I'm going through a hard time right now. I called my companies employee help line last friday, and they tried to get me set up with an appointment to see a counselor. But it turns out I couldnt see anyone untill this coming saturday(tomorrow). but this week has been so hard. I havent been able to do any work at work, and since I havent been myself my boyfriend and I are having alot of problems lately too. I cry all day at work at my desk. I just need some support now. I'm not suicidal so I guess it's not a crisis worthy situation, but i feel like my insides are being liquified, it hurts so bad emotionally. I have rather complicated family issues, and alot of emotional baggage there, my mother in law just died, and my boyfriend and i are fighting. i feel so alone. but i cant seem to be able to get any help today. does anyone have any advice?