I sent a dirty picture and he showed his friend. What should I do?
2012-07-14 10:56:38 UTC
Me and my guy friend(we'll call him John) are kinda friends with benefits. We just like eachother as friends. We havent done anything yet (were both virgins), except send pics and sext. Well his drunk friend(umm Mark) texted me and asked if i wanted to have sex with him cause he 'could do it better'. Said John "spilled everything". I was kinda playing it off and acting like me and John werent doing anything, cause I thought he was just trying to get something out of me. Then Mark sent me the picture that i sent to John to prove it to me -___- sooo i texted John and he told me that he had showed Mark because he was more experienced in the sexual area... sooo im kinda mad, but in a way, i dont care that much. i dont know if i should just stop everything with John cause he is not trustworthy? or give him another chance? im definately not sending him anymore pics -___-
oh and btw, he lives in Colorado and i live in Texas, he visits often tho.
DONT JUDGE ME and DONT BE A ***** TO ME please. i realize that a messed up so dont tell me im a stupid hoe like Nicki Minaj says... k thanks
Seventeen answers:
confused girl
2012-07-14 11:02:08 UTC
yeah that was a dickish move from john, i would stop it all together, maybe he will realise that he's lost a friend for his actions.
2012-07-14 18:31:14 UTC
If you made a mistake it's that you didn't set any boundaries, not for yourself and not for this John friend of yours. When it comes to sex (not matter if it's sexting or actually physical sex) it's important you know where and what your limits are so you don't end up hurt. Actions have consequences and you need to think about it, at special with sex because it's still a sensitive subject what can become rather painful both physically and mentally. You of course can always extend your limits but when you do so, it's best to be a little prepared.

So what you should ask yourself is do you mind the possibility of these types of pictures of yourself surfacing on the internet? If you do mind, but like to make these types of picts you should only send pictures to people you know (have met in person multiple times) and can trust so you know they will keep such pictures to themselves. If you do not want this to ever happen, then you should not send (or perhaps not even make) such pictures and stick with sexting instead.

As for stopping everything with John, that's up to you. If you really don't mind so much what he did, you're not really mad and you can continue as you did. You now know what you can do or what you better should not.

If you however come to the conclusion that you want to be the one who decided who gets to see your picts, then I would first try talking to him to make him realize it's your decision to share and not his. His response will tell you if you need to stop everything or not.

Hope this helps.
2012-07-14 18:05:50 UTC
Well, do you have to actually worry about this Mark guy showing up at your doorstep some day looking for sex or not? Sounds like all talk and no action on his part to me. It's just that he got to see you in a naughty picture John showed him. So it's your fault for giving in to his wishes, and his fault for not being trustworthy enough. If you can't trust him to not show a picture, then how can you trust him to be right for you, to have sex with, or consider a real relationship? Drop him. You weren't really friends with benefits anyway, since you admit to not having sex with him, maybe just a bit of fooling around.
Mama Mia
2012-07-14 18:06:54 UTC
Hopefully you have learned the lesson that what you put out on the internet or send on a phone can quickly become public knowlege. John is not your friend. he exposed you and gave what any mature individual would know as private to other people. Why would you excuse that? Sadly, pictures like that can resurface when someone is thinking about hiring you for your first job, approving you for a loan, giving you a recommendation for college etc. What you did is not harmless and can haunt you for life. Why would you want a "friend" like that?
2012-07-14 18:04:32 UTC
Okay first of all im not trying to be a a$$ or judge in any shape way or form so just bare with me :). It's obvious you messed up and you just need to get over it. But you sent him a pick which ws not a very good idea. because if your guyses relationship gos spoiled he will probley or maybe not send the pic to everyone ive seen this happen before with my friend its miserable especially when you get that photo yourself. So what i would do is just forget about it and just move on were human we make mestakes :)
2012-07-14 18:02:57 UTC
well its hard for people not to judge you luv you are asking for advice/opinions and that comes with judging you,id say yea stop because next ya never know they may not just go to a friend they might end up on the web? and id say you should only do stuff like that with people you see nmore often being it would they would probaby care more,where "john" technically has nothing to loose whether he visits or not.he probably isnt even telling the truth about why he showed "mark"."mark" probably just wanted to see after "john" was bragging about the pic .and "mark" thought it was funny so he brought it up to you.sweety find better,more reliable friends,and js when you have friends with benifits you do like them more than a friend,thats why there are benifits luv,learn the facts.
2012-07-14 18:03:43 UTC
If you feel like you should stop do so. But remember never send your dirty pictures to anyone, even if you trust this person, you never know what will happen later. Even if you are not a ***** he will not think of you as a person anyway. But it's up to you, if you want him like you as a person you should stop everything with him, it will be better for you.
2012-07-14 18:11:02 UTC
its not bad, and truth of the matter is that we as girls do that all the time.. but when we send pics it with the trust that the person receiving wont put you out on blast like that.. i would IF ANYTHING just stay as friends and band him from all sexual talk or sexual thought.. he crossed a line. i would be mad.. thats not cool cause it sounds like he trying to pass you to his friend o_O
2012-07-14 18:04:01 UTC
Ouch I'm sorry to say but you might be f'ed because when people do that they send it to there friends then other friends then other and other friends and then pretty soon it gets all around the world but all i can say is it's a good thing he didn't send it all around school

Sorry though
2012-07-14 18:03:24 UTC
im gonna give you a real answer

just ask to not do it again and act like nothing happened, if brought up make a joke out of it and change the subject to feel less about it until its forgotten.
2012-07-14 17:59:20 UTC
Should'nt send dirty pictures my love ;)

Yeah stop things with john he suns like a pr**k! x
2012-07-14 18:18:10 UTC
I wont judge you in answer to your question i think you should ignore him and the friend if they tease you about it, above all don't let it get you down
Basirat U
2012-07-14 18:01:51 UTC
Everyone made mistakes, if he showed his friend he is an asshole and trust me what goes around comes back around (;
Blue Sky
2012-07-14 17:58:45 UTC
Realize that you made a mistake and forgive yourself, and I'd never talk to him again If I were you.
2012-07-14 18:00:13 UTC
Text me the pic! email for my number
Zuleika W
2012-07-14 18:01:22 UTC
Dont speak to him again. Not even worth your time :) & chill Hun you realize it was a mistake that's all that matters.
2012-07-14 18:01:18 UTC
Don't be sending dirty pictures?

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