Where can I get help today? I cant stop crying, and I just need someone now.?
2008-06-06 07:17:56 UTC
I'm going through a hard time right now. I called my companies employee help line last friday, and they tried to get me set up with an appointment to see a counselor. But it turns out I couldnt see anyone untill this coming saturday(tomorrow). but this week has been so hard. I havent been able to do any work at work, and since I havent been myself my boyfriend and I are having alot of problems lately too. I cry all day at work at my desk. I just need some support now. I'm not suicidal so I guess it's not a crisis worthy situation, but i feel like my insides are being liquified, it hurts so bad emotionally. I have rather complicated family issues, and alot of emotional baggage there, my mother in law just died, and my boyfriend and i are fighting. i feel so alone. but i cant seem to be able to get any help today. does anyone have any advice?
Fourteen answers:
2008-06-06 08:52:57 UTC
Honey, I feel so bad for you. It seems like it is the end of the world right now I can imagine, but hang on please. Do you have a close friend you can confide in? Maybe you could contact your minister or his wife from church if you have one.If you feel comfortable talking with a family member, possibly they could offer you a different perspective on the situation. I am sorry to hear about your mother n law, evidently you were close & dealing with the loss of a loved one is very hard. Just know that people do care about you, and your feelings. Your boyfriend is probably unsure as to how to deal with your pain and upset right now so he is doing the best he can and sometimes for guys, not having the right answers for you or the ability to take your hurt away makes them upset with themselves and they in turn take it out on the one person who will forgive them - you. Unfortunately at this time your plate is already full so you then feel like you are having a meltdown & cannot cope. But you can - evidently you are a very strong person to have held up as well as you have until now. Just believe in yourself & your ability to solve whatever problems come your way. We all feel helpless about our situations at times, but knowing that we can survive helps us to hang on & wait for the sun to shine again. I sincerely hope that today you can find someone to share your emotions with. You can always call a crisis hotline, sometimes just talking, putting your feelings into words can help tremendously. If you feel like you cannot do that, then maybe try writing all your thoughts & feelings down on paper, seeing them in black & white could help you see them from another angle possibly. Just keep telling yourself that you can do this & that you will see better days soon. Take care please, & know someone does care.
julie s
2008-06-06 07:26:44 UTC
it sounds like you just need a sounding board to shed all these unwanted feelings, i know exactly how you feel, you just want to tell someone how awful you feel and have a bit of a rant, what about phoning a help line it can be easier to talk to a complete stranger rather than someone you know, look them up in your phone book and make an appointment with your doctor if you feel you need long term help the doctor will know what the best route to take although it may take time hang in there your doing a wonderful job so far and like i said you can ring help lines while you wait for your doctors appointment, although i'm a stanger i can relate to how you feel and i can honestly say things do get easier and once you get the right help you'll see what i mean, take care of yourself and good luck xx
2008-06-06 07:26:16 UTC
I sypathize but can't empathize.

I'm sorry you're having a bad time and I hope this helps.

I remember a story about a king who offered a reward to anyone in his kingdow that could give him one thing that would make him happy when he was sad and sad when he was happy.

Years passed and one day a child came before the king and gave him a piece of paper. The child left with as much as he could carry.

On the paper...

"This Too, Shall Pass"

Sorry I can't be of more help.

Good Luck.
2008-06-06 07:25:14 UTC
If you have an appointment for tomorrow then that is your best bet to just hold out. In the meantime though I always find it eases my mind a lot just to get it out, write it all down. sometimes just writing it down and getting it all clear in your head can really help lessen the pain a bit and let you see things more clearly. I also really love to answer other people questions on here because it takes my mind off my own issues and focus on something else. It also puts things into perspective for me, reminds me that all of us have issues and are just looking for someone to talk to about it.
2008-06-06 07:22:58 UTC

Take some time off from work. You're not doing yourself any good by showing up. Don't get in contact with your boyfriend until you're feeling better. I think he's being rather inconsiderate to be fighting when a family member just died.
2008-06-06 07:23:59 UTC
Get help right here on yahoo answers---

face some truths

outline your complicated family issues, and other people who have had them will answer.

Biggest hurdle is to start remembering clearly what is truly bothering you, and stop hiding things from yourself. Feel your true emotions. Tell the truth to yourself.

Just stating the facts, either to yourself, or writing it on yahoo answers will help get you started and focussed.
2008-06-06 07:25:21 UTC
Wow, seems like you have alot on your plate right now. Call a church, ask if there is somebody you could talk with there. Most churches have a secretary who is there thru the week.
2008-06-06 07:24:26 UTC
PRAY! That might not be what you want to hear but it is the BEST thing you can do in any situation. He is always there listening to you. Good luck and God Bless!
2008-06-06 07:21:55 UTC
You need to see a counselor. You need outside help. You may not be suicidal....but you don't want to become suicidal! Take care of yourself, honey!
2008-06-06 07:22:12 UTC
the best thing i can tell you is talk you you fa mil and friend, tell them exactly whats going on with you right now. It might be hard to do but you need to be open with your loved ones.
2008-06-06 07:25:19 UTC
Most countries have some sort of counselling service. Look in your phone book - there'll be someone there who will listen.
2008-06-06 07:21:35 UTC
All i can say is hang in there, things will turn around if you just wait for it :-)

smile, be happy
2008-06-06 07:22:02 UTC
Call me at: +93799272828 , I will talk to you to make u feel better.
mR. jOren
2008-06-06 07:23:18 UTC
don't worry, be happy

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