biggest mISTAKE?
2008-04-30 09:07:27 UTC
okay i am panicking, i am very worried, i might just kill myself, i'm not acting childish or anything but heres my problem: i went out with this asshole for a week and he used me and dumped me right after he slept with me, unfortunately we did it and we did it without condoms as well but he pulled out too and now after he dumped me, we're talking on msn and he's threatening me how he ejaculated inside me and how he is gonna tell everything i'm a whore and slut, it's not my fault, i fell for him and i ahd feelings but now i'm scared and hurt, he played it so nice, unfortuntely i fell for it, what should i do now? he said everyone hates me and ****, i'm worried..
33 answers:
2008-04-30 09:25:40 UTC
Unless your pregnant, Cut him off. Stop talking to him completely. He is very childish, and NOT worth your time.

Allot of people that say crap like he has, like 'I'm going to tell everyone you are a whore' ARE ALL TALK.

But hey; If he wants to talk crap about you.. You can play the same game.. Right? :)

You made a mistake that allot of young girls have made.. It sucks.. But now its time to move on.. and Don't talk to to him. And If he is threatening you, you CAN call the cops.

Also if you are in high school, allot of public schools will let you put like a school restraining order on someone..

Where they arent aloud to be near you or even talk about you! and if they are caught doing either, they can be suspended.

So look into that if you are in high school..

Whatever you do.. Don't hurt yourself! And don't kill yourself, we all make mistakes, life goes on.. By being so worked up over this and saying you want to kill yourself and such, you are letting him control your emotions!

& why would we want to let a loser control your emotions? Right? :)

Keep your head up high hun, and let that loser go! =)
2008-04-30 09:22:40 UTC
How does where he ejaculated make you a whore? Did you ask him for money? He needs to ge ta dictionary and look up the definition! You havent been a whore.

I tell you what you have been though is stupid. Now you know why people older and wiser than you say to wait for a bit before you give it up. If having had sex makes you feel so guilty, how come you are so easy? You need to get that issue sorted out girl.

Why would anyone hate you though, I dont get where he is coming from? Who hates you?

Look at it this way. You are an inncocent victim of a sort of moral sex crime. And now he's coming back to taunt his victim.

He's a using b*stard and you got duped.

First thing to do is block him on MSN and never speak to him agian because he is getting his kicks out of threatening you and he sounds like some kind of sick freak, so change your number and move on. Put it down to experience.

Second thing, why would you kill your self over this? One mistake and its game over? Really? You sound like you put way too much value on what everyone else thinks of you, probably how he caught you in the first place. Get some self respect and you wont be such a victim!
~36w Pregnant with my Sunshine~
2008-04-30 09:13:17 UTC
well rumors are rumors. Just pick your head up. And if you are seriously thinking about suicide go to the hospital - tell your mom or someone else. Like don't be doin that or saying that just because some asshole treats you like $hit! Pick yourself up. And so what if he did go inside you - theres no worries of pregnancy you say. That doesn't make you the slut if he did that, it would be cause you slept with him so soon. But it's rumors, you can deny them, laugh at them, tell ppl to mind their own business. It's not the end of the world cause some guy says something. STOP TALKING TO HIM!!!!
2016-11-06 10:04:57 UTC
Letting high quality superstars with tonnes of potential and pulling capability leave the employer so surely and overlooking the great photograph and concentrating on the base line. working example Brock Lesner became an appropriate skills became nevertheless youthful had a reliable 10 years in him and that they simply deliver him on his way, i be conscious of he have been given out of his settlement however the WWE could have made greater of an attempt to maintain him. Kurt perspective is yet another classification act, extremely surely the main suitable wrestler on the time and he walks to TNA?? Why in gods call did vince no longer grant him some sort of incentive to stay? Booker T additionally had a great character and could have been regarded after merely like some others whilst it incorporates drug try *COUGH TRIPLE H* Bobby Lashley became an staggering prospect enable pass, and the WCW boys, Goldberg the f%@ked that monumentally, besides the undeniable fact that when gazing Armageddon 2003 merely presently i did observe goldbergs loss of creativity interior the ring yet come on he became a great call and decrease than used and enable pass far to surely, he had greater pulling capability than Triple H and with the aid of the Triple danger with Kane and the interest it became obtrusive from the sounding of his song till Triple H triumphing the call that the followers got here to make certain Goldberg over absolutely everyone else. So why became he allowed to stroll so surely? And aside from the obtrusive different WWE errors i've got confidence that having Rey Mysterio Vs Batista 3 or 4 weeks in a row on Smackdown with the aid of fact the main significant journey to be an finished and utter shaggy dog tale thinking the fought one yet another on the PPVs additionally!!! like come on over doing it plenty??
2008-04-30 09:16:11 UTC
u need to go to the doctor and get tested for STD's , but let this be a lesson learned to not have sex with someone uve only just met, and who cares if he says ur a slut? tell everyone that he had a small winkie and thats why hes saying that about u haha, dont care what anyone else thinks =) and be safer next time and screw that guy hell end up getting a disease anyways cuz KARMAS A ***** lol.
I am not....what good girls do!
2008-04-30 09:14:21 UTC
I would ignore him. He wants to get a rise out of you. However, it's extremely obvious that he is not good enough for you and is either jealous or has severe issues. Stay away from him; don't talk to him in MSN. He will eventually give up. If he does tell people bad stuff about you and anyone says, "So and so says you’re a slut" Have a smart come back ready like, "Yeah that's cause he couldn't get any from me." Or "That's because I told him his _____ was tiny! I think that made him angry!! LOL" Please don't let him get to you, you're better and please remember that.
evil Hesh
2008-04-30 09:26:23 UTC
sweetie calm down and breathe. you only mistake was liking him to begin with. there is only a small chance he has impregnated you. wait 6 weeks and do the test.

as for him, he is trying to blackmail you and scare you. the best thing about blackmail is that as long as you dont make a fuss about it, even calmly admit to it, he has nothing on you. he cant hurt you. and if he tells, you can say you barely noticed it and it was over so quick. that should make other girls think twice before sleeping with him. and if you are pregnant, tell him in front of others. and let him know he is paying for child support. (add 'im going to be paid for 30 seconds of feeling nothing.' lol) and just because he used you doesnt mean everybody hates you. tell the women he used you and hurt you and they will side with you. cry in front of the guys and they will protect you.

see? your the one holding all the cards. he has nothing. and start recording everything he says and does to you in case you need to slap a restraining order on his @ss.

for all his bluster and abuse, you can hurt him hard and he cant touch you at all. and the best part? its his fault. just remember, he preys on helpless girls. show him your strong and he will run like a scared little boy. lol. i wish you the best.
2008-04-30 09:13:58 UTC
Don't panic. If it were 1950 instead of 2008, you would have more reason to panic, but it's not. In this day and age, we have all come to accept that girls just like guys can have short flings and not be considered a whore.This man is clearly mentally ill. You will get through this. Don't kill yourself. If you need to email me for further advice I am at It's not the end of the world.
2008-04-30 09:19:26 UTC
wow the SAME thing happened to me 2 years ago

i lost it to some butthead and the very next day

he told EVERYONE,

i was really young and stupid. I was in 8th grade in middleschool. Well once everyone found ruined my reputation, it was HELL for the rest of the year. It can be really hard when everyone thinks you're a s-lut =[

everyone makes mistakes, just learn from it.. sex (especially when you're young) always causes problems, if its not physically then emotionaly. Don't fall for it again.

and if everyone finds out and theres nothing you can do about obout it.....say that he's really SMALL down there, he'll be embarrased and shut up a little.
2008-04-30 09:11:51 UTC
you should have never slept with him, even though you have been with him for a week.

Sleeping with someone after you just been with him proves that you're easy and all he can get out of you is sex.

Never use your self like this.

Dont kill yourself. This guy is immature enough to go and sat stuff about you.

Tell him off or ignore him.

he's just trying to make you feel bad.
2008-04-30 09:13:24 UTC
omg the bastard, u cud get him back at his own game and start threatening him and tell every one how much of a user he is, u wanna seem tough and like u are not gonna screw with me so he backs off, tell him to back off and whats his problem or confront him and ask him why hes doing this or gang up on him with some girlfriends and totally scare the **** out of him.

sorry if i wasnt helpful.....good luck :)
2008-04-30 09:15:00 UTC
put th knife down first, get a pregnancy test, because you shouldn't worry about what people think unless you are sleeping with different people every week which i doubt and if your that worried prove to them you are not a whore. then you focus on your friends if they're gonna hate you for gettin you some then you don't need them as friends.
Pretty D
2008-04-30 09:12:00 UTC
Yes that is a big mistake and I feel sorry for you that he such an a**hole that he will tell others about an intimate moment but as for not using a condom there is no excuse for being irresponsible about your health!!! I hope you will learn from your mistakes and be more careful in the future!!
Layton B
2008-04-30 09:34:11 UTC
Stop talking to him. He's an a**. Spend time with your friends and/or family and get on with your life. It sounds to me that he is using fear to control you. If he wants to tell people, let him. You can't control anybody but yourself. The best thing you can do is keep your head up, accept yourself and forgive yourself.
Jackie S
2008-04-30 09:12:29 UTC
Welcome to life! What happened to you is common and it might even happen again. You have to learn to not give yourself so freely to disgusting men, and when a man screws you over, don't take it so personally. Who cares what he tells people? Just move on from his childish games, and stop talking to him on MSN. He doesn't deserve even 1 more word from you. Just move on honey.
2008-04-30 09:12:30 UTC
Then take a pregnancy test. And don't let him treat you like this, Just get over him and find someone else, because it seems to me that he's not worth it and he is an asshole. If you are pregnant just don't tell him because you can find someone else that will care for you and your child.
2008-04-30 09:14:44 UTC
Wow! Just take life as it comes... whatever will be will be.

No need to worry about it all. Life is a journey. It is what you make of it...

Kill yourslef???? wowwww!!!!

u got a lot to learn
Lil Cleveland216
2008-04-30 09:12:38 UTC
***** him anf ***** what he tell ppl...@ the end of tha day no1s goin to care...he's a loser, if ppl start talkin, ask them where they git that frm? if they say him B like he dumb like u dont kno anything...then they'll think he a liar

but yeah shyt like dat happen 2 me B4 soo u kno......
preety princess
2008-04-30 09:12:12 UTC
just tell your parents that he is thretining you for money and if you do not give him the money he will make up things and tell you stupid things.

and tell him to leave you alone and do not speak to him on MSN also i think you should get a pregancy kit and cheak if you are pregnant just in case only


do not worry just ignore hm
2008-04-30 09:14:35 UTC
if he makes false comments then why shouldn't you ??. say something about the size of his penis or about how long her lasted. that should bother him. also try and act like you don't give a crap about him that way ppl don't think that you do. it's war no so take a shot.
2008-04-30 09:12:20 UTC
first..take a breath...

U are not the first, nor will u be the last girl to fall for a guy who mislead u.

Own what u did...u made a mistake....learn from it and move on to greener pastures.
Blue Haired Old Lady
2008-04-30 09:10:55 UTC
Let him talk. Tell people what a user he is. Don't talk with him ever again. Block his number. He is a jerk.
2008-04-30 09:13:58 UTC
call him a jerk and forget about him. if he bothers you again act like he's a nuisance. and say, "whatever." warn your lady friends how he dogged you.
2008-04-30 09:11:22 UTC
be the bigger person. tell people that you had feelings and he's the *** that screwed you over.
2008-04-30 09:10:33 UTC
ignore him...just grow up and stop talking to him, and just go about your own business.
2008-04-30 09:17:21 UTC
boys will be boys. let him run his mouth. he is the jerk and karma is a *****. he will get his in the end.
2008-04-30 09:10:12 UTC
call the cops
2008-04-30 10:28:41 UTC
talk to ur parents
2008-04-30 09:10:43 UTC
don't let it get to your head.

Call him up and settle it out.

Slap him if i doesn't work.
2008-04-30 09:10:35 UTC
2008-04-30 09:10:30 UTC
don't talk to him unless your pregnant
2008-04-30 09:12:33 UTC
go to the police. seriously, that's illegal! it's abuse, and he used you.
2008-04-30 09:10:57 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.