2014-10-07 18:17:43 UTC
The new girl > the old girl, basically.
I've gone on ONE DATE with new girl (hung out Monday night, made out and watched movie at my house) and we had plans to hang on Wednesday night again (going to haunted forest & getting dinner).
So my old girlfriend (dumped her a couple weeks ago) I was texting, asked her advice for new girl, and I showed her a pic of new girl.
My ex ended up adding new girl on Instagram. Then new girl messaged me today. this is the ensuing convo.
Her- "Why'd you tell OLD EX about me....?"
Me- "huh?"
Her- "OLD EX just followed me on Instagram."
Her- ".....:"
Her- "how did she know my last name...?"
Me- "That'ssss weird haha. I have no f*cking clue"
Me- "She had my passwords for sh*t. All I've told her is that yeah I went on a date with a girl named NEW GIRL FIRST NAME"
Me- "But I'm in a sales appt. will text later"
Her- "K."
Me- Just unfollow her then"
Her- "Why'd you even tell her about me"
Me- "Because she asked, I don't lie to people, and I do what I want."
Her- "How the h*** does she know my last name?!"
Me- "She probably signed into my Tinder. She had my password for Facebook and it's the same one" (me and new girl met on tinder)
Her- "K"
Me- "Stop being a drama queen"
Her- "Have a good night."
Me- "Ok.. Good night"
Think our date tmrw is still on or no?