Omg, I think he likes me! <3 Does he?
2011-02-24 14:38:56 UTC
Okay, their ALOOOOT to write, but I'm only gonna write what happend this week. I skipped Monday and Friday because no school, and because Friday's tommarow :P

But first, let me tell you some other stuff, the other day I passed by him in the hallway, I looked back, and he was looking back at me too! The other day I JUST came into school, I was outside about to enter, and their's a fence, so he was on the other side of the fence from far, and then me and him where looking at eachother for like 5 seconds while we where walking :P(We were looking at our sides,I never passed by him)

Tuesday - I went extra earlier to school that day and he didn't know, he knows that I always come at 8:30, anyways, I came out of the cafeteria, and I saw him! And then I just ignored him while laughing with my friends, then I look front, and from far he was there and he stopped talking to his friends and he was looking at me ! :)

Wednesday(Yesturday) - I came extra earlier that day too, and I was by the basketball courts outside, and I was talking to my best friend, and I didn't notice him, but he was there and he noticed me. So I'm walking, then I look around to see if I find him, and he was their already starring at me instead of the basketball game :) and we locked eyes from FAR.

-Also, after that the same day in P.E he was "talking" to his friend, then I looked at him, and I saw that he had his eyes looking at me instead of his friend, then he looked away soo fast.

-Also, the same day yesturday in P.E, we had to run, and he was there standing, and the runners have to pass by him to finish, basically he was the finish line. So then I passed by him.. and I go up to my friend, and then I look back, and he was looking at me and we locked eyes again... he was supposed to be looking front, not at me. :)

Thurday(Today) - Acually nothing happend but w.e he wasnt in school today...
Seventeen answers:
2011-02-24 17:44:57 UTC
Oh, yes --- he absolutely wants to get you in the dark and kiss you all over.
2011-02-24 14:49:45 UTC
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is so cute! i can relate to this COMPLETELY because when i was in college i had the EXACT same thing happen with me. the guy i liked would always end up looking into my eyes whenever we bumped into each other, and when we were far away, we'd just hold eye contact for like 10 seconds, and he done the same thing where he talks to his friends but is looking at me. So yes, he likes you. when a guy likes a girl, he can't help but stare at her, and when you looked back at him, he was looking, this is a classic sign a guy is into you (it happens on TV on the time lol). Also, it's not a coincidence that you see him around a lot, if you continuously keep seeing him around, it's because he's into you and just wants to see you. he sounds shy and most probably won't approach you due to shyness and nerves and fear of rejection.

so my advice? the next time he looks at you, smile :D and if he smiles back, that's good. then you can move on to saying "hi"
2011-02-25 13:50:28 UTC
Thanks for your life story. now here are the facts that you NEED to know before you meet this guy.

1) UNLESS you see yourself MARRYING this guy and spending the rest of your life with this guy, and having a family IN MARRIAGE and staying together until death, then i advise you to avoid this guy. Tell him to STOP stalking you, or you will take action (report him)

2) UNLESS you are over the age of 18. then FORGET about having a relationship and focus on your education until you are more mature. The guy might only be LUSTING after your body that does NOT mean he loves you he might only see you for sex and thats it.

3) you MUST consider what GOD has to say about sex and relationships have you?? or are you like most people who dont care? GOD cares about you enough to give you life the most you can do is seek his will in your life.God has told us in his word the bible MANY THINGS about sex and relationships, and it is TRUTH this worlds system is againts the things of God and will feed you LIES soap operas, movies, eastenders are ALL LIES. HENCE what you need to do is go to the truth and learn what it says and DO IT.

4) IF you are at peace with this guy and you both have agreed to date then here is what GOD your creator wants you to know.

Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

(QUESTION do you know what a fornicator is? The dictionary tells us voluntary sexual intercourse between persons NOT married to each other. SO God has told us NOT to have sex outside of marriage and if you do then you will be judged for it after your death and end up in hell fire GOD has warned us.

Revelation 21:8 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the SEXUALLY IMMORAL, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

You also need to be aware that he must NOT touch you in any way sexually or any physical contact UNTIL you are married to each other.

1 Corinthians 7:1

It is GOOD for a man NOT to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his OWN wife, and let each woman have her OWN husband.

1 Timothy 5 :1 Do not rebuke an older man harshly, but exhort him as if he were your father. Treat younger men as brothers, 2 older women as mothers, and YOUNGER WOMEN AS SISTERS, with ABSOLUTE PURITY.

So according to the above passage this boy MUST treat you as if you was his sister, UNTIL the day you marry. which means NO KISSING, NO GROPING AND NO SEX. UNTIL you are married. There NOW you know the TRUTH and what God has to say about sex and relationships the question is will you OBEY God and follow the truth OR will you follow the lie and OBEY your friends and the lies of the television?? but just remember the following warning from God below.

Hebrews 9:27

And just as each person is destined to die once and AFTER that comes JUDGMENT
2011-02-24 14:43:48 UTC
2016-10-06 05:54:08 UTC
woww female i dont be attentive to what you probably did yet he's crazyy in love with you. omg it sounds so lovable the style you wrote it i've got been given an entire action picture enjoying in my head. purely shop it going like this and dont make issues to obvious. this boy is sprungggg over you, want you 2 the perfect of success! mwauh
2011-02-24 14:49:18 UTC
Lol, if he is always looking at you and if he looks away suddenly like you caught him doing something, then yeah, he totally likes you, My advice is if hes shy and you like him too or want to get to know him, then you should ask him out first or talk to him first. Theres soooo much pressure in talking to girls you really like. He would be sooo much more into you if you show youre interested in him too. Best of luck! You should read my question i just put up about 15minutes ago, its kind of like yours, Thanks!
2011-02-24 14:46:40 UTC
He likes you!!! :) lol but hey put him out of his misery.... He's not going to come up and talk to you.. You have to talk to him... No guys go up to the girls that they like.. Just walk by and say hey.. and that hey being a conversation and that conversation will end up being him asking you out..:)

Good Luck.. I wish you the Best:)
2011-02-24 14:44:04 UTC
he probably does! or he wouldnt be looking at u all the time. this has happend to me too before but too bad the guy was too shy to come up to me! so nothing ever happend
2011-02-24 14:46:58 UTC
Maybe? If you like him talk to him. The guy shouldn't always have to be the one to make first contact.
2011-02-24 14:44:07 UTC
Totally! Sounds like how the guy who liked me acted :p

Idk, if don't already you should sooo talk to him!
2011-02-24 14:43:15 UTC
talk to him, if he looks at you, it doesn't really show if he likes you or not, it just might be a normal thing, you can't say a guy likes you, just because he looks at you(;
2011-02-24 14:43:46 UTC
Yes I think he likes you
2011-02-24 14:44:11 UTC
Talk to him! If he keeps starring at you he's interested.
2011-02-24 14:43:57 UTC
I think he does like you. Try to drop hints that you like him and talk to him.

2011-02-24 14:46:18 UTC
talk to him..maybe flirt a little..and then ask good luck!!!

answer mine?
2011-02-24 14:44:24 UTC
Yes. Ask him out! (:
2011-02-24 14:42:16 UTC
obviously? lol

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