2010-01-11 22:23:51 UTC
im so depressed, we had only been going out for 3 days. then she dumped me for no visible reason.
you see, this girl was my friend for some time. eventually i grew to like her, love her even. one day i was at a friends house. "who do you like?" the message she sent me said. i was frustrated, so i asked "well who do you like?"
the results were me asking her out the next day. i was so happy. she made me feel like a completely different person. the girl of my dreams said yes.
i had never been self confident, but she changed that. she always complimented me, when i asked her why she said yes, she replied "your fun to be around, cute, funny, and i always kinda liked you"
i told her the same, when she would say something bad about how she looked today, i would reply "well i think your beautiful"
the point is, we were , or seemed to be close. its not like i treated her bad, or didnt talk to her.
i was sitting in my 4th period class our 4th day, and i got a text that read:
"hey, i dont think we should go out, im sorry"
it happened just today, i was devistated. i couldnt help but cry. how could she be so cruel, to lie to me like that? she was a good friend for a year, its hard for me to just let go. i cant go to my dad for advice, he and i have a terrible relationship, he told me never to call him again. mom isnt much help either, she tried but.. it wasnt good advice.
some of my friends have never had a girlfriend, so they have no idea what im going through. even though they try... im glad they tried... it still didnt help.
as i dont see how i can just get her back. if i knew how to, believe me i would. i need help handling this. i feel like a loser, because all of those nice things she said about me were lies. to make things worse, she rides my bus. and the teacher sat us next to each other in our seccond period. how can i just forget, when im going to have to see her face every day. i did nothing wrong, i actually cried today, for the first time in a long time. i tried listening to music, yesterday- by the beatles came on and i couldnt stop crying. can anyone help me,
should i just let it be? should i forget? or should i try to get her back?
if so, i need to know how