I am having trouble determining if my guy best friend likes me or if it is just really good friendship. We have known each other for 3 years now, but we just recently became best friends. I have liked him for a while now, and he knows due to some strange internet thingy between his guy best friend and me. So we are always together and nothing con separate us, its like we are joined at the hip. We talked about me liking him so many times before face-to-face and over myspace. He explained to me that I am his best friend and if we did date and things happened the chance of us being friends would be like 0% and he doesnt want to lose me. He also said that if I wasnt his best friend I would have had a chance. I didnt know how to react but just simply say ok. He is always talking about other girls, and making me feel bad, but once he notices I am upset he always knows how to cheer me up right away. He is always hugging me, and tickling me, and complimenting me, and just making me feel really good about myself. He tells me that if I am upset, he is going to be upset, and if I cry then he is going to cry. He is sacrificing all these girls to make me feel better, and I cant do that. Also he is always saying i love you to me, and he loves my mother, and my mother loves him. He is always putting his arm around me, but whenever someone brings up him dating me (not by my asking) he is always like "I cant date her, she is my best friend!!" Like there is some law keepin him from me. But just recently he has been playing with my hair, and he just recently told me to kiss him, and i didnt know what to do. Like when im not near him i feel like crying and the only person I think of is him. I try to imagine my life if I just gave up on him, but it never works, I imagine myself heartbroken and depressed....Someone please help me...