Are guys only attracted to looks?
2006-12-27 11:30:47 UTC
Looking at all of the questions guys answered they always mention looks as the first thing they look for in a girl. I mean is there anything else guys look at/for?

Second part: Everyone at school (i'm a jr.) says me and this guy should date because we are both big church kids, play 3 sports, popular, do well and school and pretty much have EVERYTHING in common. I've liked him since the day i've met him but idk how he feels. Hes never dated anyone (either have i) and I was wondering if i should make a move or something. Or is there a reason he isn't making a move. His family already loves me so I'm not really sure.
39 answers:
2006-12-27 11:37:39 UTC
Well I cant answer for every guy but personally no, looks are never everything although I believe to have a successful relationship you have to at least be attracted to you partner. Personality is always what mattered most to me from the time i started dating to today and its paid off because women dont want a man that only wants her for her looks.

And about your crisis at what you want to do, do what you feel is right. If you want to consider dating him then talk to him about it because maybe he feels the same and is too shy to say anything to you first. If you're unsure about something, ask, just like you did here. Communication is always the key.
2006-12-27 11:37:30 UTC
Can't lie, many guys (not ALL) do consider looks when they see a girl, but in many cases, personality does play a large part. Some guys come to find that a pretty girl may not be able to hold up a conversation. After a while, looks wear away, and what's left? Personality does matter, despite what the majority may say. Guys just rank that lower than looks. This guy you're referring to may just be shy. He may be wondering the same thing you are. Putting yourself out on the line can be a tough thing to do. We've all been there, but that's a chance you may have to take. If he's truly a nice person and a good friend, he won't let things be awkward if he doesn't feel the same way. You shouldn't be ashamed of your feelings if he doesn't reciprocate them. Who knows, he may feel the same way! Sometimes feelings change, he may get to know you a little better and feelings could arise. Good luck chica!
2006-12-27 11:43:32 UTC

Men are visual, some more than others but not all guys are attracted to looks at first glance.

Second part: Do you want to get in a dating relationship with this guy because it feels right or because most people at your school think you should date?

If you are good friends with him, sit him down and tell him how you feel, your reason for wanting to be with him should not be because of anything else other than you love him and want to be with him. Him not making a move might be because he is thinking the same as you are; he might value you as a friend and not want to mess that up; but you will never know what's going on if you don't address the issue.

Good luck, I hope things work out in your favor.
2006-12-27 11:36:40 UTC
Okay so sometimes u have to know that u cant let everyone decide that u should date someone because u have so much in common i mean u guys probably arent right for eachother. but if u like this kid and u have much in common and his family loves u why dont u make a move, ask him if he wants to watch a movie or something but dont make it too obvious that u like him or else he might get scared so play it cool.,

and to answer the furst question i dont think all guys are attracted to only the looks, i mean of course everyone would prefer people who look attractive but remember different guys are attracted to different things. Like this kid i know he was attracted to flat chested girls that was the first one i ever heard of, and others are attracted the girls with nice legs, so basically u cant please everyone. but the most importantt thing a girl can have is the beauty of her inside and how her personality is. im sure a guy wouldnt date a hot gurl with a nastyy attitude. so if u let the guy that u like see how u are on the inside i dont think looks would matter that much anymore. good luck and i hope i helped!
Just Some Guy
2006-12-27 11:39:54 UTC
I wouldn't give much credit to the responses you see here (or anywhere else, for that matter). Lots of kids, lots of immaturity. Even if you find what they say to be true now, you won't later in life.

Physical attraction certainly plays a part in relationships, but you'll find it's less important than you may have thought the older you grow and the more experiences you enjoy. What one person finds attractive another person won't. There really is someone for everyone... alot of someones for everyone.

Attraction is much more than skin deep. Who you are as a person can literally make you more physically beautiful than someone blessed with better physical attributes. A warm smile that comes from the heart can make virtually any woman beautiful. Conversely, a rotten attitude on what would otherwise be a georgeous woman can make her ugly.

Make yourself what you want you to be... love yourself. Eat well for you, stay active for you, and do what's best for you. Place your self respect as your utmost priority. Don't worry about what other people will find attractive. If you love yourself, then you won't accept anyone that doesn't love you the way you are.
2006-12-27 11:33:55 UTC
Yes, I have found that both guys and gals focus on looks to a degree.

We're built that way - it's genetic.

But we also have brains, and should use them! As time goes on, both men and women realize that the whole package - personality, common interests, etc. - is what's important.

Unfortunately, it takes a long time to learn this. Some, not until the second marriage! Or not even then . . .

I would say that if you really, really want to date this guy you could indeed bring it up. But if you are happy being friends you might not want to risk messing that up either.

There's a right person for everyone. Good luck!
2006-12-27 11:35:15 UTC
No, looks are not everything, though it never hurts to find someone nice to look at. However, what's on the outside will change every day, and what's on the inside, the heart and core of the person, is far more important.

Exploring the possibilities with the young man you're interested in is certainly not a bad idea. The worst that can happen is that he's not interested, in which you're no worse off than where you are now.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Live it.
John B
2006-12-27 11:41:29 UTC
Every girl knows that guys are first attracted by looks. Some call it eye candy. But consider this.

When you look around and see couples that are many of the women are knockouts? More are not than are right?

As guys age they soon begin to understand that looks....while nice to look at.....are not what makes a women the kind of woman he would marry. Personality is much more important.

But in high school guys are not looking to get married and so they are attracted by looks.

The guy you are talking about may not be trying to date you because he is not sure of what you will say. And guys do not like to take a chance of rejection of someone they like.

If his family already likes you you have a big foot in the door. Just let it be known that you like him and you may see his interest change overnight.
2006-12-27 11:45:26 UTC
If the guy doesn't find your looks attractive, then he won't be able to fall in love with you even if the two of you are compatible in every other way.

But there is not single standard of what is attractive and what is not. One man's Beauty may be another man's Witch. Men are born with a variety of preferences for women's looks. And if one man doesn't find you attractive, then perhaps there are a dozen other men who will find you attractive.

I suggest that you keep an open mind and don't fall in love too much without knowing whether the guy likes you or not. You don't want to set yourself up for a big disappointment.
2006-12-27 11:38:00 UTC
Alot of guys are drawn to looks at first, which makes sense, since on most occasions, the first feature you are exposed to about someone, is physical appearance.

If you really want to hook up with this guy, take it easy, don't feel pressured because everyone else suggest that you should hook up because of other reasons than your own. Remember, you're the only one that's gonna walk in your shoes, not other people.

Make decisions that you are comfortable with and can live with.
2006-12-27 11:49:57 UTC
well your quistion reminded me with a toon jook it was about a couple sitting together the girl is thinking about a heart and the guy is thinking about a reversed heart which means her (***) excuse me .. anyway i guess guys also can love like girls but that's if girls are smart enough to make them really fall in love .. which means .. don't give evrything right a way .. don't make him feel safe .. treat him like a child .. children always get bored with common games or easy games .. don't be easy u know .. be sweet and loyal to him but don't make him feel like he's expecting what ur going to say when he gives u a rose .. and about that guy that u think he's good .. just folllow your heart and dont ask anyone .. you'r the only one that could make a decision here because you'r the only one that can feel his eyes when he looks at yours ..

NOTE: i'm a guy but trust me .. guys are always children .. and this is the greatest thing about them, that's if u know how to take advantage of it
2006-12-27 11:42:37 UTC
I once read somewhere that GUYS are visual beings and GIRLS are physical beings. It makes sense....girls loved to be touched, huged, kissed, massages etc. All us guys care about is a nice looking booty and hot body etc. Males are visually atracted at 1st, but me personally would love to get to know the girl more. Everyone has a type of preference of the type of person we like to be around personality wise. I beleive women are the same way a little, but do not tell. We all like good lookin things:) later
2006-12-27 11:37:36 UTC
We have to face the fact that guys are attracted to feminine features and a pretty face. As the guy gets more mature, they find out we have a brain and personality. You should follow your heart when it comes to making your move on a guy. You will never know if you don't take a chance.
2006-12-27 11:36:18 UTC
Only the immature ones are only attracted to looks.

Make the move!! If he hasn't said anything yet, he's afraid to. He may seem talkative and close but have you noticed that he may compliment someone else and not you? He thinks that you can see how he feels and is afraid of messing up the closeness that he has.

Go for it.
2006-12-27 11:35:18 UTC
you learn to like things about people by becoming close-but what gets you close in the first place? attraction. so yes, a guy will most likely never know much about a girl to like her until the first condition of physical attraction is met. althoug, i admit, i have developed crushes on writers i have never seen. just the way they write makes me feel something for them-but then again, that is what art is supposed to do-who knows if i'd still feel the same way upon meeting them and seeing them. regardless, going for it never hurts!
2006-12-27 11:33:48 UTC
Of course looks are the first thing we look for in a girl. Until we get to know them, looks are all there is. Most boys find out quickly though that looks are not everything.
2006-12-27 11:46:13 UTC
well: I work for an hospital as dinning room attendant supvisor

5'9'' brown hair, hazel eyes 182lbs male 48yrs old single lives

in California has Certifide Management food Services also

degree in Restruant Management career at Nutrition Department

plus alot more . See yourself needs to take it easy personly
2006-12-27 11:35:42 UTC
Talk with him casually, ask him to join you for coffee, if he likes you he will and you obviously have a lot to talk about, If he is not attracted to you physically then you can be good friends and that is it. Yes. most men want to be attracted to their partner but looks preferences very, it depends on the guy. Be yourself. If he likes you then great, if not. you sound fantastic and will find someone else to date.

Good Luck
2006-12-27 12:21:20 UTC
Let's just say about 80% of the guys on this earth go for looks and body figure.Others go for personality.
2006-12-27 11:46:48 UTC
no i don't all r but most r. and go ahead make a move u both will be making a mistake if u like each other and was waiting on the other to make the first move.
2006-12-27 11:34:40 UTC
guys are big into looks... why do you think girls make such a big deal over clothes, hair and makeup etc... and guys barely even comb their hair? cause looks matter more to guys than to girls.... if looks mattered more to girls maybe guys wouldn't be such scrubs, lol

I don't think you should make the first move. Just be extra nice and smile and play with your hair etc. he'll get the hint, and if he's ready, he'll ask.
2006-12-27 11:34:17 UTC
Guys are primitive and basically looks are the only thing they go for when looking for a woman.

As far as the guy question.........ask him! Why wait around for him? See if he wants to hook up and if not then just be friends.
2006-12-27 11:37:39 UTC
if you want to make a move go for it. looks are superficial i have talked to men who say they want to meet a woman who has blue eyes i mean what does that have to do with a person and how you will get on? men are visual but those who are wise want someone who they can comunicate with who share their belives and humour and want the same things in life as they do. sex is imprtant too.
Rosie aka Rosie
2006-12-27 11:35:52 UTC
Guys are usually attracted to looks first. They don't know about your personality till they get to know you.

Anyway, it sounds like your guy friend may just be shy. Go for it. Talk to him, sheesh, if a girl wants something done, she has to do it herself! Good luck.
Trapped in a Box
2006-12-27 11:33:27 UTC
Because they are shallow! It's a good thing I am not in a relationship because I don't want one since I love being single.
Ketel One Up
2006-12-27 11:35:02 UTC
Young guys only look at those things their friends tell them to look for... butt, legs, breasts, etc. The other things they'll look for are those to avoid: stupidity, anger, etc. Guys get more broad-minded as they get older.

Date the guy that excites your mind and all your senses.
2006-12-27 11:33:08 UTC
the looks need to be there first.

why don't you make a subtle move to let him know that you're interested?
2006-12-27 11:33:40 UTC
most guys r these days but others think of the inside
2006-12-27 11:32:46 UTC
Yes. Looks is all we Care about.

and Yes, you should make a Move.

: )
2006-12-27 11:34:33 UTC
Don't put the cart before the horse.
2006-12-27 11:32:25 UTC
no some are but the ones who really want a gf look for how they inact with the world.
2006-12-27 11:34:08 UTC
some of them are.some ive met are all about what is on the inside
2006-12-27 11:32:52 UTC
When they first look at you, it is all lust. But soemguys, when they get to knwo you, they start to concentrate on your personality.
2006-12-27 11:32:31 UTC
the only guys that are attracted to looks only are not men they are boys
2006-12-27 11:32:46 UTC
To start, that's all they have to go on!!!
2006-12-27 11:34:23 UTC
pretty much.. guys are pigs.
Kwadwo B
2006-12-27 11:33:29 UTC
2006-12-27 11:35:54 UTC
i think so.
mrs. cookie
2006-12-27 11:34:04 UTC
just some...

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