2009-09-23 07:58:43 UTC
They said the world is going to end??
2012 December...
3 eclips all in one night?
Is it really true?
I don't know what to believe.
Because back in the old days, many researcher says the same thing
about the world going to end.
-nothing happen as they exspected.
Well. What happen if the world really going to end?
I mean the discovery channel said,if the world was to continue on, humans would be the last to live also eating each other bodys...??
-Wow. I didn't want to think of something crazy like this..
What's going on??
Wouldn't the world continue, if us human didn't destroy the rules god have given us?
Wouldn't it better if we just love and share the thing we had created??
I'm soo lost about why the world is soo Fu**ed up !!
So many question in my head that need to be answer.
(sry if my english is bad.)