Is it ok for a 14 year old to date a 21 year old?
2016-09-10 01:43:36 UTC
My friend said that it is ok because I am mature for my age and he also said age is just a number. I know some 14 year old who are already dating so it doesn't matter if I am if it is just with someone who is just a bit older.
215 answers:
2016-09-11 18:00:20 UTC
If both parties are truly in love with each other, then they can do whatever they want. Sure, the age of consent exists, but that's only to protect 'minors' from abusive adults, when most aren't.

Adulthood is just an act, a state of mind, a way of life, and maturity. Some people become mature earlier or later than other people, and some people never grow up like Michael Jackson.

I'm 20 and still feel 14, but no more school, I'm wiser, and my problems are worse. Other than that, my life is still the same. Hell, 11 year olds are way more relatable and easier to talk to than my own age group.

Turning 18, 20, or whatever doesn't automatically turn you into an adult. Everyone matures at their own pace, and that's where the government is wrong, since so many people break those laws WITH consent.

Age laws shouldn't have changed after the 1950's. Then people wouldn't make such a big fuss about teens and relationships with 'adults'. In the past, you were considered an adult after puberty.
Variable 46
2016-09-10 23:17:21 UTC
No, No, NO, it is NOT okay for a 14-year-old to be dating a 21-year-old!! Definitely not! If you were 34 and he was 42, the 7 year age difference wouldn't be that severe. At those relative ages, our relative maturity has leveled out and there is genuine common ground for a relationship. But between 14 and 21, you two should be living on different planets for all that you should have in common. If you can't understand this, then let me ask you this: Would you date a boy who was 10? No? Why not? That's only a 4-year-age difference. But even if he was "mature for his age," you know you wouldn't have anything in common with this child...and it would actually be creepy to be making out with a 4th grader like this anyway, right?

Well, it should be just as creepy for some 21 year old dude to be making out with a 14-year-old 8th grader...and vice versa. Don't get beguiled into doing something like this just because you have a friend or two doing it.
2016-09-12 07:08:43 UTC
No, it is NOT ok for a 14 year old to date a 21 year old.

Yes, age is just a number to most people, however a 14 year old is under the consenting age (which I believe is 18 anyway). The 21 year old guy shouldn't be chasing after a child, it doesn't matter if you are mature for your age or not. 14 year olds should be dating other 14 year olds and just having fun. Most relationships aren't serious until you are in your 20s anyway, so why not enjoy being a 14 year old!!!!

I feel sorry for all the young girls who get "dazzled" by older men thinking they are the best thing since sliced bread, when in reality, they should be chasing after women their own age.

But it already sounds like you have made your mind up about him, but please be warned as I would hate to see you hurt.

I just hope you make the right decision for you.
2016-09-10 23:39:53 UTC
Hunny theres only 1 thing hes looking 4 &this guy probably figures if he goes for a young girl it'll be easier cause u wont realize what a big thing ur virginity is 2 give away.if he isnt interested in people his age there is something wrong with him.there r times when this age difference would be ok but14 & 21 isn't 1of them.Its illegal.He could go to jail.Also think of thisWould ur parents be ok with u dating a 21 year old?no because he's too old.i think maybe u already know this since u had to come to yahoo and ask if its ok but u wanted the answers 2 be yes.And I know its cool to date and especially an older man.but not that old.hell probably get what he wants from you and move on.Try dating someone ur age.or even a year or so older.that's not 21 i dont like people my age either but Im at the age where its ok if my man is a little older.mine is 25 only 4 years.Its allabout timing because at ur age I believe 4 years would still be a big age difference & still illegal.
2016-09-12 13:47:52 UTC
No it's not okay. Age is only just a number when both people are of legal age, which you are not. You are a child, the 21 year old is an adult. Didn't you ever think something must be really wrong with this guy if he can't get somebody closer to his age? He's preying on a young girl, that's gross and illegal. Date a 16 or 17 year old, but not a 21 year old. He's a pervert and you don't need to be with somebody like that.
2016-09-11 07:32:42 UTC
Age is just a number with certain age differences like if you were 21 and he were 28 or something that wouldn't be such a problem but he has totally things going on in his life right now and he can do things that you can't. I'm sorry but you should find someone your own age or at least closer I mean there's a big chance he will never want to do what you want to do or talk about what you wanna talk about. If anyone found out he would be classed as a pervert and he could get in serious trouble plus if he's that age and likes 14 year old girls that's creepy there has to be some line.i hope you work it out
2016-09-13 13:50:59 UTC
He told you what you wanted to hear...that you are so mature for a a14 year old. I was 14 once and thought I knew it all. But you don't and someone 21 is in a different place in life and has a lot more life experience. There are some men that will spend a great deal of time to just get your cherry. Be very careful. And why someone his age, out of school, working and such should want to even be with someone 14 give me only two answers...The first is that he is a predator and after what he can get and two...why isn't he with people his own age? That are in the same place in life...that's because he likes to deal with younger kids and that makes him feel superior and smart and all the rest...which he really isn't. It isn't OK. . .
2016-09-12 18:15:01 UTC
It's so weird how a 21 year old can date a 28 year old but a 14 year old can not date a 21 year old....

Oh wait , it's not. Because a 14 year old is still a kid.

It doesn't matter if you are "mature for your age"... You are way too young for a 21 year old.

To answer your question: no it's not ok. Not only would it be illegal, but sick. I can't imagine love between a middle schooler and a college/working person. It's too stretched out. I imagine crashes, but not love.
2016-09-14 16:23:36 UTC
Being 22, I can reflect pretty well on this question. 14 year olds from my perspective are very close to still being children. You have a lot of different things going on in your life than someone who is 21. Dating someone who is seven years your junior in that age range is predatory. Maybe be friends with this 21 year old adult, but for now, date people closer to your own age who better understand your struggles and have similar life events occurring. Just in case I wasn't clear: NO THIS IS A BAD IDEA DON'T DATE SOMEONE WHO IS 7 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU AT THIS TIME. Seems like lots of other people are on the same page. Best of luck.
2016-09-11 02:11:45 UTC
This is defiantly not okay!!! first of all this is against the law, if the police found out about this relationship then the 21 year old would be put in prison under the name of a paedophile or child molester (even if he/she isn't actually causing you any physical or mental harm) a 21 year old will of gone though there collage years and have a lot of experience, sexual activities wont be a huge deal for them and they will take them for granted with you! And its most likely that you would feel pressured at some point in the relationship to do sexual activities with him/her because they are older! If this person and you have a genuine connection then it wont be too much of a struggle to wait until you are 18 or at the very least 16. When you will be of legal age! Good luck hunnie and don't put your self in a situation that you will regret later on in life.
2016-09-10 09:41:55 UTC
Nope not Ok.

Even if you are mature for your age it still is illegal... and for a good reason.

Yeah yeah, these are not the answers you are looking for.

Think of it this way. How do you view a 7 year old? As a child right? Even if that 7 year old is mature for her age.

You are still in the developmental stage. And trust me, when you are 21 you will see 14 year olds as kids. Not romantic options.

A 7 year age difference is fine between two adults. But between a kid and an adult, well your brains are at totally different developmental stages. Google it if you don't believe me!

And seriously, there is something wrong with a man who isn't interested in dating other adults. A man who wants to date a kid? Yuck.
2016-09-14 07:04:20 UTC
Its not a very good idea.

21 year olds are old enough to drink, smoke, gamble, go out.

14yr old, goes to school, has rules by parents and isnt off concenting age.

Meaning the 21 year old is committing an offense right away. ( paedophile)

I was a 15yr old girl once. At the time my boyfriend was 21 years old. You know what.. it turned into a nightmare.

He compulsive lied to me.. he raped me (not talking no for an answer and forced me), he abused me, emotionally/physically/sexually.

Stalked me.. cheated on me and tried to kill me. Turned out he was a criminal, on drugs, and a child sex offender. I am now 24 years old.

You've to think logically, but what does a 21 year old want with a 14 year old girl? Could it be that he has problems like the above? Could it be that he's a paedophile? As no sane 21 yr old would touch and underage girl? Could it be hes a criminal?

He clearly doesnt care about law thats for sure! You take care !
2016-09-12 13:54:46 UTC
No, it's not okay at all. First off, it's ILLEGAL. You're under 18 years old, so you're a minor. According to the law, you're still a child. Your boyfriend who's 21 can legally drink alcohol as well. Honestly, I think 14 is still too young to be in a serious relationship. Going out on casual dates and having fun is one thing. However, to get involved with an adult is wrong. You two might have a good relationship, which makes it tricky. Age is just a number and you can't cotrol who you love. However, if you're caught dating a grown man at 14 years old, he would get sent to jail. I understand the law in regards to being under 18 and over 18. Adults shouldn't be dating minors because minors are still considered children. Don't get caught up in this guy because he may be preying on you for being so young. My advice to you is don't date him due to lawful reasons.
2016-09-12 13:15:40 UTC
Any 21 year old man who is on equal maturity and interests with a 14 yo is a serious loser. Chances are really good that he is interested in SEX with a 14 yo, not a life. He will tell you anything he has to get you naked. It sounds like he wouldn't have to work that hard. Don't do that!

He should be dating someone 20ish with equal interests, equal education and someone who will challenge him intellectually.F he can't stand to deal with more grown up women - again- he is a loser -!. Not just look cute in a t-shirt.

At 14, you should be hanging in groups with pals at the mall, hanging out with girlfriends, hanging out with ur family - enjoying being a kid with no bothers except school. You should be busting your butt in school so you have a future - with or without a guy around.

If I had a son who dated a 14yo, I would have him arrested MYSELF! AND NO 14YO IS MATURE ENOUGH TO DATE A MAN - AND THAT IS WHY THE LAW IS THERE.

It his guy even kisses you- he is looking at prison time and a lifetime of being labeled a sexual predator. If you care about him - tell him NO!! If he cares about you-he would protect you from harm - and him.
2016-09-11 00:15:35 UTC
No that's not okay. Always remember, if he is so easily breaking the law that could land him in jail, then it makes you wonder what else he is willing to risk. He is a predator and could hurt you. Stay away, don't trust these sorts of people. At 14 years old you do not have a fully adult brain yet (that's not meant to be an insult) it just means by the time you are an adult you will think A LOT differently about the same situation. At 14 you look up to adults and trust them, and he is taking advantage of that.

Don't. Tell your parents.
2016-09-10 22:24:17 UTC
When I was 14 I dated a guy who was 19 and I thought it was the best thing ever at the time... But now as I think of it as a 23 year old woman I think how disgusting... Yes age is but a number blah blah blah but there's a line when it's just not ok, I know it's not what you wanna hear and I know you probably think oh I don't care I'll do it anyway but honestly it's not ok it's just too young ... I wish I had someone tell me that cause you will look back and think what the hell ?
2016-09-10 14:00:33 UTC
No I do not think it is ok for a 14 year old to date a 21 year old. You may be mature for your age but why are you in such a hurry. It's against the law for a 21 year old to be with anyone under 18 years old.
2016-09-10 14:51:07 UTC
I hate seeing seniors date freshmen in high school so this just makes me feel sad. Sweetheart I'm always gonna love you no matter what not in a creepy way but you're still so youg cause I assume you don't like being called a child. When I was 16 I had an affair with a 21 yr old woman. She broke my heart cause I was just the other guy. Maybe I am being crusty and sour but I don't want to see you go through the pain but if you don't get hurt you'll never learn. My opinion is still no but maybe that's the feminist in me. It's up to you but I only pray you know you're a princess and deserve only the best I love you Moî 💋❤️💜💛💙💚🙏👼🏿 God bless all
2016-09-12 11:35:07 UTC
Your "friend" takes STUPID to a whole new level. Age is NOT "just a number" when one person involved is a MINOR. At 14, it doesn't matter how "mature" you act or think you are - the LAW overrides everything you think or do. A 21 year old is a legal ADULT - they are NEVER allowed to legally date or do anything sexual with someone under 18. If you were so "mature", you would know all of this. A 14 year old needs to focus on SCHOOL and being a teenager - not hanging around GROWN ADULTS. Find friends and dates your OWN age.
2016-09-12 22:49:07 UTC
No it is not normal and something is wrong with the older party. Being 21 myself the youngest age I would entertain is 18 and they'd have to be the next best thing, I view a 17 year old as a baby comparatively to me. I'm living alone working everyday me you're presumably living with your parents and going to school everyday. You're at two different stages in your life and I just really feel that it is not right.
2016-09-11 14:18:26 UTC
Ehh never mind
2016-09-15 02:18:59 UTC
No it's not ok your still a child no matter how mature u think u are and him being 21 he's a grown *** man and should be ashamed of himself at 14 your not even fully developed into a full woman yet.worry about being a 14 year old and have have your whole life to date whoever u want when your of age
2016-09-11 01:11:36 UTC
Honestly, I've been there, done that. Avoid dating guys a lot older than you, especially when you're a teenager. He may like you, but you won't have the same things in common, you won't be able to go out with him at night, he will never introduce his family to you. You will just be his side piece and he will use you until he gets bored and then leave you broken hearted. When I was 17 I dated a guy who was 26 and the age gap was way too much. At the time I didn't think it was but when I looked back I had all these realisations. You are setting yourself up to be hurt. Please don't do this to yourself
2016-09-11 21:01:23 UTC
Well first of all this 21 year old can go to jail. 14 years old is considered a minor and it's not ok. I think it's weird even if you're mature for your age.
2016-09-11 19:27:01 UTC
I don't think it's a good idea. Take it from me I was 14 years old and dated a 19 year old 4 years ago. It turned into an abusive relationship and i got taken advantage of because I was very naive. It sounds like the same thing is about to happen to you. Older men will go for young ladies like yourself because they think it's easy. Wise up girl!
2016-09-10 22:34:00 UTC
That's illegal and if a 21 year old is into a 14 year old that's kinda sick. Age is just a number I agree with that in a lot of cases but you can't even drink yet and I doubt your in high school yet or your a 9th grader so regardless of immaturity he's a grown *** man and your still in the middle of puberty Hun, go for guys yours age trust me on this.
2016-09-11 23:21:43 UTC
I personally think its okay but the law doesn't think its okay. Adolescence doesn't really exist. It is an invention of modern society. Back in the day, once you went through puberty, you were considered an adult. Physiologically speaking, there is no difference between a 14 year old girl and an 18 year old girl. Also, most teenagers nowadays are having sex with each other, so I don't see why its considered a crime for a teenager to have sex with an adult. Sex is sex. Age is irrelevant.
2016-09-12 03:48:30 UTC
No, it is not right for an 8th grader or a freshman or sophomore in high school to date someone 21. At this stage in the 14 year old's life, they are not prepared to deal with the emotional issues of dating someone who is of age, it is best for them to be on organized group dates for at least a year or two.
2016-09-10 16:17:17 UTC
For most 14 year olds this would be wrong, they may think they're mature enough but they aren't. However people develop and mature at different rates and sometimes it might n okay. Some girls are very mature at a young age and can handle a relationship with an older guy. But it could also be damaging if it goes wrong. All I will say "be careful"
2016-09-11 00:44:26 UTC
That's pretty weird. It would be weird if he was 17 let alone 21. There's so much difference between a 14 year old and a 21 year old, you're still a kid and he's an adult. Plus it's illegal if you have sex.
2016-09-12 22:54:53 UTC
I would say yes but you're a minor. And the 21 year old could go to jail if you guys get caught. Especially if you get pregnant. At 18, I went out with a 28 year old, and now I'm 20 and he's 30, but we're not together anymore
2016-09-11 02:21:15 UTC
Are you sleeping with this guy yet or did he tell u he would wait for u to turn 18 because "dating" for a 14 yr old usually means like hangin out or whatever but when it's a 21 yr old man I'm pretty sure that is called grooming he is grooming u and ya he might wait till ur a little older but he is making you fall in love with him and teaching u to be the way he wants u to be so u will be loyal to him He will most likely end up knocking u up controling u and beating u or you and your child I've seen it play out this way many many times
Jedi Jan
2016-09-13 00:34:58 UTC
Red flag question. Why would you think it is okay for a 14 year old to date a 21 year old is what is puzzling. You need to get some adult input into your question, like for example your parents. I would love to hear their response. A 14 year old is regarded as "prison bait" by most adults; it is amazing that your 21 year old friend appears unaware of this. Perhaps your friend should ask a member of the Police force the same question, before he does find himself in a jail with other pedophiles.
2016-09-13 12:50:01 UTC
No, it is NOT okay. The 21-year-old has way more life experience than the 14-year-old. The child hasn't a clue what he's getting into. The adult does. I'm far more concerned with an adult who is attracted to a child. That's not normal.
2016-09-10 17:55:34 UTC
I'm unclear as to who is the 14 year old and who is the 21 year old. Either way, it is wrong. If the 14 year old is the female and the 21 is out. If he ever has sex with you it is illegal and he'll be spending time in jail. Say goodbye and move on to something healthier.
Steven Ewing
2016-09-10 23:23:22 UTC
My best suggestion is to ask your mom, and you dad, to their face, if you can date the 21 year old man, who better be standing next to you, when you ask them.
2016-09-11 12:59:57 UTC
lmao no you're not mature for your age. you're 14 and have all the same maturity levels as any other 14 year old, no matter what you've been though. dating a 21 year old, really? what could you two possibly have in common besides being physically attracted to each other?
2016-09-11 23:38:01 UTC
No, it's not okay, not even if they say it is.

I made an awful decision once to date someone way older than me like that, and it's not smart. I wish I never made that choice. Even dating at 14 isn't a good idea. You're young. Make friends, don't worry about dating just yet. You'll find your love one day, but you need to wait so you don't make mistakes. Learn from others mistakes so you don't repeat them.
2016-09-11 13:46:53 UTC
This is not the answer you're going to want but no it is not okay. Men that old who go for younger girls have their own agendas. Although, every situation is different. I am 17 and dating a 21 year old. But I am mature for my age and even that is pushing it.. Be careful
2016-09-12 08:10:33 UTC
Personally I think it's kinda weird. But if no sexual contact is included until the 14 year old turns 16-18 (depending on the age of consent is wherever you are at). Then I'm actually fine with it.
2016-09-11 18:48:23 UTC
Nope. Youll end up pregnant and alone.

14-21 is pretty fun if youre at that time of life. 14-21 raising a small child alone might be rewarding as a mother, but it can be very trying. And certainly not as much fun.

Take your time in life. We've only one, and cosmically speaking its over in a nanosecond.
2016-09-11 16:40:57 UTC
It was never specified, so why are people assuming that the 21 year old is a man and the 14 year old is a girl?
2016-09-10 14:38:59 UTC
He is not just "bit older" than you -- he is 7 years older than you! He is a 21-year-old grown man, and you are just a little 14-year-old girl. He has absolutely nothing in common with you, much less want to date you - no matter how mature he says you are. He only wants to get in your pants; and that is all!

I bet "your friend" DID tell you it was okay to date him. Did he also tell you to keep it a secret from your parents?

You are not allowed to have any kind of "dating relationship" with this guy. He will be arrested for the crime of statutory rape, sent to prison, and have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. He already knows this. As soon as word gets around that he is dating you, he will pull a disappearing act - running from the law before they can locate him and arrest him.
2016-09-11 12:15:32 UTC
No it's not ok 14 olds too young to date
2016-09-13 01:21:29 UTC
It is very much ok for u to date a 21 year old but what u may have to do or may ending up doing in ur date is either recite some poems or Shakespeare plays or quotes.
2016-09-12 00:17:48 UTC
Age wouldn't matter if you two were maybe like a 27 years old and a 37 years old because your both adults. But in your case its an adult dating someone who is still technically a child, so no.
2016-09-11 16:01:20 UTC
Um no it's not okay. I'm 23 years old and if a 14 year old girl asked me out I would immediately refuse. You should be focusing on your studies and hang out with people your age.
2016-09-10 21:22:41 UTC
Nope definitely not ok and if you think your mature then you would know that 21 is just too old for a 14 year old and that's not because of the age gap but your actual age so please just don't.
2016-09-11 15:03:26 UTC

Though the 21 year old would go to jail for dating a minor
2016-09-11 01:56:39 UTC
NO it's illegal and disgusting. This is NOT something you want to do. Date someone your age. Age is not just a number until you are over 18. You are still a baby, and this man is an adult!! Just listen to my story; I am your age. I dated a 23 year old and I didn't think there was anything wrong with it at first because he was good to me so I didn't tell anyone. A few weeks into the relationship he really showed his true colours. I wanted to go out with him in public but he didn't want to. He was embarrased to be going out with someone so young and I wondered why he would want to go out with me in the first place if he is embarassed...When he left me alone in his apartment to go to college I did some snooping around and found some pictures of him and a girl. Kissing. The only problem with the picture was, was that he was wearing a shirt that I had seen him wear and he had just bought. The picture was recent. I was heart broken to find out that I was his side piece, and he had a girlfriend. A much older girlfriend..he only wanted me for my body. I was too afraid to adress him about it in fear that I would lose him. I truly believed that I was in love with him.. But what I failed to realize is that he'd purposely set those pictures out. He didn't care whether I saw them or not because he had no respect for me, and he knew that I had no respect for myself dating a 20 year old. How could he have respect for me if I had none for myself? He took advantage of me. Forced me to do some things I didn't want to do. Verbally abused me when I didn't do what he said. Not saying this will happen to you but you never know. I didn't know what to do to get out of the situation so eventually I had to talk to someone. I told my best friend (big mistake.) and she was so disgusted she told my parents. My parents of course flipped out on me but I wasn't going to listen to anything they had to say. They weren't any better if they didn't know that I had been in a six month long relationship with a twenty year old. I did learn that it was illegal that I was in a relationship with him though, and I wanted him in jail. My parents went to court and let's just say that I am in just as much trouble as he was for being involved in the relationship and not saying no. Now, I am also mature. I'm a bit short but you'd think I was around 18 if you spoke to me. It has been three months since I have spoken to him, and I feel that I have grown alot and matured more. I'm only 14. It was dangerous what I was getting myself into I still know NOTHING about life yet. Neither do you so please, be careful and stay away. xx
2016-09-10 23:06:03 UTC
More to the point, it's not OK for a grown-up 21-year-old to date a middle schooler. Yeesh.
2016-09-14 12:44:47 UTC
It is completely not ok ! That is disgusting mature or not ! If you were my daughter I'd ship you off some where first of all it's illegal 2 , you are not mature enough for that and 3 u could get that person in a lot of trouble
2016-09-10 23:10:11 UTC
Not really. 7 years isn't a major difference when you are older but when you are as young as 14, that's wrong. If you were 16 or older then maybe but 14 is too young, fullstop.
Mike Janes
2016-09-10 15:46:23 UTC
If the parents of the 14 year old are cool with it then yes. 14 is a mature age, so long as they have parents involved in their life. Elvis Presley dated Priscilla when she was 14 he was 24
2016-09-10 22:14:28 UTC
Miss, (I am assuming youre a girl) you are being tricked and this man is a PERVERT. Age is just a number, true, but in your case you are still a child, and he is taking advantage of your innocence. Imagine a 12 year old trying to date a 2 year old. Exactly.
2016-09-13 15:18:12 UTC
There's only one thing a guy in his twenties wants from a child. No, it is not okay. He is a grown man and should not even view a child in such a way. I'm mature for my age but, I'm not going to date someone older than 17. If he touches you, that's rape. That's not love.
2016-09-11 22:49:50 UTC
Im not gonna waste my time on this.

Let's just wait and see where this 21 year old lover of yours goes once you're pregnant.

That'll be your answer.
2016-09-12 08:55:17 UTC
Yeah it's ok age is only a number but if you were dating a 40 or older guy then that's wrong.
Anne Campbell
2016-09-11 06:40:03 UTC
Your friend says that you are 'mature for your age.' This means to me that he is saying 'this is a good reason for you to have sex with me.' 'Dating' seems to be a euphemism to avoid telling the truth that is having a sexual relationship. Although I guess many are saying that they are in order to seem 'cool.' A 14 year old's body is mature enough to have sex but emotionally they have not yet reached that stage. Do not hurry to grow up by conforming to peer pressure.
2016-09-10 01:57:26 UTC
"You're mature for your age" a common phrase used by pedophiles who only want sex. A 21 year old should not be attracted to a 14 year old. It's nothing against you personally, but it's pedophillic on his part. Also you're not even of legal consenting age, it's literally illegal and creepy for him to date you.
2016-09-11 15:20:43 UTC
That'll get the 21 year old arrested here. Of course he said you were mature. That sounds better than the truth: he can't attract women his own age, because he's not mature.
2016-09-11 11:05:36 UTC
Listen kid. Stop dating this woman. Simple as hell. There is a possibility that she can go to prison for pedophilia. Find some girls around your age. Your story is funny to me because when I was 13, I liked 22 year old teacher, but I thought to my self, "Is there a possibility that our relationship would last?" Ended up being just acquaintances with her. Hope you listen to the other answers.
2016-09-11 21:25:58 UTC
It is only OK if the older person is the female in the relationship, and it's not a teacher-student thing (because that is illegal). If it's an older woman, with a younger male, then it would be OK.
2016-09-12 02:13:45 UTC
Yes it is. Technically the age is just a law. If they're mature enough to date then so be it. Back in the day it was legal to have sex at 15
2016-09-10 02:03:49 UTC
You must really hate that guy because you want him to go to prison as a pedophile and probably be killed there. Plus he REALLY IS a pedophile and he knows you are VERY immature or you wouldn't be dumb enough to believe his BS line about age is just a number. ONLY a jackazz would fall for that old line.
Groove doctor
2016-09-14 05:44:46 UTC
Legally, no. Socially, no. Use the age formula: for guys, half their age plus 7. For girls, their age minus 7, then double. So for him, the youngest he could date is a 18.5 year old. For you, the youngest you could date would be a 14 year old.
2016-09-10 13:39:32 UTC
No way. If you want to date someone, date someone around your age or at least near your age because if you or your friend date someone who's 21, they can get into **** + your parents or your friend's parents won't like the idea
2016-09-11 22:53:11 UTC
Nooooo!! I mean, there may be a rare case where it is truly love, but 99% of the time the 21 year old is trying to hit it and quit it.
2016-09-12 08:08:49 UTC
A normal 21 year old should have no interest in a 14year old
2016-09-10 22:39:02 UTC
This is not okay. Yes, age is just a number, but I assure you that's not how it works in this situation. You may think you are mature and ready to be dating older people, but dating an adult as a minor is illegal and the adult can pay the price of going to prison. Please think of the consequences that can happen in situations like this.
2016-09-10 18:10:58 UTC
Older men who want to date teenage girls often say "age is just a number". It's often the typical paedophile excuse. He's not a paedophile, he's a hebephile by definition, but it is not okay for him to date something this young at his age. I'd say 17 is the oldest you should be dating.
2016-09-11 20:59:15 UTC
A seven year age difference is fine if you were 20 or older. Seriosly you do not know what you're getting yourself into. Your choice tho. Don't say I didn't warn you.
2016-09-14 02:08:08 UTC
Yes and no you have to ask yourself if you feel comfortable with it after all its not your parents or the cops that have to kiss and lose their cherry to a older dude besides you want to go to prom right well in most states you can't go with him age limit on him not you and their will be the whole cheating thing in the back of his mind if you go your a freshmen hes almost a collage senior then theirs the whole rumor mill at your school please think before you act your future happiness for the next 6 years (possibly the rest of your nature life) is at stake
2016-09-10 16:19:48 UTC
No. It doesn't matter if you're mature or not, you're not age of consent. and the guy could be arrested for being a pedophile or however they do it.

I would wait until you're 18 if you really want to date someone older than you.
2016-09-11 06:04:08 UTC
No! Completely different mindsets in those ages. It would not be a healthy relationship. Yes you two are consenting. But he is an ADULT. You are a TEENAGER. A very young teenager! Once you hit 20 youre no longer a teen. This sounds very dangerous
2016-09-10 23:46:11 UTC
tf u aint mature you are 14. stop dating 21 year old and do what 14 year olds did in my day: play monopoly
2016-09-10 02:15:25 UTC
No, it isn't, because you are a child, not yet fullly developed physically and mentally, whereas the 21 year old is an adult who is expected to know better.
2016-09-11 01:17:33 UTC
No that's waaaaaay to young that's under the legal age of 18 so no, there's plenty of people in the world your find someone else
2016-09-11 09:02:25 UTC
Of course ok, because date can happen from mind so if anyone like from his too older it's just ok
2016-09-11 12:33:41 UTC
No, i dont think its okay. 7 years between you at these ages are considered as man & child, not seen as suitable for a relationship, when you are 18 or older and the man is 25 it would be acceptable in general.
2016-09-10 21:10:38 UTC
Not good for he has been

with 1000 older ladied of the night

and you have only been with one person

this 20 year old man.

look out you might catch something

not good. VD, gonna Reea,

aid's, VD.
2016-09-11 07:27:03 UTC
Should be 18 or older to be dating someone 6 years older the you.
2016-09-12 10:35:07 UTC
No. It could mean condemnation and other troubles for the 21 year old.
Orla C
2016-09-12 09:42:31 UTC
No, it's not okay. You are still legally a child, and he is an adult.

The day you reach the legal age of consent in your country, you can date who you like, but until then, no.
2016-09-12 22:09:59 UTC
I asked this exact question a few months back. Stop copying, you troll. I may be a troll too, but at least I'm original with my questions and don't copy others.
2016-09-14 13:24:50 UTC
Well, not YET.

If you were for example 21 he would be 28 and that would be normal age difference but he will go to jail for it. Sorry kid.
2016-09-13 17:53:10 UTC
2016-09-10 19:11:32 UTC
haha I'm 17 and my aunt flipped out when she saw me with my 20 year old friend. so I guess it depends on your parents. is it illegal yes, however if your parents allow you too date him then its okay as long as there is no intercourse but at 14 no way he is a pedophile. it is illegal and dangerous
2016-09-13 20:25:04 UTC
Would you date a seven year old?
2016-09-12 02:06:38 UTC
No whoever the 21 yr old is must be a creep
2016-09-11 09:29:52 UTC
It was ok in the 70s but not now, people and laws have become way too victorian, actually it ok to date if there is no sex
2016-09-13 06:48:22 UTC
No... Unless it's Harry Styles
2016-09-10 16:22:23 UTC
Not ok as it's child and adult I no you can't help you u fancy but 14 us to young
2016-09-13 16:24:17 UTC
No wait till you're 18
2016-09-10 12:12:27 UTC
That is statutory rape. If you even have to ask this question begin preparing yourself for jail by eating with a sporknor spending lots of time in a closet with only your thoughts.
2016-09-11 19:07:11 UTC
You're too young to date
Diana M
2016-09-11 21:07:04 UTC
Nope. Hes 7 years older than you. Plus it might not be a very safe idea..
2016-09-10 01:47:43 UTC
I never let my girls date at that age. Because my girls were not allowed to, a lot of the others in the group chose not to too. Later on, when they were about 20, they met their perfect partners and are still happily married to them.
Maris Olding
2016-09-12 17:20:02 UTC
The answer is NO and if you live in the UK then your breaking the law if you have sex. !

You should both find someone your own age.

You may think your mature but he's obviously not.
2016-09-12 18:12:58 UTC
2016-09-11 19:16:35 UTC
It's against the law. In all honesty, 16 should be the age of consent!
2016-09-12 00:24:26 UTC
Yes you can date but sexually activity should be completely off the cards until you are legal. Tell him that and see if he stays or runs a mile
2016-09-11 18:53:44 UTC
If you were over eighteen and wanted to date an older guy by all means.i would rather see my daughter with someone who is educated and has a decent job rather then some uneducated smuck on welfare.
2016-09-11 20:30:50 UTC
By law no sorry but you have to wait those 4 years
♠ Merlin ♠
2016-09-10 01:54:37 UTC
Not mature or educated enough to know its illegal though are you?

You wont even be able to write to him when he is in prison

but you can buy him a nice pen to sign the sex offenders register with when he eventually gets out
2016-09-11 06:20:45 UTC
Of course your friend says this. He wants to get in your pants. It is never okay for anyone who is considered an adult to date a child who is barely out of nappies.
rock of ages
2016-09-12 11:07:22 UTC
No it's not OK. What could you all have in common. If it was my child it would be a h-ll to the no.
2016-09-11 23:11:30 UTC
No it's not wrong! Just make sure it's not 'bang and leave' 'gold digger' 'kidnapper' 😐 or anything bad. You feel?
2016-09-11 04:14:41 UTC
A 14 year old is considered "jail bait ".
2016-09-11 00:46:40 UTC
Yes it's dine
2017-02-15 03:22:04 UTC
2017-02-08 06:37:01 UTC
No it's not okay. Age is only just a number when both people are of legal age, which you are not. You are a child, the 21 year old is an adult. Didn't you ever think something must be really wrong with this guy if he can't get somebody closer to his age? He's preying on a young girl, that's gross and illegal. Date a 16 or 17 year old, but not a 21 year old. He's a pervert and you don't need to be with somebody like that.
2016-09-11 11:25:01 UTC
No you should date until your 18
2016-09-11 05:26:36 UTC
NO it is illegal and he could be looking at becoming a sex offender for the rest of his life. Where are your parents.
2016-09-11 18:21:26 UTC
Nope. It's morally wrong.
2016-09-11 08:22:48 UTC
Ew wtf, I'm 19 and I still wouldn't date someone 7 years older than me. Your mom really doesn't give af. Also ask yourself, why can't this 21 year old man get someone his own age
2016-09-13 00:17:14 UTC
2016-09-12 21:01:13 UTC
2016-09-10 01:51:03 UTC
If you live in Iraq or Afghanistan sure totally ok. But in a civilized society, no it is not ok.
2016-09-10 01:46:07 UTC
No. He's over 18 and could go to jail for that Sh!t.
2016-10-13 00:07:48 UTC
i hope you work it out He told you what you wanted to hear. Hunny theres only 1 thing hes looking 4
2016-09-11 22:31:16 UTC
unless you marry (which in most states you can) sex would be statutory rape even if you consent

historically most relationships were in fact a newly pubescent girl and an older man, but times have changed.. sorry
2016-09-10 20:50:50 UTC
It's ok. No sex here, it's just DATING for God's sake.
2016-09-11 06:20:43 UTC
You can have a non-sexual friendship and that's ok, if her parents are ok with it
2016-09-10 18:34:08 UTC
Far from okay that's basically pedophilia
2016-09-13 16:09:38 UTC
It's too young.
2016-09-11 06:53:43 UTC
No its not in fact it's not legal
2016-09-10 01:48:36 UTC
No it's not at all under any circumstances
2016-09-11 14:43:09 UTC
No it's not morally right
2016-09-13 19:02:23 UTC
Umm honey he's too old
2016-09-12 23:26:41 UTC
No.. You can't do that..
Alan H
2016-09-10 12:57:52 UTC
It is illegal; he could face prosecution.

Of course he tells you that you are mature; it is

a common ploy to get into your pants!
2016-09-11 12:54:45 UTC
NO. NEVER! You are setting yourself up to fail the rest of your life! Don't do it!!
2016-09-15 07:35:21 UTC
Its definetly NOT socially acceptable but personally i think its fine. I know a lot of people would disagree.
2016-09-10 08:16:58 UTC
Age matters when one of the people are underage. Don't do it.
2016-09-12 09:30:02 UTC
I turned 20 back in july. I say go for it. Enjoy the sex.
2016-09-14 19:51:54 UTC
NOooo it's not okay but do whatever I guess just ask your parents
2016-09-11 02:38:38 UTC
NO IT IS NOT OKAY STOP NOW!!! Why don't you go ask your mum that question and see if she says its okay🤗
2016-09-12 11:17:28 UTC
Categorically No.
2016-09-12 12:59:28 UTC
have fun with your baby in 9 months
2016-09-11 06:55:03 UTC
No. It's disgustingly illegal actually. The fact that you have to ask...smh
2016-09-13 17:56:36 UTC
I would say as long as you don't do anything with my (sex), then you're fine. Just date him as long as you love him, and he loves you.
chima n
2016-09-11 11:29:48 UTC
No, it's not....
2016-09-13 16:55:43 UTC
No. Youre being taken advantage of
2016-09-12 09:55:54 UTC
Don't we all just wish
2016-09-10 16:58:09 UTC
It's not okay. It's actually illegal if you didn't know that.
2016-09-12 22:51:01 UTC
NO! JUST NO! Of course it is not ok. Go for someone ur own age! That is so gross!!!
2016-09-10 20:52:43 UTC
no,it's illegal,and he's a pedophile.
2016-09-12 03:35:47 UTC
That's the attitude !
2016-09-12 20:03:06 UTC
Pedo aert.
2016-09-11 02:05:43 UTC
If a girl has womanly boobs, that is her true age. So go for ti!
2016-09-11 13:01:26 UTC
Will he be saying that when he is in prison. He is an adult, you are a child. He is manipulating you
2016-09-10 02:00:28 UTC
Called cradle snatching, so be aware ot the motive.
2016-09-13 01:11:37 UTC
2016-09-12 11:02:17 UTC
no, age of concent is 16 m9
2016-09-10 01:46:22 UTC
I guess but it might be frowned upon. ,it could just be a one time thing
2016-09-11 07:32:50 UTC
i think it's better to study & make a good living!!
2016-09-11 19:25:54 UTC
I don't think it's ok.
2016-09-10 05:15:45 UTC
Again? give it a rest you keep asking we keep telling you no.
2016-09-11 07:26:49 UTC
No it's not okay and it's illegal.
2016-09-12 14:10:23 UTC
... Actually there are many stories of such an age difference
2016-09-16 01:03:35 UTC
2016-09-10 10:30:51 UTC
yes it's okay. u need someone older to explore your sexuality with.
2016-09-14 08:39:46 UTC
Its considered rape legally. Dump him and find someone your own age. He is considered and adult legally and you are legally considered a child.
2016-09-13 23:40:38 UTC
No that's not ok. It's illegal. Love knows no numbers but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be wrong. Please answer mine
jeffrey f
2016-09-14 11:55:20 UTC
At those ages, the age gap is too big.
2016-09-11 05:33:49 UTC
No it's statutory rape
2016-09-12 03:06:34 UTC
it's illegal , thats disgusting, shame on you both
2016-09-10 13:12:33 UTC
He is a creep. Stay away from him.
2016-09-15 19:49:59 UTC
No it's illegal
2016-09-11 22:01:00 UTC
No way
2016-09-11 16:50:34 UTC
No amigo
2016-09-16 09:43:45 UTC
You know, I think it's okay! **** the law.
2016-09-12 19:59:33 UTC
2016-09-11 08:44:16 UTC
2016-09-11 04:24:25 UTC
2016-09-11 22:18:05 UTC
Statuatory rape status!
2016-09-12 19:44:55 UTC
No, it's illegal
2016-09-12 00:25:28 UTC
Never ok, never
2016-09-11 17:39:53 UTC
This is pedophilia
2016-09-10 21:07:19 UTC
Umm rape status?
2016-09-11 21:16:19 UTC
no don't do it
2016-09-10 07:37:38 UTC
no its wrong on so many levels
2016-09-10 17:58:53 UTC
Lmao no.
2016-09-11 15:55:13 UTC
No thats weird, please don't. Find someone your age. He is a creep.
2016-09-11 11:48:20 UTC
No its not
2016-09-12 12:46:07 UTC
No!!! He/she is just looking for sex
2016-09-11 13:48:16 UTC
2016-09-11 06:08:07 UTC
2016-09-10 23:43:12 UTC
2016-09-12 23:38:42 UTC
2016-09-12 13:49:56 UTC
2016-09-11 13:14:35 UTC
Leah loves Niall Horan and 1D
2016-09-11 12:24:22 UTC
Terry R
2016-09-11 10:38:01 UTC
2016-09-11 03:45:32 UTC
2016-09-10 17:05:37 UTC
Joseph hola
2016-09-10 16:18:52 UTC
john smith
2016-09-12 01:57:41 UTC
nah no way
2016-09-11 18:14:30 UTC
nope, but you know him not me
2016-09-11 03:14:25 UTC
2016-09-11 01:17:16 UTC
2016-09-11 08:19:54 UTC
2016-09-10 20:53:27 UTC
2016-09-11 03:39:09 UTC
2016-09-10 23:02:50 UTC
2016-09-10 22:17:56 UTC
2016-09-12 03:51:35 UTC
No stupid
2016-09-10 16:59:25 UTC
2016-09-13 19:38:18 UTC
2016-09-12 12:22:06 UTC
2016-09-10 23:31:51 UTC
Its illegal....
2016-09-12 13:41:04 UTC
2016-09-11 09:05:46 UTC
Oh my god... No please don't
2016-09-11 12:22:00 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.