2008-12-10 00:39:34 UTC
I'm a Pisces who has been dating a Leo (he's the outgoing & competitive one and I'm more quiet & sensitive)... Recently, he said that he wants to cool things down a bit so he can focus on his athletic career. I guess I'm interfering with his "focus." He's gone from calling me several times a day and whining about how much he misses me (we're doing the long distance thing) to just checking in for a little while every other night without much affection at all. I know he's not cheating. He said he's not and he's the most honest person I've ever me. But I can't help but feel he is fading out of my life. How do I bring him around to treating me better without breaking his "focus?" Leos love flattery and grand gestures, so would a love letter work? Or, would he respond better to the idea that he might be losing me/ that someone might win me over while hes focused on something else? He's a typical jealous Leo type. What works best to motivate a Leo to better appreciate his girlfriend- flattery or jealousy?