Well im kind of in a right mess at the moment. My ex girlfriend who is the girl of my dreams, i went out with her for a year and we were perfect but then her ex started chatting her up and withen a month of him doing this she started letting me go until she dumped me 2 months ago, she got with this guy 1 month later and shes been with him for a month now. I started hanging round with her this week as well with her bf and her mates. I totally still love her! I cant believe what she means to me i want her to be my princess, shes my world and my life. I went into a state of depression when i split up with her, i couldn't believe how quickly it happened we seemed perfect. I don't know what to do now, i want to win her back, the boy shes got with is a bit ugly to be honest all the girls have said omg is she blind but he does treat her good, she flirts like made with me this week though and shes been talking to me allot more than before and allot nicer too. I saw her snogging her new bf today and i got in a mood with her and i didn't talk for an hour. What can i do to win the girls of dreams that i am totally in love with back into my arms, what shall i say and do. I cant see her if her boyfriend isn't there so bare that in mind. Just help please, i really cant live without this girl:(