hil says hi!
2008-08-11 15:01:15 UTC
In early 2007, we both lost our jobs due to silly circumstances that aren't relevant anymore. We both decided that we were going to just take whatever job we could get, and we did. I worked at a dead end retail job and he got a job at the movie theater. We decided that we were still going to look for better paying jobs while we had these "in-between" jobs paying the bills.
After loathing my retail job for about a month, another opportunity came up for me and I have been working at the same place ever since. I make double and work double what he does right now. It's been a year and a half since I started this new job.
Sean on the other hand has barely looked for a job. He tells me he is hunting but there is always SOME reason he comes up with on why he can't get one. He needs another haircut. His clothes aren't good for interviewing. Other things needed to be done around the house. He needs the internet. He can't remember what dates he worked where. The list goes on and on.
I got fed up and kicked him out at the beginning of the year because I was feeling taken advantage of financially and he makes me broke! I took him back a couple of months later because he is so sweet to me. But, there he sits working 25 hours a week, 5 hr. shifts for 7.25 an hour.
He treats me so great that it makes me feel mean for making finances such a big deal, but I really feel like he isn't pulling his weight. Should I just consider myself lucky to have found love, even if he doesn't make a great partner? I am definately the leader of our relationship, and I don't want that!
When I try to talk to him about it, he gets in a really foul mood and shuts down. Doesn't want to talk about it, or he gets all apologetic, cries and promises me the moon. I want to believe him and I want for everything to work out with him, but he isn't making it very easy by letting me feel overworked while he barely works!
What would you do?
What should I do? Should I give him the boot and see if he floats on his own? Should I be patient and get through this rough patch with him?