Unless your pregnant, Cut him off. Stop talking to him completely. He is very childish, and NOT worth your time.
Allot of people that say crap like he has, like 'I'm going to tell everyone you are a whore' ARE ALL TALK.
But hey; If he wants to talk crap about you.. You can play the same game.. Right? :)
You made a mistake that allot of young girls have made.. It sucks.. But now its time to move on.. and Don't talk to to him. And If he is threatening you, you CAN call the cops.
Also if you are in high school, allot of public schools will let you put like a school restraining order on someone..
Where they arent aloud to be near you or even talk about you! and if they are caught doing either, they can be suspended.
So look into that if you are in high school..
Whatever you do.. Don't hurt yourself! And don't kill yourself, we all make mistakes, life goes on.. By being so worked up over this and saying you want to kill yourself and such, you are letting him control your emotions!
& why would we want to let a loser control your emotions? Right? :)
Keep your head up high hun, and let that loser go! =)