why she takes so long to text back.?
2009-12-28 00:58:48 UTC
i have a gf and we really like each other we have fun and enjoy the simple things. only problem is that i can't see her everyday cuz we live a bit far apart so i see her everyother day and on the weekends and even if she lived close i would want to give her her space. but the thing that pisses me off is that she takes forever to text back i mean sometimes like hours i might text her at 6 and won't hear from her till like 7 or 7 30 and then ill text her back like in 5 or 7 minutes and she takes another hour an a half to answer back. she tells me that she just doesn't bother checking her phone or that she drops it in between the couch cushions. and her friends also tell me she's clumsy. i want to believe her and have talked to her about it and she tells me to get the thought that she is cheating out of my head cuz she really cares and why would you girls take forever to text back? do all of you do it or is it just a few or just her? but is it too much to ask for a text back a little faster not like in a minute or anything but at least try to keep it within the hour?
27 answers:
2009-12-28 01:04:36 UTC
ask her, tell her it bugs you, DIAL THE PHONE and call her.
2009-12-28 01:15:47 UTC
Whoa buddy, chill out. It is easy to get hung up on how fast or slow someone you like is texting back, but the reality is this. Life happens. The beauty about texting is that you don't have to stop what you are doing to talk to people, you can continue normally without having to talk on the phone. Sometimes, you just cannot think of the right thing to say, or forget to reply. There is nothing to be said about the speed in which she texts back. If she does not see how this is effecting you, try it yourself. I realize that sounds harsh, but when she texts you don't reply as fast. Let her walk a mile in your shoes, so to speak. You need to communicate with your girlfriend about this, not to a group of complete strangers. If something is going on, she would be the first person you would need to ask. If you are having doubts about whether or not she telling the truth, then maybe step back and take a look at your relationship. Relationships are built on trusting the other, more than you would trust a friend. Trusting the other person with your heart, so to speak, and if you are having doubts over the speed of her texts because she might be cheating...? Is there something wrong with that picture? There might be other things she does that make you question her the way you do? Just talk to her. She might get mad, but let her know that you want to have the strongest relationship possible, and because you do live far apart it is critical you trust each other. You don't have the luxury of seeing one and other everyday, the intimacy is lost many times,and so your relationship must be built up by other things. Like trust. Trusting the other person. Trusting yourself, to believe what the other says. It all goes back to trust and communication. With those things in line, you have the makings for a long lasting relationship.
2009-12-28 01:07:07 UTC
Yes, it is too much to ask for a text a little faster. You are waaaayyy too clingy. You talk about giving her her space but, then you talk about how you hate how she take an hour to text back. Yeah, that's a lot of personal space. She needs some room, stop bugging her. It's just a stupid phone and you obviously said that you hang out every other day. Come on, lighten up on your girlfriend. Otherwise, she won't be with you for much longer.
2009-12-28 01:09:53 UTC
Coming from my personal experience, its usually the guys that take longer to respond. I go crazy just waiting 15 minutes for a reply. But I would give her the benefit of the doubt.

I suggest maybe asking her to let you know when shes busy so that you wont be expecting a reply. Me and my boyfriend have an understanding that if we know we are going to be busy for a bit, we tell each other so that no questions are raised as to why there was no reply.

My other suggestion is that maybe you try calling her instead of texting. She might not be big into texting you, and calling her might make it a little more special. It is definitely more personal, and you can get more of her attention that way.

Good Luck!
Lady Wildcat
2009-12-28 01:07:13 UTC
>>>i might text her at 6 and won't hear from her till like 7 or 7 30 and then ill text her back like in 5 or 7 minutes and she takes another hour an a half to answer back>>>

So she's not replying fast enough for Your Royal Highness. I see. Got it.

Keep up that attitude, dude, and it won't be long before she stops texting you at all. Lord knows I would have already sent you on your way by now, if you were copping this attitude with me.

2016-04-12 07:17:58 UTC
Have you lost the love of your life and need to learn how to get your ex back? It's an emotional time and often it seems the harder you try to smooth things over and work things out the worse it gets. Before you make another mistake and finish things for good you need to find out just what to do. If you lost the love of your life and want that person back, you need the Magic of Making Up.

We all know of people who have broken up and then got back together. But I bet right now you wish you knew their secret. Getting back together can happen - there is a way - a strategy if you will - that's learnable. Even though the people you thought of who got back together may not have intended to follow 'the' strategy, they did - by accident. Now wouldn't you like to know just what they did?

Right now if you were to see or talk to your ex on the phone, the chances of your saying just the right thing at the right time - by accident are quite frankly slim to none. You need a plan. You need a map to show you just where you want to go and what you want to accomplish so when you next see or speak with your ex you say all the right things and deliver just the right message.
2015-06-28 17:34:57 UTC
It's going to be pretty painful after breaking up with someone you love so much. It's inevitable that you're going to feel very down, sad and depressed. Sometimes it seems you spend every waking moment thinking about how to get your ex back.

Do a simple search, and you're bound to find a plethora of information, with a whole host of different opinions, sometimes seemingly off opposing viewpoints. To focus in on something that's going to help you, the first thing you think about is establishing some common courtesy.

Try to read this article to the end in order to get the best benefit out of it.

Go to:
Pic Perfect
2009-12-28 01:08:26 UTC
LOL i fo my boyfriend like that. I'm not cheating but i will get side tracked with a lot of other things and i can hear my phone go off but i will try and finish up what i am doing first and if the phone doesn't go off again i will completely forget about it. but when i'm not doing anything he has my full attention and i can text him right back. But i'm pretty sure she is not busy all the time she is just lazy and don't want to get up if she hears he phone go off.
2015-08-06 05:03:26 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


why she takes so long to text back.?

i have a gf and we really like each other we have fun and enjoy the simple things. only problem is that i can't see her everyday cuz we live a bit far apart so i see her everyother day and on the weekends and even if she lived close i would want to give her her space. but the thing that pisses...
2009-12-28 01:14:11 UTC
Is there such a thing as a phone call anymore? Texting hides so many feelings. Its easy to just pick up the phone to check the text and say "I think I will text back when I feel Like it" Its a little more personal to call and leave a message if she does'nt pick up. One general rule to follow is "If it feels wrong, it usually is. . . ." listen to your gutt its more accurate than your heart. Cuz maybe, just maybe she's just not that into you~

Good Luck
2009-12-28 01:08:37 UTC
OOh boyy, :| Hahahha i remember.. scratch that, I DISTINCTIVLEY remember when I would purposly not text back to the guy I liked/bf for an hour or two just to make him wonder.. It's what almost every women does now and then. I'm guessing she has a LIFE and has got to do things :| And you are so stressed, dude ask her :) It's not like she will dump you for asking, what've you got to loose! :D
English teacher from Germany
2009-12-28 01:08:36 UTC
How long have you two been together? In the beginning of a relationship people are usually very excited to get text messages.....after a year or two I could understand when someone doesnt answer right away...
2009-12-28 01:05:40 UTC
Hmm i understand your problem, with me and my boyfriend we txt for hours and we get text's from each other in seconds. I think you should ask you girlfriend if she could keep her phone where she can see it, so when she gets a txt off you she can reply right after instead of making you waite. If you think shes cheating why don't you ask her friend? Say "I'm in love with her and i need to known if she is or not"
2016-04-12 07:40:46 UTC
The first thing to do is to let all your emotions out. Surely, if you want to get your ex-girl or boyfriend back, he or she means a lot to you then you must love her/him, very much, so you are hurt badly. Well, shout let it all out! Do not be afraid to cry if I want to. Perhaps you want to have a smoke or a drink even if you never did before? Well, it won't do you any harm. Just don't fall into hard drinking, because that way you will never have a chance to get your ex back.

If you wish to visit to know more about..(Getting Back With Your Ex) you can do that here
2015-02-09 13:54:58 UTC
Winning back an ex is not easy at all. It is a lot easier to generate feelings in someone, than it is to change their feelings. But if you take the right steps, and more importantly don't do the wrong things, your chances to win him back increase dramatically. Let's see!
2009-12-28 01:05:28 UTC
What's not to believe about her not checking her phone....? You think she's looking at her phone for an hour thinking "I have to make him wait for my reply"?

Personally, that's why I hate text. I'd rather just wait 'til the end of the day and talk on the phone.
2009-12-28 01:06:31 UTC
Just because she hasn't immediately texted you back doesn't mean she's cheating. Lighten up. You sound like the clingy type. Why don't you just pick up the phone and call her if you miss her so much?

I hate it when a girl texts me. I purposely wait an hour and they get all pissed off like "why didn't you text me back sooner." I tell them "because I have a life and I don't hold my phone all day."

Some girls are retarded.
2015-02-09 09:20:21 UTC
Your messages definitely helped me through my breakup. About a year and a half ago my lover of four years and I broke up and I desperately wanted ex back, and because of some of the advice you had given, I was able to! Time went on and things were back to the way they were, and were not together anymore, and it’s okay. I wouldn’t have been able to go through the realization process had I not read these, as well. Your messages were very beneficial to me, though I don’t need them anymore, they were always appreciated. Thank you so much.
2009-12-28 01:11:53 UTC
dont jump to comclusions ok? I do it sometimes it doesnt mean im cheating on my bf. Im just not used to texting back instantly. Its in me, I can even have my phone beside me but i feel like texting when i want, not instantly.

so give iot time, but since it bothers you, then talk to her that it does so she can make more efforts.
2009-12-28 01:14:10 UTC
i personally text back right away, but she could be telling the truth or be doing something, but you dont want to assume as hard as it is, just call her and if she doesnt answer then give her another call and if she doesnt answer again then just relax and wait for her to either call you or text you. maybe she just puts her phone down and gets distracted and doesnt have it with her, i tend to do pisses my bf off but then he accuses me of sh*t and i get mad so just trust her.
2009-12-28 01:12:43 UTC
talks to her, she'll understand.. i mean, if she's really into you she will. i have a friend who does exactly the same thing and although its diff cuz shes ur gf you gotta understand that some ppl are a bit careless, not everyone is obsessed with their cellfones, some prefer not having their noses stuck under their fones 24/7.
2009-12-28 01:08:34 UTC
me and an ex had the same problem man, and sorry to say it but i can bet shes texting another guy behind your back if you go through her credit history etc itll show it....dump her find a chick whos honest with you
2016-04-13 02:22:46 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

sometimes its because we have to think of the perfect thing to say back... and sometimes its because we dont wanna talk to you..and then there's the one where WE ACTUALLY HAVE A LIFE! =] hope that helps
2009-12-28 01:08:29 UTC
just stop texting her..

do ur own thing she will be the one texting u !!

get busy with something.. besides.. u r a guy

texting is more like a girly thing
2009-12-28 01:07:29 UTC
shes telling you the truth. i always leave my phone places and forget and dont check it for like hours. or i just dont hear it. i know how it could piss you off but just dont let it get to you. just dont think about it.
2009-12-28 01:05:31 UTC
shes probably ******* another guy.
2009-12-28 01:05:35 UTC
i hate that!! omgggg

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