2012-09-01 09:33:53 UTC
Jake has a male best friend too named "Max"
Max and I don't really know each other that well, we have a few mutual friends including Jake and some others, and we had like one class together last year.
So, at the end of the school year last year it was hot and I was wearing my "athletic clothes" (shorts, and a T shirt w/ flip flops) So, we're all standing in a circle me, my friend (girl), Jake, Max, and like 2 or 3 other guys.
And then Max starts checking me out like a slow full head-toe scan, twice! Then, he looks up and I just look at him and he has this stupid look like he didn't realize that I noticed him scanning me. Every since that day Max checked me out he's been trying to hook me and Jake up... Why is he trying to get us together?