2011-02-07 01:35:04 UTC
He had manipulated an information out of me by lying.
There is this guy that I went out for a date with, but he is an ex of my friend (a girl), so I didnt tell her since I didn't want to upset her, and ofcourse I did not tell that guy friend also bcoz we are all in the same friend circle.
Prior to that date, they all have noticed - me and that guy (i went for date with) were very much attracted to each other & were having chemistry.
After that date, my guy friend came and asked me that he just met that guy and he told that we keep in touch and we met. I really believed he was telling the truth, and i blurted out, saying yes we met once. And my guy friend was like, "Oh i was just kidding, i didnt talk to him".
I felt extremely annoyed and manipulated. I know he was not joking. After this incident, I lost my trust in him and i stopped confiding in him about me.
Do you think he had the right to intrude my privacy and lied to get the information out of me? That was cunning and sneaky. He should have asked directly.
Moreover, he had been very very possessive with me even though he is not my bf, he tries to cling himself on me and tries to be in every part of my life. He even shows up at my work (uninvited) to have lunch (his work is quite near to mine, but usually I prefer to have lunch inside my office by myself). And he calls me up frequently if he doesnt hear from me, and every time he calls me, the first question he would ask "where are you?".