About five months ago I found out that my boyfriend had some sexy pics on his computer of many different woman. When I confronted him about it he said he wasn't cheating on me, but just liked to look at other woman. These pics came from either woman texting it to him or emailing the. After we talked he begged me not to leave him, so I decided to stay with him. I have been trying to regain my trust in him. But honestly since this has happened from time to time I get a little bit insecure, it doesn't happen very often. Recently on two occassions I couldn't get in contact with him and sent him numerous text messages and called him. He said that this is starting to bother him and frustrate him that I can no longer trust him. I am working hard at trying to regain my trust BUT he feels like it is all my fault to why he feels frustrated because I don't completely trust him. But I think he should be more understanding and supportive of to why I can't completely trust him. When the problem all stems back to his actions. He saids that he needs a break from this relationship. He said the break means that he is not with me anymore and that we can revisit where things are between us in a month. Help I don't know what to do at this point. I do love him, but I think he is being a little selfish in not trying to work with me to regain my trust back. Now he is totally giving me the cold shoulder and acting like everything is my fault. We are both 35 and are in a long distance relationship. He lives in Maryland and I live in NJ. All of my friends and his friends thought we were going to be married and are so upset about our break up. I don't understand what changed when things were going well between him and I. Help I am broken hearted.