Especially if she keeps "talking" with her eyes while being quiet and shy.
2008-11-06 16:24:24 UTC
Umm Some Do Some Dont
But Quiet Girl AweSome
Quiet Like Angels
Hottie Like Lava
2008-11-06 16:29:33 UTC
well, i'm not a guy, and i'm not planning on being one anytime soon
but i've had a lot of GUY FRIENDS. and i've gathered info that they don't always like extremely loud (and annoying) girls. but, they might not like quiet girls, either, because they won't know about ur personality at all....except they'll know that ur.....quiet.....
but if i were u, i'd take a step up to mysterious. give answers to guys' questions,but make ur answers a bit flirty and brief, then walk away or give one last smile and go on with what u were doing in the first place. or maybe ask a small question of ur own that will have them answer more than "yes" or "no." this may show ur characteristics and make them realize that they now like u and want to find out more.
i haven't even tried this method myself, so hopefully we'll both find bfs soon!!
2008-11-06 16:25:19 UTC
I am a guy and i can say that i do like girls that are quiet around other people like my Friends but when we are alone together i like to talk i hope that helps.
2008-11-06 16:28:09 UTC
be who are truly are
if a guys likes you for who you are then you know its a true connection
don't change for anyone! You will come out of your shell when you are ready!
Be happy with yourself & that will be attractive in itself & you will have guys left right & centre!
Being self confident doesn't mean you have to be loud & self centered! It just means that you are happy being the way you are in your own skin! Don't worry about what a guy likes! Worry about a guy liking you for who you are! You can be quiet & confident! Just be yourself not what others what you to be!!
2008-11-06 16:24:10 UTC
Yeah, have more confidence in yourself there. Anyway, it depends on the guy; but I love quiet girls. I would never, EVER date a popular girl. I don't know why, but shy girls are the best. I hate loud-mouths.
2008-11-06 16:23:53 UTC
Yes, and Im a quiet guy :) You like quiet guys? Haha...
Well nothing wrong with quiet girls, its quite cute. Infact, I have loud mouthed bitchy girls :D
2008-11-06 16:23:19 UTC
Not all guys do. I'm a quiet girl myself, not many guys liked me =(
2008-11-06 16:24:13 UTC
I like quiet girls some lads prefer louder some prefer wueit
Pancho S
2008-11-06 16:24:56 UTC
I believe that, in general, guys do not like quiet girls. But there is someone for everyone
2008-11-06 16:25:43 UTC
A lot of guys do, These are usually other quite and shy guys and because you a both quite, you don,t talk to each other and get to know each other, which is a shame,
So if you do like some one tell them !
2008-11-06 16:23:35 UTC
depends on the guy..if he doesn't mind a person who is nice and quiet thats wonderful..some prefer the more loud types but im sure if u talk a little bit and assert yourself than you'll be fine. guys should like you for who u are
2008-11-06 16:24:54 UTC
you have to at least speak up sometimes but guys like more louder girls not all the way quiet
2008-11-06 16:28:48 UTC
omg i love when girls are more reserved, especially when they like me >_<.
atm like these 2 girls are crushing on me, they are both loud and out going.
but another girl whos shy, like 1-2 years younger, is who i like, she likes me too, but i find her way more quiet because of that trait.
but remember, some guys do. not all, but i can safetly say you girls are more trust worthy and turn out to be really deep.
2008-11-06 16:23:33 UTC
Some guys say it's the quiet ones they gotta look out for... if you know what I mean ;D
But yes, some do!
Hope this helped at least a widget =]
2008-11-06 16:25:09 UTC
I would rather have something in the middle, but quiet is far better than a idiot that can't keep her gaping noise hole shut.
Some Guy
2008-11-06 16:22:47 UTC
yes quiet girls are the best! want to get married?
2008-11-06 16:25:39 UTC
I don't know, but I guess they like them quiet at times, and loud at others. There are times when quietness is appreciated, and there are others when it's not.
I hope you get answers from the guys...
Just be your self :)
2008-11-06 16:24:19 UTC
Some do, some don't. Different guys have different types of girls they like. Maybe not a lot of guys like really shy girls maybe since they're not noticeable, but I bet that some lucky guy will come by and notice you. :] You don't HAVE to change. It all depends on who you like x] and what you wanna be like.
2008-11-06 16:24:26 UTC
the thing about quiet girls is you dont know what they are you dont know if they really like you or think you are a total jerk...
2008-11-06 16:23:34 UTC
Depends on the guy
Daniel R
2008-11-06 16:24:26 UTC
It depends. But I guarantee that I'm not the only guy who can't stand a ******.
2008-11-06 16:24:05 UTC
guys like girls that show they care for themselves, for others and for them (the guys). being quiet doesn't hurt, but it doesn't help either.
Mr E
2008-11-06 16:23:27 UTC
yes I do cause I am quiet too it makes me comfortable with her
2008-11-07 12:01:34 UTC
i think that a quiet girl is cool because it shows that she is shy which i think is very attractive. however, i don't think it' s cool if they never talk
2008-11-06 16:23:23 UTC
I'm always quiet around guys, and none seem interested in me so... I'd say no..
Misz. Jazzii ALi
2008-11-06 16:24:04 UTC
YEAH! boys will be boys and if they like you for who you are you should speak up dont be queit around boys being quiet wont help you in life. Being quiet is holding you back.
to exapnd this question, how do u kno if a guy likes quiet girls or loud ones?
Max M
2008-11-06 16:25:37 UTC
some do, just be yourself and when a guy initiates a conversation talk to him and you will become more comfortable with talking to strangers as time goes on.
2008-11-06 16:23:27 UTC
usually not, if the girl is quiet they dont know much about them. its common sense
2008-11-06 16:23:56 UTC
i like quiet girls because its like a challenge..
2008-11-06 16:22:50 UTC
Depending if you're pretty and when you talk you talk like an honest and kind hearted person.
2008-11-06 16:23:53 UTC
well I am quiet oround them and wen I'm like that
they keep on bothering me
until I scream at them
they stop and dont talk to me :D
I guess being quite is the only way
2008-11-06 16:29:04 UTC
ya some do not all dudes are the same if u think tat then ur gay!!!! yea i saw ur coments ppl dont let them get to u not all dudes the same
2008-11-06 16:23:50 UTC
no I don't think so because a guy usually likes to socialize with a girl!
2008-11-06 16:25:25 UTC
kinda... you cant be to quiet cause it feels like were tryin for nothin if they're to quiet
ace b
2008-11-06 16:25:08 UTC
Not so much. Try and be more out going. not only with him but with other people too. it will help him to get to know you more with out even talking with him.