2010-05-04 06:52:54 UTC
Before me and my boyfriend got together a girl who works with him once tried to kiss him on a night out. He declined as she had a boyfriend and didn't want there to be any awkwardness between them in work.
However, he did find her attractive and before me and him got together there were lots of flirty emails going back and forth between them which I have seen, but it never went any further than that.
Now, she has started talking to my boyfriend about problems in her own relationship. Intimate details like the fact she has been cheating on him and doesn't know what to do about it and asking him for advice.
I feel like this isn't appropriate and I dont like my boyfriend being her confidante especially as he agrees that she did fancy him and probably still does.
My boyfriend does not understand where I am coming from so I would just like a little advice as to what I should do and whether I am justified in being p**d off.