of them was making huge amounts of money and the other was home taking care of the home and children. And I don't mean only the female, either partner can take care of the home and children if the other is making that much money every month.
Morgan Godfrey
2015-12-07 04:17:42 UTC
What an entitled child you are. He isn't your mom. A relationship isn't one sided, it's a partnership. They shouldn't even pay for all your dates. How do you expect someone to treat you like a princess if you don't treat them like a prince. Maybe try spoiling him for a change.
2015-12-05 22:08:44 UTC
It sounds like he should break up with you and find someone less selfish and unhelpful. See, the problem is that your parents were wrong to tell you those things. Someday, you may realize that. Or you'll spend the rest of your life beating your head against this same wall, letting it poison all of your future relationships.

You wouldn't be alone, either. A lot of people are raised to be sexist or racist or self-centered.
2015-12-05 02:39:55 UTC
WTH! Of course you should pay half the rent and groceries, how can he be expected to provide you with everything while you sit there doing nothing. You need to get your priorities straight girl or he'll leave you for someone more respectable.
2015-12-04 18:01:12 UTC
I'm a gal and would have assumed I would have to shell out some of my money. I mean it seems fair and I personally wouldn't feel comfortable if he payed for everything unless he was some swanky luxurious wealthy GQ model of a man.
2015-12-05 08:53:10 UTC
I find it comical sometimes that there are still females out there who want equal rights till it is time for the work and paying of bills. Why should you get to live rent free while he works? What is the trade off for him? If you paid all the bills and he pays the rent its one thing but to think that he should cover it all while you live there is ludicrous.
Orla C
2015-12-06 02:38:33 UTC
If you're both working, you should both contribute to the rent.

And unless you are disabled in some way, or really and truly cannot find a job, you SHOULD be out working, not sitting around on your backside being a burden to everyone.
2015-12-05 09:22:29 UTC
It depends. For many it is a cultural factor. For me being Russian it's a norm for a man to provide. For us it is mostly unacceptable to split rent and bills between two people.

But it seems normal in the west. I guess it could be ok, if you both agree. I wouldn't. Even if we both work.
bad girl
2015-12-05 19:06:48 UTC
If you don't pay your share you can expect to be treated like a servant. 50/50 means all the chores and maintenance of the home are also shared 50/50. Better to pay your share than have it thrown in your face that you are a freeloader or worse "can't you at least keep the place clean and wash my underwear."
2015-12-04 21:56:41 UTC
So you would ******* parasite off your man? I am not surprised that pussy-beggar you call a boyfriend just manages to deal with your stupid ***. If you said some bullshit like that to a man like me, I would do the right thing; dump you; kick you to the curb; then happily live ever after with an actually friendly woman who contributes to my living as I do to hers. You are so ******* entitled, stop acting like because you exist and have sex means you don't have to pay your fair share of money and just be sitting on your *** and take **** all day.
2015-12-04 17:30:14 UTC
If you two are living together, you should consider a shared bank account. It would make things much simpler. If you don't want to do that, then yes, you should be paying half of the rent. It's only fair.
2015-12-06 12:26:25 UTC
I'd say split the bill 50/50. Life is rough these days and for a guy to provide that much is isanity. Plus women tend to be ungrateful and after he broke up with her she'd probably try to claim rape on him seeing as how feminazism is crazy these days.
2015-12-05 23:23:05 UTC
No. It should be 50 50. Us females want equality so we should pay half.

I feel that why should a guy spend his hard earned cash on me if I am not contributing.

If you do not work then you should do the housework and he should come home to a home cooked meal.

To be a kept woman has it's price also.
I am not real
2015-12-06 04:47:54 UTC
Your boyfriend is correct, pay your way, that's life in the real world, your friend may be on easy street at the moment but when the chips are down will she be able to stand on her own? Very much doubt it, but maybe she will never have to, better to know that you can stand on your own and pay your way rather than depend on others.
2015-12-05 16:21:12 UTC
What's wrong with you helping him? or with him wanting your help?he IS your boyfriend, and if you really liked him, you should be the first 1 wanting to help him, in fact you would be the one offering your help, so that he would now that you care about him, and just not expect EVERYTHING handed to you on a silver plate!

He is NOT your father!!!! even if he just refused your help and insisted in paying for everything, it would be nice for you to show some appreciation instead of acting like an entitled brat; what if he gets sick? in bed with fever? you HAVE TO TAKE CARE of each other....if you do not, then don't do this!!
Samantha Anaya
2015-12-06 15:23:41 UTC
Sorry to tell you this hunnny, mommy and daddy are wrong. In this time and age one persons salary doesnt cut it. It's only fair in my mind, you guys are not married he doesn't need to provide for you. Especially cause I'm sure mommy and daddy will be doing just that, providing for you. So if you don't want to work, then stay with mommy and daddy so he can find a girl not so lazy.
2015-12-04 22:55:24 UTC
It depends. If you have a job, then yes, you should chip in for the rent. If not, then he shouldn't make you. However, if you are unemployed and not contributing financially, then that means you are running his errands, cooking, cleaning, etc. You have to contribute in some way.
2015-12-04 17:43:25 UTC
Sorry you would not move in with me either. You are not married. You can work and bank all you money and live free rent, water, gas, electric, cable and food. Everything goes up. Double water usage, double food, double gas, Double electric. Dont be a user. At least chip in and pay your share. Dinner, movies, and dates are one thing. But your going to far by saying you want someone to take care of you while dating. What if you where moving in with your girlfriend? Same thing. Only thing is you have sex with him.
2015-12-07 17:11:51 UTC
I'm a 16 year old girl disregard the joe.... Anyways if you're both living there you should both be paying simples as that
2015-12-05 09:15:25 UTC
You both should contribute. H8w er you are not roommates and a 50/50 split is not romantic, a fair way is to pay a or ding to your income. Figure out what the expense are and how much y8u each make. If one person makes 60% of the income then he 8 she should pay 60% of the costs.
2015-12-05 11:05:03 UTC
The problem with women these days is they think that men should act like there parents and to buy everything for them, in reality few men at young ages get paid well and this is exactly why so many men don't even want to bother with a relationship...
2015-12-05 21:07:41 UTC
If you're going to live in, you should pay rent as well. You're not his wife so why should he have you living there and not paying for anything. If it is going to become "you guys" house together, then you should contribute to something.
2015-12-05 14:31:10 UTC
If you were married, your husband wouldn't pay for everything, would he? Then how is this any different? You should pay for 1/2 of everything because you are using 1/2 the resources.
2015-12-06 04:29:17 UTC
It all depends on what your position is on what role women play in a household. Are you going to be the submissive 1950's lady waiting with a home cooked meal wearing pearls for your husband? Then yes, he must pay. If you are a modern woman that goes out to work herself and who believe all sexes are equal? Then yes you should share all costs with your partner.
2015-12-06 00:54:54 UTC
If you're living with him, you pay with him. No need to cry about it and call your parents, you're an adult for fuucks sake. Get over yourself and help him pay if you're staying with him. If you don't want, you can always leave somewhere else and pay rent on your own.
2015-12-05 13:25:30 UTC
Your boyfriend may not be able to afford to pay for you to live with him as well. You should pay for your half of the rent, it is only fair. Imagine if it was the other way round and you were expected to pay for him how would you feel.
2015-12-05 18:37:03 UTC
Unless you are not working, and you are planning on taking care of the house and keeping it immaculately clean, making him a lavish dinner every night, and giving him the best blo*wjob of his fuc*king life every single night along with some good old sex in any position he wants, then you should not think that your boyfriend is going to pay for every penny of the rent while you sit on your fat plump little a*ss and do nothing. This is not the 40s and he is not your b*tch you two are equals and should provide for each other equally.
2015-12-05 16:46:39 UTC
Both of you should pitch in in paying the rent. Don't act like the world should revolve around you.
2015-12-05 10:14:45 UTC
being expected to pay your share of the rent doesn't seem unfair at all. if you don't want to have to pay for yourself go live with your parents. your boyfriend should not be expected to support you, you are not married. if you are old enough to not live at home, you are old enough to start taking responsibility for yourself. get a job.
2015-12-05 12:10:26 UTC
By that same logic you should be staying in the house 24/7 worrying constantly about the food and the children and all that. Just like he's the "man" of the house, you're the "woman" of the house.
2015-12-06 10:36:26 UTC
When your married you have to help share the responsibility 50/50 unless your a house wife doing other work. And still it's 50/50 so yes you do.
2015-12-05 10:27:52 UTC
You should pay your fair share. He shouldn't have to pay for you if you are perfectly capable of supporting yourself. Never, ever depend on the man to take care of you. It places an unnecessary burden and responsibility on him. Learn how to stand on your own two feet!
2015-12-07 07:24:33 UTC
Uh.. no. You're moving in together with him so of course you'll have to pay for your part of the expenses. You're gonna be using electricity, water, heat etc etc which will naturally increase the costs once you live together with him.
2015-12-04 17:31:39 UTC
you should pay half because you are sharing the house/flat/apartment with him now. it is very sexist to say that the man should take care of the rent. as for your friend: she is VERY VERY lucky and many people don't get to live like that and stay home with no job. he isn't trying to mooch off you he is simply trying to AFFORD for 2 of you to live together. if he was trying to mooch off you, YOU would be paying the rent and food etc etc.
2015-12-05 05:07:58 UTC
If you have the money help pay for rent


you have enough money together

so he can take you out

for a good dinner or meal.

relax and help out

so you can both have fun

while your young not


till you get older


can't walk very fast.
2015-12-05 18:26:24 UTC
And you aren't mooching? Depending on his financial situation, you should.consider getting a job. My step dad drives a truck for a regional company. My mom could be a house wife but instead she chooses to work so.she can feel like she helps. She doesn't make near as my step dad but she is doing it. Even something small would be nice. To show you care.
2015-12-06 07:07:27 UTC
Do you just want to be a kept woman that trades sex for rent, groceries, utilities and such? You know what they call woman like that don't you?

You ought to be able to contribute at least some of the costs.
2015-12-05 14:23:43 UTC
the arrangement you are describing does not exist any more. that happened before bc women were not able to work and join armies, and all that. They were not able to pursue careers in the church either, so all the avenue for acquiring wealth and status were closed to them. they were also barred from inheriting their fathers estate, and were give dowries as wedding gifts to their future husbands. They were also expected to remain pure virgins for their future husband.

Are you a subservient virgin? Do you come with a dowry to offset the burden for him? I doubt it. what your parents told you is a lie.

I pay for most things for my wife, but she was an 18 yr old virgin from a noble family when we married. I was a 33 yr old man who had already inherited my fathers vast estate. And my wifes father put some property in my control to minimize the financial burden to me.

my point is if you expect double standard traditions to hold true for the men in your life, you must keep up the ones on your end to. YOU CANT JUST HAVE THE BENEFITS OF BOTH GENDERS BUT THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF NEITHER. it doe snot work that way.

stop being a self entitled brat and pay your share. 50/50 of everything is fair
Alan H
2015-12-05 11:55:49 UTC
You should sort out such matters before even considering living together.

All costs should be shared on the basis of earnings.

If you want to be a kept woman, you probably have the wrong boyfriend.

It hardly seems a mature stand on which to begin a relationship
2015-12-08 11:31:09 UTC
you're very stubborn. If you're going to live there, you can't expect him to pay for you, stop being so selfish. If it's that much of an issue for you, don't move in with him.
2015-12-06 17:05:29 UTC
So... You think you are gonna just have someone pay for you to do whatever you want for the rest of your life. Life doesn't work that way. Get a job and show some responsibility.
2015-12-05 08:10:59 UTC
Today, it should be equal he's not your parent. If this waa 50 years ago he may have offered to pay in full, but you hopefully would have wanted to help if not by paying half than at least paying something even if its small.
2015-12-06 05:41:07 UTC
That seems fair I mean a relationship would be equal partnership and why should he be the one to pay for everything as you're living there as well as him
2015-12-06 04:48:50 UTC
So say he does agree to pay for everything. What do your parents think you should do while he is out busting his A$% ? Did they give their opinion on that as well? I'd be curious to know what they expect you to do with your life. I am sure they have a plan for you.
2015-12-05 23:32:00 UTC
What is wrong with you? Of course the rent should be split. You must be too young to completely understand the cost of living or working a full time job. Dump that hardworking man and stay at your parents house forever.
2015-12-06 16:22:10 UTC
I guess so, but I don't understand money coz I'm an immature 22-year old still living at home & knows nothing fo the world.
2015-12-10 09:23:17 UTC
Everything should be split in half. It's 2015 for God's sake.
2015-12-05 20:00:15 UTC
Men used to be the sole breadwinners of the household because women had less rights. Times have changed, therefore your mindset has to change too. You both pay towards the rent or you can leave.
2015-12-05 17:57:30 UTC
Yes, he should pay they rent.. after you pool your money together into a joint bank account. Kidding.

Point being, notice that married couples always split all expenses.. moving in its sort of like the final step towards marriage more than it is like a first date, where the guy should indeed pay.
2015-12-13 16:32:34 UTC
Sorry, but rules have changed. 30,000 a year doesn't get you far depending on where you live. Women wanted fairness this is what they get. Now if you are a student that would change matters, but if he isn't making anywhere above 40k then you need to contribute period.
2015-12-05 02:04:05 UTC
I think you will move in no matter what, if you both love and care for each other.

Plan ahead to pay your part because that both have say it everything. If he pays then you bet he will have say it what you can do. Paying half makes you reaponsible and prepared. Its a give and take. Try moving out with a roomate and see for yourself the pros and cons .
2015-12-05 17:52:30 UTC
A guy should pay rent. Its hard for a woman to find a job that pays fairly so men end up making much more than us
2015-12-05 14:17:33 UTC
Umm Nooo??? Unless yeah he makes tons of ******* money, then MAYBE but as far as right now, you're obligated to pay your half and help out. Don't be a leach
2015-12-08 14:06:25 UTC
Your boyfriend is logical. It isnt fair if he must pay for your expenses without any serious reason. You create that cost, therefore you must try to cover it. If you expect him to work for you, just because you dont want to pay your stuff, it is disrespecting for both of you.

Also your parents and boyfriends of your friends, are people and people make mistakes. Since you are supposed to love him, you wouldnt expect him to make your living while you do nothing for him.

He is a person too, he wants to be lazy too. Why not you work for him then?
2015-12-07 19:12:02 UTC
Me personally I don't feel comfortable with a guy taking care of me what if he leaves you then what do you have unless we're on the verge of marriage
2015-12-04 18:30:34 UTC
The 1950's called. They want you to come home.
2015-12-07 22:57:33 UTC
GIRL STOP RIGHT THERE. STOP YOUR BITCHING AND LISTEN TO ME. if you are old enough to be moving in with him and going into this next stage of your life you should be old enough to handle bills and responsibility. a healthy relationship is about equality. this poor man shouldn't be expected to pay for everything. grow up and pay your own damn bills.
2015-12-06 00:36:02 UTC
If you are unmarried and paid for that's makes you a kept woman. But if you pay half then you are equals in a love affair.
2015-12-06 02:44:51 UTC
You greedy gold digging wh.... nah c'mon I can contain myself! Let me put it this way, every relationship should be an EQUAL relationship. Good luck paying half the rent.
2015-12-05 17:50:09 UTC
add all your money together, deduct all the bills then the rest could be split. or if one of you earns more than the other, contribute more so the other isn't left with zero. it's called's fair that way. a mature couple would do that.
2015-12-11 13:39:11 UTC
Well when I married my wife didn't work for maybe 3 years...we had a son later she works from home. She us from another country though. To be honest your question never came across my mind? ...I think if one is lazy they get upset when the other is not working. I would never stop working, that would be wrong and lazy..some people fight brother is that way...he just doesn't like to work. But whatever...everyone is different.
2015-12-06 07:27:14 UTC
All the long answers to this question are really overkill because there is only one simple answer that needs to be given - No! When you are living together, you should both share the bills and responsibilities of running a household.
2015-12-07 16:59:52 UTC
Take turns. Who ever has the most money at first, they pay Both don't have money? Ask you're parents and he'll ask his parents. That's how I did it at a young age.
2015-12-06 06:57:48 UTC
Me and my boyfriend are living together and he pays the rent and I pay all the other bills, you have to make it fair
2015-12-06 06:19:32 UTC
time to suck up the downside of feminism, princess.

if it's an "equal" relationship then you should pay half. end of.

although we all know in reality men end up paying for nearly everything anyway. women can throw off the shackles of gender roles, but men can't throw off theirs as easily. fems want everything both ways.. a career AND a man who provides, etc.
2015-12-07 13:14:33 UTC
It's a different generation now in days. Move on to someone different
2015-12-06 16:40:53 UTC
WOW! That is unbelievably sexist. A man should pay for everything?? I assume your job then is to look pretty and provide him with sex? I don't get the relationship. Me and my long time girlfriend are looking to buy and we will be splitting everything 50/50. She is my world and I buy her gifts as a gesture, not to keep her with me. Maybe he wants to get out of his parents house and wants you to be with him and maybe cannot afford to take all the finances on?
2015-12-07 12:41:13 UTC
No a relationship is a partnership he's not there to pay for everything for you.
Gaia’s Garden
2015-12-07 08:32:28 UTC
If you want him to pay for everything, then you need to not move in with him, because that's his terms. Either hold out (including no sex) until you get what you want, or find someone who will pay for you.
2015-12-06 13:41:45 UTC
No. A relationship is a partnership. If u make him pay for everything, even if your the hottest girl on the planet hes going to get tired of paying for everything and think your just living off of him.
Renee Aponte
2015-12-04 18:55:47 UTC
Now a days with the way the economy is most couples work and pull their weight. Do you believe in equal rights? If so, then why do you have a problem paying your share?
2015-12-07 20:20:55 UTC
Split it. You're both living in the house, and unless your boyfriend has plenty of money, you should pitch in too.
2015-12-08 14:09:09 UTC
Sorry but you are an entitled moron. THis is 2015 and in this day and age men and women are EQUALS. And this means each person does their bit. He has absolutely no reason to provide for you in the way you speak. You are not a child, you are an adult with an income just like him (I would assume). Unless you are a woman who thinks its fine for a man to expect you to cook and clean for him dont go expecting men to pay for your needs.
2015-12-07 22:59:10 UTC
That seems very fair. If your going to share your life with your boyfriend you should also have to share the costs. Its not fair that your boyfriend should have to pay for everything and to be honest i find that very selfish that you think like that. If you want your man to treat you like a queen then you have to treat him like a king and share the responsibilities of having your own place with him. What if you guys get married is he still supposed to pay for everything?
2015-12-05 16:42:36 UTC
No!!!!!! that's the woman's job to take care of home and pay for the home as well
2015-12-14 06:55:35 UTC
You should split all of the bills - you re grown up right? so probably best to act like it. Unless you are living beyond your means - in that instance | d ask for a little help contributing but otherwise its fair to pay your way.
2015-12-06 08:30:49 UTC
Serene E
2015-12-04 18:40:52 UTC, why should he pay all the rent if you move in??? You're a temporary roommate and gf, dear.
2015-12-06 01:48:03 UTC
Instead of fighting over it, why not divide the living expenses according to your earnings? Sit down together and work out a budget and divide it between you depending on your respective incomes. If his salary is three times yours, then let him contribute three times your contribution.. This is the only fair way to share living expenses
2015-12-06 19:25:52 UTC
Are you cheap or poor? No, he's not your servant to look after you and pay for your stuff. Why should he pay for all your food? He worked for his money and it's his cash to spend. Not your. And your parents are being sexist.
2015-12-06 07:55:53 UTC
I totally get what your saying but keep things 50/50 then it's always fair for both of you :)
2015-12-05 12:25:39 UTC
You're pitiful and a disgrace to women everywhere. Get some independence.
2015-12-06 01:07:49 UTC
You should pay your half if you are working my boyfriend was living with me he couldn't pay because he wasn't working but if he was working I would be charging him half
2015-12-05 07:59:50 UTC
he should pay when you re on a date ... but not the rent...

you pay your own rent like you pay for your clothes and your food everyday...

he's your boyfriend... not your parent..
2015-12-05 15:50:19 UTC
Dump him, it's a man's job to provide for you not the other way round
2015-12-07 10:47:10 UTC
Wooow, you're insensitive. You're both living there you can both pay for things. A relationship is a team effort not him being your slave.
2015-12-06 22:12:03 UTC
It depends. If you are putting out and also giving him BJs then he should cover all the expenses. If you aren't then you should split everything 50/50.
2015-12-08 13:34:22 UTC
That's why I don't live with my boyfriend, it causes too many problems. And if he can't pass that stage, why keep him around?
2015-12-04 17:31:35 UTC
As a man i do agree with that man should be working and paying everything while the women should take care of the kids and the house
2015-12-05 14:10:41 UTC
Yes if you are in a mature relationship if someone pays your bills gets you food Chance is eventually you will realize the relationship is about things not the person
2015-12-07 08:28:06 UTC
I'd say he should pay no less than 50% and no more than 75%.
2015-12-05 20:12:34 UTC
I agree with ur boyfriend. Unless he is a multi millionaire, he can't pay for all of them... Sharing is caring...
2015-12-08 02:04:00 UTC
um, it's his ******* place. that's called mooching. you aren't entitled to **** so stop acting like the stereotypical ***** that most girls are in today's society and have the decency to actually be of help. He doesn't even have to offer to let you move in.
Gordian B
2015-12-07 01:45:39 UTC
my girlfriend and i have been together for 13 years and any money i earn she gets we take home about £700 a week between us.

I get £10 a day pocket money and a bottle of vodka once a week, the bills are paid and she doesnt worry about money and i like that
2015-12-05 09:53:32 UTC
2015-12-05 17:55:37 UTC
If you are roomates you split the rent. Simple as that. If you want to be a kept women you would be called a "HO". There is no piece o f"A" worth rent & free food in my book. You are a spoiled brat & your parents are living in the past. mo
2015-12-05 14:25:21 UTC
Sounds like you want to go back to the days where women weren't allowed to be educated. . .
2015-12-07 10:55:26 UTC
it's a partnership, share the rent bill
2015-12-05 19:18:29 UTC
You should help him out. Expecting him to pay for the rent without any help is messed up.
2015-12-05 06:41:50 UTC
2015-12-08 10:05:27 UTC
2015-12-04 21:00:46 UTC
You and your friend probably have different situations. Your boyfriend asked for your help because it will probably be very difficult to pay for everything on his own... plus, yes that would be leeching off of him if you didnt help out
2015-12-19 06:32:22 UTC
Why are you even online??? Get back in the kitchen and do some dishes or cleaning up if that's how you feel.
2015-12-18 07:58:42 UTC
Seems fair enough. If you don't want to commit under those terms just say so.
2015-12-07 15:01:30 UTC
You are Living in the past. You dont even deserve a boyfriend
2015-12-20 06:08:37 UTC
When you get married he'll expect the same deal from you.
2015-12-06 04:24:55 UTC
You should be working as parners a team if his man of the house he would be telling u that pay the rent half aswell as him .
2015-12-09 06:26:04 UTC
No he shouldn't. Women fought for rights like men so you will be treated as such.
2015-12-05 00:16:55 UTC
Yes guys should pay rent. But since you both, you can pay too.
2015-12-05 15:58:47 UTC
2015-12-08 08:10:14 UTC
Not to be sexist, but to have equality, we should all act like it. Don't make yourself the queen
2015-12-05 07:15:52 UTC
I think you should split it according to the amount of money you make. Whoever makes the most, pays that percentage and the other one pays the rest.
2015-12-05 09:43:13 UTC
Life is sharing , he doesn't have to pay for everything .
2015-12-07 04:28:38 UTC
My opinion is that everything should be 50/50.....why should he be the only one paying....are you his prostitute that he has to pay for you? Are you a gold digger? I think it's only fair he is asking for half. .....would you pay everything for him if the roles were reversed?
2015-12-06 11:19:24 UTC
My BF did b/c I couldn't work at the time b/c I was sick. Now I have a part time job and I try to chip in a couple hundred $ a month for our HOUSE not small azz apt. lol.
2015-12-07 19:59:56 UTC
Um this isn't 1955 you know, times change, woman fought for equal rights, its called being equal.
2015-12-05 16:32:11 UTC
Why do you think you have the right to live for free... mooching off your bf... Everything should be split equally, he is toatally being fair.. sounds like you dont know anything about responsibility
2015-12-08 04:03:51 UTC
Part of being together is cooperating together! Unless he's making a lot of money help chip in
Chris Sellick
2015-12-05 11:57:35 UTC
No.If you share a property you are responsible for half the expenses. That includes rent,gas,electricity,phone,etc.
2015-12-05 07:15:56 UTC
pay half don't be a gold digger or get out the relationship
2015-12-05 07:30:03 UTC
You should pay half and half, it's a fair share.
2015-12-06 08:09:08 UTC
If you live with somebody you should have to go 50/50 on all the bills
2015-12-07 03:39:47 UTC
That's what is supposed to happen
2015-12-06 11:32:03 UTC
Yes of course he should. He can be taking a free ride. If you let him off now it is only going to cause arguments in the future and you will end up just resenting him!!!
2015-12-07 01:47:08 UTC
Good luck with the gold-digging. Even if you get your way, you'll be out as soon as he finds something better.
2015-12-05 05:54:32 UTC
Ugh tacky. If you're working, you're paying half.
2015-12-07 05:14:39 UTC
Yup, You are a moocher. You are the typical female. You want the man to pay for everything
2015-12-05 06:54:50 UTC
you should pay half the rent but deduct $5 from your share each time you give him head.
2015-12-05 14:24:09 UTC
My opinion is that if e has to pay the rent and the bills.
2015-12-06 07:23:14 UTC
So you get to share his money but he can't use yours at all

2015-12-06 02:52:56 UTC
Dump him if he's an inconsiderate bad boy!
2015-12-05 23:56:19 UTC
Uh. As long as you're both bringing in money, you should both be contributing.
2015-12-05 17:12:02 UTC
2015-12-05 21:45:57 UTC
I think he's doing right
2015-12-05 08:07:44 UTC
Ohhhhh boyy we have alot to iron out before we make a big decision, don't we???
2015-12-05 11:34:33 UTC
Sounds like you're a freeloading asshole. You're lucky he hasn't dumped your ***. You must give amazing head.
2015-12-07 13:13:32 UTC
Listen to him. You're being sexist and lazy.
2015-12-05 00:38:17 UTC
all relatio9nships only work when BOTH partners share all the Responsibilities

like the Phrase should Look Honey we are Pregnant
2015-12-06 03:38:49 UTC
wow, you are a sexist or a little old fashoned these are diffrent times, stop being a manogimist, you both need to pay rent, you both need to cook
2015-12-05 09:32:08 UTC
If he thinks of you as living off him then he is not ready for you to move in You are beyond price and it should be his privilege to share his all with the one he loves
2015-12-13 11:01:28 UTC
Look at it this way, if you help pay and he tells to to get out of his house, you have you're own argument.
2015-12-06 06:56:40 UTC
don't move in with him. if this is a problem for you i don't think you'll be okay with it later. he has the right idea though.
2015-12-06 16:24:11 UTC
It sounds like you are to young to be moving in and immature, why would he pay your way, plus it sound like a bad move for this relationship based on your post.
2015-12-06 15:37:35 UTC
Well of course he should not pay for everything, you work, you eat, you pay. At least you know the deal before accepting it.
2015-12-05 20:15:23 UTC
Honestly No, relationships are not just about give or take, its give and take....So, it's good to share it
2015-12-07 20:25:10 UTC
no you're a woman you should pay for him. he deserves it for putting up your with your cûnt azz.
2015-12-07 20:36:49 UTC
wow... someone is selfish. my God, do you actually love him or are you just some kind of gold digger? you expect him to pay for everything? do you expect him to change your diapers next? this is the 21st century, get off you lazy *** and lean to make your own living.
2015-12-04 23:26:23 UTC
If a girl is in live-in relationship with her boyfriend, it his duty to care and handle that girl, because she is his responsibility.
2015-12-07 10:41:54 UTC
umm is this a freaking troll question?! wth is wrong with girls now days expecting guys to cover for everything. even if my man wanted to cover all expenses, i would not let him because it is my job to give back as well and to help out. that is what partners/relationships are for! to give and take, not just take!
2015-12-05 15:00:51 UTC
Move to the middle east for the man of your dreams.
2015-12-05 18:57:36 UTC
Only seems fair if you both pay 50/50.
2015-12-06 03:32:49 UTC
no he should pay for the rent! or at least offer to
2015-12-05 21:53:20 UTC
Blame feminist
2015-12-04 22:50:01 UTC
I agree with him a little. Couples should work together on things like that.
B00ty Warrior
2015-12-05 22:58:16 UTC
that is the norm from the begining to like the 80s, but now? NOPE
2015-12-05 13:33:12 UTC
Be self-supporting and don't relay on anyone. Get your own place~!
2015-12-07 09:07:15 UTC
feminists demand equal wages and equal rights as men but don't want to take equal responsibilities...
2015-12-05 16:54:36 UTC
Why the hell should the man pay for everything? Stop being a ***** and help!
2015-12-05 01:10:17 UTC
Sounds like you two have different values. Perhaps you should leave him and look for a sugar daddy
2015-12-06 03:01:06 UTC
50-50 partners
2015-12-05 16:26:57 UTC
You know, that is sexist.

2015-12-05 10:10:42 UTC
Of course
Political Onlooker
2015-12-06 08:06:29 UTC
No, I think you should both SHARE the rent.
2015-12-07 09:04:59 UTC
It should be 50/50, no?
2015-12-06 13:00:32 UTC
I think it should be 50/50
2015-12-06 17:23:35 UTC
No, you both are working and arent married. You should pay a little of it
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-12-09 09:57:03 UTC
It's a " PARTNERSHIP"; Both should contribute !
2015-12-04 18:49:55 UTC
You should go 50-50 on that and all other mutual expenses.
2015-12-05 12:09:17 UTC
no you both should pay for it equally or he's gonna leave you.
2015-12-05 01:39:13 UTC
Feminism, gender equality
2015-12-06 03:31:19 UTC
First young lady think if he were to move in with you would you approve of him doing whatever he wanted to with his $not helping you with one red cent you
2015-12-07 13:38:49 UTC
In a gentlemans world yes ! Perhaps you need to rethink your choice !
2015-12-06 19:18:53 UTC
it should be 50/50 you do want to grow together dont you? or are you spoiled and think you can do better if so why are you still with him
2015-12-05 16:45:55 UTC
As long as hes giving you the D why do you care?
rick e
2015-12-05 10:30:46 UTC
If you move in TOGETHER , it is like being married , 50 / 50 everything , you dont like it get out ..
2015-12-05 12:20:07 UTC
Yes he should, its our society. Men are generally the bread winner and it is expected of him
2015-12-04 20:04:08 UTC
No. Bring something to the relationship yourself.
2015-12-05 10:59:13 UTC
He invited you to live with him so he should pay.
2015-12-06 00:35:36 UTC
Both should pay
2015-12-05 11:14:00 UTC
if you say its rude to not pay all of it. its 100% rude not to pay any. Its just fair.
2015-12-05 14:39:44 UTC
sounds like bigger issues! maybe you should go to counselling with him for a while. wait on moving in together and see if you should be together.
2015-12-05 05:32:24 UTC
you sound really immature, obviously you BOTH have to work together to pay if you want to make this work :P
2015-12-06 14:14:57 UTC
2015-12-05 12:07:50 UTC
haha absolutely not!! Is your bf rich? if so...yes, but if he works just like you, its smart to pay half and half
2015-12-06 01:07:28 UTC
2015-12-06 13:44:52 UTC
tough luck lifes unfair juss deal wid it
2015-12-07 00:36:25 UTC
QUITE RIGHT,he is the one getting free sex whenever his master wants it right?so make the bas**rd pay,right girls
2015-12-05 15:35:57 UTC
See what happens when you insist on equality?
2015-12-06 00:33:14 UTC
You need to calm down you spoiled *** brat
2015-12-07 15:32:11 UTC
He should help at least. There should be a divisible towards you and her.
2015-12-06 05:38:51 UTC
you split the rent.
2015-12-05 19:11:36 UTC
wtf is wrong with you? Help him pay rent. Stop living off of him. Damn. Don't put it all of that stress on him.
2015-12-06 07:21:11 UTC
You should help pay rent go half and half

Answer mine?
2015-12-05 14:45:29 UTC
why is it ok for you to mooch off him? you are the sort of girl I hope my son runs from
2015-12-05 08:46:53 UTC
nope, spoiled brat, you should pay too, if he moved into your house, would you be pissed if he made you pay for everything? hell yeah, your a spoiled *****, cya in hell.
2015-12-07 04:00:37 UTC
you should pay all the bills with menstrual blood
2015-12-07 04:26:00 UTC
It really depends on whos flat it is!
2015-12-07 10:25:09 UTC
When you ask a question make sure your not JUST LOOKING FOR SUPPORT OF YOUR OPINION!
2015-12-08 19:14:48 UTC
you sound like a leech on the *** of society
2015-12-06 23:36:27 UTC
Both should
2015-12-07 04:24:26 UTC
Dump him
2015-12-06 18:29:20 UTC
No w.h.o.r.e you live in the house you help pay the bills hooker *********
2015-12-08 12:51:44 UTC
Do you know what equality is? Do you want to be an equal?
Dj radical boss Son remix
2015-12-05 10:58:27 UTC
I think he should have discussed his expectations with you first.
2015-12-05 21:43:06 UTC
make him pay for everything. he has to earn your love and respect right?
2015-12-05 16:43:17 UTC
Hum no both of you does
2015-12-05 18:30:17 UTC
Yes he should
2015-12-06 06:00:28 UTC
If ur living there u should too. Both of u
2015-12-05 15:44:45 UTC
Yes if you have sexy times with him
2015-12-08 01:17:22 UTC
I think he should break up with your sorry *** and find a real woman. :)
2015-12-08 14:09:28 UTC
U need to contribute too
2015-12-09 16:59:36 UTC
boy dont have to pay all of it if you love him then why you ask
2015-12-08 18:13:17 UTC
WTF..Women always yap on about feminism and then they do this chit.
Tad Dubious
2015-12-08 06:53:32 UTC
HELPME, he pays or he does not play. Get it? Got it? Good!
2015-12-05 21:08:24 UTC
No. Hate pikey leeches
2015-12-05 18:08:10 UTC
He pays you with his penis, be grateful
2015-12-06 05:55:39 UTC
I agree you should help
2015-12-06 11:47:26 UTC
2015-12-06 11:12:25 UTC
2015-12-06 08:43:18 UTC
pay together

answer mine
answer seeker
2015-12-06 00:09:01 UTC
both of you
2015-12-05 23:06:39 UTC
both of you
2015-12-05 16:44:31 UTC
I would ***** slap you so hard right now!
2015-12-05 15:04:59 UTC
It should be equal
2015-12-07 08:15:44 UTC
no, stop being lazy and work for once...smh
2015-12-05 02:59:36 UTC
no, totally no. you have to spilt equally
2015-12-07 10:00:32 UTC
2015-12-05 16:14:58 UTC
No, you should pay half....
2015-12-07 21:17:01 UTC
um, yeah?
2015-12-07 14:17:46 UTC
yeah are you silly?
2015-12-06 17:53:49 UTC
no you can help too
2015-12-05 11:04:39 UTC
No, you should split it. Idiot.
2015-12-05 18:53:09 UTC
your stupid i swear lol
2015-12-06 06:14:20 UTC
2015-12-07 15:37:40 UTC
no you should split it
2015-12-06 12:30:39 UTC
2015-12-06 16:02:26 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.