My friends and I were out on friday night and they were with their boyfriends and I was the only single one..but i didn't care and anyways they were talking about how i need a 'boy toy' hahaha like a boyfriend in other words i was like whatever and then my friends like you should go out with her boyfriends brother who's like 18 or 19 i don't really know i'm 17 btw.But yeah I haven't met him yet but apparently my friends sent photos to him ..what freaks i know haha but yeah and hes names FREDRICK like wtf ew no offence and I used to tease my friend (the one with the boyfriend who has the older brother) and i used to bag my friend out calling her dad fredrick when hes names really peter but it was an ugly name and he always answered to it when i called him it so it just stuck. But yeah if i started talking to this guy and like we like got on and stuff wouldn't that be like karma since hes names fredrick? i'm not being shallow i just really hate the name ..if you get me..What do you think?