Dani Vonne
2010-12-28 01:00:34 UTC
When I did get in the room for break we glanced at each other a few times sharing small smiles. When it was time to go he lagged behind his group and asked what time I would be taking my lunch. I didn’t know and Dexter jumped in and said “He basically wants you to take your lunch at 11 and eat with us.” Then put Max in a head lock and dragged him off.
Lunch time came Max was doing his usual lunch thing and I happened to be sitting at the table with him but when my friend Marquis came I left to go sit with him. Dexter was whispering to Max check out her and marquis sitting together. Max replied he didn’t care but Max had texted me under the table saying thanks for switching seats.
When we got onto the floor I was opening boxes and pricked myself. I went to the back to ask for a band aid and Dexter told Max “Hey go with your wifey and take care of her.” Of course max came along cleaned my cut and but a band aid on it. Walking me back to my area he started asking more questions about me. Later after work I texted him asking if he told anyone he liked me he said no . So Im confused to how dexter would keep teasing us this way.
Do you think he told and is too shy to admit it and why would he tell another guy he liked me anyway?
BTW Im 19 and he is 23...