29 M and the daughter of my boss has been asking me for sex, how should i handle this ? (serious answers)?
2012-10-15 16:11:57 UTC
she is 18, in college, and tells me that she will not stop hitting on me until we have sex only one time, then she promises she will never ask me again, i didn't start this, she took a real liking to me when i met her at a company picnic, i was kind as any employee would be, but not flirtatious one bit, she got my number off the employee list, and has left me many sexual messages, i don't know what to do, i do want to lose my job, but i also don't want her to be upset and talk to her parents either, i'll be honest and say that it is very tempting, she is very attractive, but i know i need to stay away, i really just do not want this to get back to her dad (my boss), i have told her many times that i really cannot do it, and to please stop calling me, i have begged her to stop leaving me messages, but she insists that nothing will happen, any suggestions on how to handle this would really be great, i have given up, she is relentless, serious answers only please, thank you
Nine answers:
2012-10-15 16:20:04 UTC
That is a really, really difficult situation. I honestly think at this point you need to tell her might sound like that's putting your job in jeopardy, but so is repeatedly turning her down, and obviously sleeping with her. I'm guessing you work in a small company and not one that has an HR rep...if there's anyone who deals with employee issues of the more personal sort in the company, go to him/her first, but that might not be an option.

As hard as it might be, I think the safest bet is for you to write a professional letter to her father. You can explain what an uncomfortable position you are in, and how you hate to have to do this, but you feel that you need to tell him. Of course you can't make it like his daughter is a problem, but gently make a point to say that you have proof of what you're saying.

That's honestly the only advice I can give you. You're sort of damned if you do, damned it you don't. In the meantime, I hate to say this, but it might not be a bad idea to keep your ears peeled for a new job. Best of luck.
Sipping Tea in the Forbidden Garden
2012-10-15 16:17:54 UTC
I think you should applaud yourself for being so responsible and thinking about what would be the best decision to make instead of just jumping in bed with your boss's daughter. Honestly, I am a woman (with a high sex drive) and even I would be tempted to jump in bed with my boss's son if he was very attractive and continuously left me sexual messages. Im not going to lie I think I WOULD do it. But I know that I SHOULDNT and I think you SHOULDNT and it can have some very serious consequences if it goes wrong. What if you guys get into an argument and she tells her dad something that isnt true about you? And shows him the sexual messages you guys have been exchanging? With technology nowadays Im sure there can be an way to edit her text messages out of the conversation so it looks like it is just you sending her these text messages and she is not involved in any way. Just think about that. But its up to you. At the end of the day it depends how good the job is, and if you could easily find another one like that if you were to get fired.
2012-10-15 16:20:26 UTC
You need to ask yourself what is more important to you? Keeping your job or a night of cheap sex? If you answer cheap sex, then your priorities is totally jacked up.

The economy is in the crapper and good available jobs are hard to come by. You can get sex a LOT easier than getting a job right now. There are an abundance of horny women who can be had that won't jeopardize your employment. If this young lady won't cease bugging you, get in front of it and tell her old man that his daughter is propositioning you and won't stop. If you have saved the messages, then confront him with it. I am quite sure he will put a stop to it because you could have a case of sexual harassment if nothing is done about it.
Obi Wan Knievel
2012-10-15 16:31:31 UTC
You already answered your question, my man. You know you need to not do that. The big red danger light is flashing, and it's flashing for a reason.

Think on it. How many normal teenage girls, especialy attractive ones, constantly beg one guy for a meaningless one-night stand? Exactly. Girls like that can have sex any time they want with almost any guy they want, and they know it.

She is not looking for just one night of sex, no way no how. She's looking for something else, something she can hold over you for a long long time. It might be just sex to you, but for her it's a means to an end. If you bang her, it will (not could, will) come back and bite you hard.

Here's what you do: You keep refusing her, as politely as possible, and you do it IN WRITING. Text, email, whatever, just make sure your @ss is covered in writing. Cover yourself from every angle, multiple times and do it all in writing and keep those records.

Once you've covered your @ss as many times as possible with as much documentation as possible, only then can you bang her - on the verbal (no record, no witnesses) agreement that nobody will ever speak of it again in the future! Then if she texts you about the night you had together, you reply that you don't know what she's talking about. And if she tries to blackmail you, you've got loads of documentation showing that you refused her requests over and over, and not one record showing where you were willing to do it. Now your butt is protected, AND you got laid with a hot chick.

Two can play at that game, and turnabout is fair play.
2016-09-19 07:31:17 UTC
First off, I am independent to this whole area. I do think there are arguements to either side. However, with this, I think as you are most effective correct in a few of what you are saying and rancid within the relaxation. I most likely don't feel any mom is threatened via their more youthful daughter(s) being sexually lively. If some thing, they could be threatened via different mom's daughters, now not their possess. That simply doen't make feel, however that is most effective pronouncing in the event that they had been threatened in any respect. I do agree that moms, and fathers, are worried approximately STDs, undesirable pregnancies, the fame of her daughter, and their daughters total wellness. This is the one facet in which I quite agree right here. (Just my opinion) With that stated, mum and dad don't seem to be worried for his or her daughters and their sexual pursuits in view that of sexual pageant. They are worried in view that it's their "little" lady, their little one, their daughter. Parents, probably, simply wish for the first-rate for his or her daughter(s), or son(s) for that topic. A lot of matters are nonetheless situated on culture and, in lots of circumstances, faith too. Parents simply effectively wish their youngsters to develop up and be victorious, without suffering, in something they turn out to be doing, above all their daughters. Sons and daughters will also be sexually lively and aquire an STD, dangerous reputations, or something; however just a daughter can deliver beginning to one other human. That's an attractive large deal and a enormous accountability, above all at a tender age. That by myself, in a few circumstances, can "think" dangerous to that whole household, to comprise the mum and daughter. I do not feel any one condemns sexual pastime, above all situated on pageant, in terms of any person's daughter. Parents simply wish what is first-rate for his or her youngsters. I feel you'll be mistaking a mom's, or father's, "freaking out" approximately their daughters sexual pastime with what they decide on and inspire upon her. Parents do recognize that there'll finally be and are available a time, almost always faster than they would like, in which their daughters shall be sexually lively and make the ones selections herself. They simply decide on it is later vs. faster, on this case. They do not freak out or condemn it, above all as a result of any style of pageant. *I do not feel so no less than.
2016-10-06 03:20:59 UTC
Why not just tell her you are flattered but you do not want to lose your job. Tell her if she continues you will have to show her father the text messages and all the voicemails.
Unknown Apple
2012-10-15 16:15:30 UTC
Just go tell your boss, because if he find out later you may get fired and if you tell him now he will be grateful
2012-10-15 16:15:21 UTC
do nothing --- be professional but keep a record somewhere of when and what she said --- record it if possible --- i know its a bit out there but you dont know what she will do if you keep saying no --- the possibilities are endless so be aware
2012-10-15 16:13:13 UTC
Hit it and quit it.

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