My boyfriend does this thing where he gets all mopey and depressed and then refuses to tell me what's wrong. I swear sometimes I feel like he's more of a "chick" when it comes to emotional stability than I am. All my life I have always had to be the strong one, and just for once I want to be able to cry on somebody else's shoulder, but I love him way too much to leave him for anyone else, so I need wear the pants here and find a way to make this situation better. If he actually were a chick, I'd bring home flowers, and set up a romantic dinner with candles and soft music, but that would just be silly for a girl to do, wouldn't it? I hate seeing him like this, but I don't know how to fix it. Heck, most of the time, I don't even know what I did to make him shut down in the first place. What should I do?