Why do people keep saying I look gay?
2008-10-11 18:02:03 UTC
I am realllllly not gay, I've been with my girlfriend for 3 years..
Everytime I ask a question Just a normal question saying like" Do you like coke? " someone writes to me " You look gay" I am not Gay! My mom would freak out if I was gay :| I'm straighter then straight gets, I only have sexual intentions and I'm only attracted to women!

Heres some pic's of me:¤t=l_5a1138a6e6384d39ab85d2ae2c0b1a6d.jpg¤t=l_8ec29f6216d13919080ddc652920269e.jpg¤t=l_c5c9cf7307054022a485d7f695143349.jpg¤t=l_ce9e10b7dd9a45ce9e4a06fd55b1c7b4.jpg

Do I really look gay? I'm sick and tired of people on this site telling me I do.. It's making me feel all freaky. I am not a homophobic or anything, I'm just saying that I'm not gay...
75 answers:
2008-10-11 18:06:40 UTC
damnnnnnnn ur HOTTTT

congrats to ur gf!!

haha no u dont look gay, and ur teeth are amazingggg
2008-10-11 18:17:10 UTC
To me you don't look gay, you seem like a really attractive guy. I think the reason some people think you look gay is because you have really refined fine features and you obviously care about your appearance. Unfortunately because you actually care about how you look, stupid people enjoy pidgin holing you into the "gay" category. If you've got a girl who obviously knows ur not gay, then dont worry too much :)
2008-10-11 18:09:38 UTC
Why do you care what they say? Being offended by someone saying you look gay is silly, it's like freaking out if someone says you look like the kind of person that likes the sea. If you're heterosexual than you don't need to prove that to anyone but yourself. If you were gay, no one would give a fudge except for your mum and she has problems. Soooo be happy and don't get so tense about what people say.
2008-10-11 18:10:24 UTC
Aww your cute!!! I don't think any of your pics make you look gay, except, your profile pic maybe, and that's only because it's close up and i guess it's a typical camp pose. But the rest of the pics don't make you look Gay at all!!!
∂εɔιтση яεʌεη υσʎ ℓяιƃ εнт
2008-10-11 18:11:11 UTC
No you dont look gay. Your like gorgeous though =] if you didnt have a girlfriend I would have given you my myspace. lol. The people that say you look gay are wierd...
2008-10-11 18:12:41 UTC
I don't mean to offend, but you asked for opinions.

Work on getting rid of the pout. Wear a hat the way it is meant to be worn. Straight, or maybe backwards.

Get rid of the girlie earring. A small stud will look better. To be honest, the third pic is the best, the others would make one wonder.
Not Telling
2008-10-11 18:09:26 UTC
A little,

heres a tip, i think alot of it is your eyebrows. They are very thin.

But dont worry, your cute, and girls love that. Plus if girls start out thinking your gay then they will become close to you and like you more as a friend and once they discover your not gay then they will start to fall for you.
2008-10-11 18:07:41 UTC
im a girl, and personally i think your pretty cute :) but anyway, i think because you have a less defined face, people might assume you are gay. maybe your voice is also a bit higher pitched than usual. but then you would just have a tenor voice. i think you need to just forget what people say, even if its hard. if you dont talk about it a lot, people will probably drop the subject
2008-10-11 18:07:16 UTC
No, you do not look gay at all. Maybe people are just jealous of your relationship. You are rather a nice looking guy with a beautiful smile. Ignore the sh*ts.
Michael R
2008-10-11 18:13:35 UTC
I have that same ****, people think im gay because of my looks until they meet me they can tell im not. Its probably because you clean up your eyebrows. Girls and guys hate on that cause their more perfect than theirs x0. But don't ask that question again, that is kind of homo. Im a virgin and i do my eyebrows, **** everybody who judges me, if you kno wat your doing, then who cares. A girl for 3 years! i can't make it past 3 months! Just keep on pimping without even accepting it or trying. ;)
2008-10-11 18:09:05 UTC
Gay guys can actually be really hot. They take care of themselves and try to look their best. That's what you seem to be doing and it makes you very attractive. :)

Don't worry about what they have to say, as long as you know who you are, you shouldn't worry about others. You don't look that gay btw, so no worries. People just seem to judge by appearance and jump to conclusions way too easily these days.
2008-10-11 18:16:07 UTC
You may not be gay BUT you look like a young Prince (the artist) maybe you should consider not arching your eyebrows and wearing a little less makeup.
2016-04-11 03:18:31 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

You look like a very hot yet sexy manly man. Sophisticated smart you can't touch this look.
2008-10-11 18:09:10 UTC
Why do you care about what other people think? As long as you know your not gay, your family knows your not gay and your girlfriend knows your not gay who else matters?
Im just a girl.ツ
2008-10-11 18:21:55 UTC
more metrosexual... just means you pay more attention to how you look... and in my opinion we need more guys like you.

You don't look gay, just really rather attractive.
2008-10-12 04:35:18 UTC
cause guys are probably jealous cause you look so sexy.But you dont look gay to me you look like a gentlemen.
Tomi Li
2008-10-11 18:06:45 UTC
Im a 16 year old guy and Im straight, 1s 3rd and 4th pic look kinda gay, all I can think of is your posing to hard and your lips are real pink like lipstick man.
Shane B
2008-10-11 18:07:41 UTC
. Its doesnt matter how you look. People sterotype all the time. The only one that should matter is the one your with. Ask her what matter. Acutally dont, 3 years speaks alot, doesnt it?
Najee M
2008-10-11 18:09:50 UTC
Kimmie Faye
2008-10-11 18:07:20 UTC
No,you don't look gay to me.

I think alot of cute light skin guys are told they look gay 'cause they really are just "pretty".lol

But there's nothing wrong with that,I think you're pretty hott:)
2008-10-11 18:13:38 UTC
WTF? How in the world do you look gay?

Who ever said that must be retarded or something!

You don't look gay at all! You look as straight as a pencil

Your Hot =P
2008-10-11 18:14:50 UTC
It must be because of ur poses.

You do have "pretty boy" type of look. You look metrosexual which means that you care about your apperance. Your kinda cute actually. ;) Sexy...
2008-10-11 19:56:24 UTC
don't look gay to me.
sweet talking guy
2008-10-11 18:16:47 UTC
people tell you that you look gay because you do not look straight....You might be straight in bed but you look gay on the street ...sorry....Take a good look at that 1st pic and the last one....its like looking at that mexican kid on ugly betty ..the femme one.
2008-10-11 18:09:45 UTC
yah u do look pretty gay man like the tight shirt ditch it man lose the chick face thing in pic my gf makes faces like that man u do look gay hahahhahahahahhahahahahh i think its hilarious
$hy &irl
2008-10-11 18:10:34 UTC
u don't look gay

but maybe on the last pic. but i really like the third pic. LOL.
2008-10-11 18:08:45 UTC
noooooo man... forget about all of the people who told u dat, u kinda look like and remind me of chris brown tho ;)
we live fast and die pretty
2008-10-11 18:07:11 UTC
i think you're a lot more well put together and polished than most straight boys, so people automatically assume you're gay.

i don't think you look gay, i think you look like a guy who cares what he looks like, and there's nothing wrong with that.

i say you're more metrosexual, than homosexual.
2008-10-11 20:00:44 UTC
no, u dont look gay!

dont care what other people think. i think u look good, and ur girlfriend is lucky!!
2008-10-11 18:08:42 UTC
i dont think u look gay, ur acutally pretty hot lol. u dont look gay, just ignore those people they just wanna bug u.
2008-10-11 18:22:53 UTC
OMGGGG UR HOTTTTT!!! Anyway.... maybe think ur gay cuz there jello-licious!!!!!!!!!!! Sooo uhhh dump the gf, call me, and stay smexy!!!!! LOl.... soo... did u dump her yet??? i dont hear my phone ringing soooo uhhh hurry up!
2008-10-11 18:08:07 UTC
You have extremely feminine lips and slight feminie shape to your head. They take this to mean gay. Ignore them girls looking for a life partner like feminie looks ^_^. Though don't expect to get lots of easy sex.... like a masculine profile would get.
2008-10-11 18:51:12 UTC
i dont know, but i dont think ur gay. i think ur cute, or hot whtever u would call it. and i do like coke if u mean the soda.
2008-10-11 18:09:11 UTC
its the hat. ur tryin to be gangsta and now you look gay. if you don't like my answer you could also just ask the people that tell you that you look gay why they think so
2008-10-11 18:08:06 UTC
i'm guessing it's because you have a clean cut/metro sexual/"pretty boy" look. nothing wrong with looking nice. why do you care??? you don't need their approval.
2008-10-11 18:05:38 UTC
You shouldn't care what other people say. They probarly make the assumption because they are jealous of your "pretty face" =). YUp ignore the haters.
2008-10-11 18:10:41 UTC
I think it's just your pink lips and eyes, but you're hot. I showed my sister the picture and she practically shouted, "He's hot!"
2008-10-11 18:07:42 UTC
damn your hot!!!! you do not look gay at all. is it guys telling you that you look gay? because if it is their probably jealous of your smokin hot good looks
2008-10-11 18:07:59 UTC
No dude you don't look gay at all
2008-10-11 18:06:29 UTC
You don't look gay at all, you look cute!

I think they mean gay as in "stupid"
2008-10-11 18:06:16 UTC
No your very handsom! In other words hott! And you don't look gay!
2008-10-11 18:08:45 UTC
NO you don't look Gay!!!! You look Freaking hott!!!
2008-10-11 18:07:52 UTC
you dont look gay at all... you look like a normal person...
2008-10-11 18:07:37 UTC
No, you look like a pretty boy. =]

I think you're cute.

Don't worry about what those other stupid people on here say.

They don't know sh!t. =D
2008-10-11 18:08:47 UTC
WHOA, you're hot.

No, you don't look gay at all! Just ignore them.

Love, Mona
2008-10-11 18:06:43 UTC
Its probably because you have a pretty know, a pretty boy. Its not bad.
2008-10-11 18:14:10 UTC
holy wow, do me [:

you look like a chris brown/T.I/evan ross mix, and thats ******* hot.
♥♥Čάѕριάη Qυεεή♥♥ ~~Яϋƒƒ мέ ϋρ~~
2008-10-11 20:05:50 UTC
no babe you dont.. hehe dont worri

they onlii say that for one reason

~J E A L O U S Y~

hehe s c r ew dem seriosly...
2008-10-11 18:06:38 UTC
LOL , your not gay ! your hella fitted and sexy :)

just tell them haters to STFU cus they gay for checking you out .
2008-10-11 18:06:28 UTC
1st of all... go puerto ricans! yay us

your a guy who dosent look gay! theyre just saying that

ummmm the earring isnt working
xox cute balla fireee xox
2008-10-11 18:05:37 UTC
ooo myy!!! your hott!! blazingg!! lol forget them.. im sure all the girls on yahoo will tell u that ur hot.. i think you are =]]

you have to love your haters papii cuz u no that they hate cuz they aint youuu=]] i love your pics
2008-10-11 18:27:47 UTC
u dont look gay

but u are cute as hell :)
2008-10-11 18:12:20 UTC
Methinks someone doth protest too much.
2008-10-11 18:16:11 UTC
I think it could be your body language. It's very feminine.
2008-10-11 18:06:20 UTC
It's beause your eyebrows are so shaped. Most striaght guys don't care...or at least that's what I see.
2008-10-11 18:05:29 UTC
NO you dont look gay

your ******* hottt


hi im jean, and ur hot ;]
2016-01-06 18:11:37 UTC
People think you say "cock" when you say "coke". Are you French?
2008-10-11 18:07:41 UTC
Its because your hott
2008-10-11 18:07:35 UTC
Actually, you look soft.
2008-10-11 18:11:05 UTC
noo u dont look gayy ..y would someone say that ....ppl on here are mad stupid..
2008-10-11 18:07:13 UTC
dont arch your eyebrows if u dont want people to think u are gay, as a matter of fact, u look like a beeaatch to me
2008-10-11 18:09:40 UTC
Loose the earring.

2008-10-11 18:06:15 UTC
omg take it easyyy

ur soo nott gay!! :0 seriousl ppl think that?

i just think ur damn HOT

dotn listen 2 them. :D
malcolm s
2008-10-11 18:06:02 UTC
if you really want to know why people say you look gay its because you do.
Maria H
2008-10-11 21:47:42 UTC
noo you dont look gayy!!!

your way sexyyyyy!! i wanna **** you haha :)
Mel D
2008-10-11 18:05:49 UTC
hahahahah you look so UN gay.
2008-10-11 18:08:16 UTC
kind of yeah. i mean look at your eyebrows they are so well groomed.

2008-10-11 18:06:39 UTC
not at all, your kinda cute. lol
2008-10-11 18:05:37 UTC

but youre still cute after looking at the last few pics
2008-10-11 18:04:36 UTC
2013-09-23 06:48:37 UTC
2008-10-11 18:08:23 UTC
kinda look bi

answer mine since ur a guy plz?
Larry R
2008-10-11 18:05:42 UTC
you kinda do.

just dress normally. you should be fine
2008-10-11 18:09:33 UTC
No, you don't.
2008-10-11 18:05:38 UTC
Well, its not you its all of those silly poses.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.