So I met this guy off tinder the other day. We went on a date and I thought the date went well. Nothing was awkward and we talked for a LONG time. After the date, he walked me to my car and gave me a hug. The next day I texted him just telling him "thanks" and basically that I hope I didn't keep him up late because he worked early that next day. He doesn't respond. I wait for hours and just got so annoyed. I texted him again and was just straight up asking if I did something wrong on the date. I told him if he had a bad time I was sorry. He texts me back an hour later saying "sorry" because he forgot to text me back while he was at work and felt like a jerk. Then he continues to text me saying like "how are you" and just small talk. Then he stops responding all together. Also I should mention that he was on instagram and snapchat during the time he wasn't texting me. Is this guy playing games with me? Is he talking to someone else? I am so confused.