Oh my gosh. I'm just bored and that's why I decided to come to the Singles/Dating questions. Boy, is this a question.
Well, I'll have to start by saying..Yes. I am in a relationship. A LOOOOOOOOONG distance relationship at that.
It's going great and I couldn't be happier after the year and five months it has been since I MET him.
The thing with my boyfriend is that I didn't go to where he lives and meet him there. I met him in a chatroom. :o I know I know...*dun dun dunnnnn*....but the thing is, we talked for months and months....and months....and he decided that he would come here to meet me. Want to know where he's from? He's from England. Liverpool, England.
Yeah, that's quite far from the Upstate NY that I'm from. It's about a 7-8 hour plan ride from where I am to where he is, to be exact. Anyway....we met up after about 10 months of talking. He had decided to come up here to meet me and asked me out on the 2nd of January, 2011. We've been dating...strong...ever since.
It's good, but always a work in progress...if that makes any sense. I don't think any relationship is perfect unless it's constantly being made better as the days go by and that's how Paul and I are.
The thing that I like MOST about my relationship with Paul is that....we know how to just.....idk how to explain it. We don't always have to talk. We don't always have to keep running our mouths talking about everything. We are comfortable with just being with each other....and though it's not often that we're together in real life, we truly treasure those times when we ARE together and it's just....amazing how words aren't always required. We have a connection, I guess. It's so random. That's the best thing about our relationship is that we truly feel like we were made for each other. He is my first relationship. I met him when I was 18, turning 19...while I was at college. We liked each other...talked and talked and talked some more...and then we met up and just...wow, the connection was so strong and just, it was natural that we decided it was totally alright for us to date each other.
The thing I like least....probably the worst thing about our relationship....is kind of obvious, but not for the reason you think. It's the distance...let me just say that. But it's not distance just because he's so far and I miss him all the time. I see him twice a year, y'see...and the worst part of our relationship is what happens sometimes when we're together and we're so overwhelmed by how we're with each other in real life that things happen. I'm on the edge sometimes about being with him and setting boundaries. (I don't want to, btw...I just know I should because of how I was raised and what would keep things in a good place for the future when we get married and whatnot.) The feelings we have can get so intense that we get carried away and I feel like....when I least expect it, we could do something that we both regret. Yes...sex. I feel like....we love each other so much and it becomes so intense that we can't handle that temptation.
While we have "Absence makes the heart grow fonder..." ....I always think in my head as well that "Absence makes the lust much stronger." It's kind of scary that I think that...but it's true...because while we have such strong feelings for each other, we don't WANT to do some of the things we do...but.....we do them because it's just....what pours out of us. I know some of you will disagree and think it's stupid that we won't have sex...but how amazing would the sex be if the first time having sex was actually at our honeymoon. To know we waited so long for it and stuck to foreplay for so long....and we could finally go the whole way....that would be the best.
While I could ramble about that question for a long time, I still have one more question to answer.
Do I see myself with him for a long time?
What if it's too early to say this? Oh well, I'm gonna.
I don't just see myself with Paul for a "long time"...I see myself with him for as long as my life endures. I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't the one I loved and adored. If he wasn't the guy that I dreamt about in my sleep and woke up thinking about...I don't know who would be able to take that place in my thoughts or how I would operate. Honestly, I want to marry him. I want to be with him for the rest of my life.....
Wow...I type too much, don't I? I'm so sorry. I hope this helped. I don't know if you have this poll going or what...but here, just in case you do...here are the short, condensed answers.
-If you're in a relationship with someone, how is it going? Is it good, bad, or a work in progress.
.....It's good.
-What do you like most about your relationship? Least?
.....Most - Close connection.
.....Least - Temptation when together. (Long Distance)
-Do you see yourself with that person for a long time?
.....YES, most definitely.