I knew this girl in high school, we Had conversations. She would compliment me on the way I dressed, hugged me when she seen me. one time she locked arms with me and walked the hall with me. She asked to see my abs one time. She gave me her number without asking for it, and said if I ever wanted to talk there was her number. we lost touch after high school. a year or two after high school we got back intouch with facebook. she had a pic of me on her page captioned "my best friend" when my b-day came up she posted on my page "happy birthday to my bestie XO" we was texting and she told me "you can text back later if you want :)" I liked a couple pics on her page of her and one she said "I'm glad you like it" the other was "thank you :)" one time we were chatting on facebook she asked me why I havent texted in a while. we ran out of things to say. she randomly asked how was i doing as far as relationships. I told her I was focusing on work now. she said "Ok, cool thats fine" and I asked about her and she said she has a boyfriend she's been with for three years. I didnt text for a while I asked if she had same number and she said "yes, call" she did change her number after that and she gave it to me and told me to save it. Does she like me more than a friend?