10 points to the best answer,What should I do?
Glamour Girl Thanks!
2006-05-14 09:45:14 UTC
I've been in this relationship for 3 years. When I 1st meet him, ohh my god, perfect. Takes me eat out to these fancy restaurants, gives me 400.00 every week, after work he would come home, meal on the table, and ladies take me shoppin just about every weekends. I couldn't ask for more! After datin for about a year and a half he got me a 05' Benz! We built an house together. We were in love! He told me he wanted to get married with me but he had to recover from his last marriage, I was fine with that because I wasn't ready for that just yet! He was never the type to go to the clubs or bars, just on holiday with me. Well to make a long story short he started a new job, making more then what was making, some girl call my house for him, he been clubing for the past 8 months, and found 8 numbers his pocket. I guess from goin clubin. Still givin money, shoppin on weekends, but he don't come straight home after work. He so claims he out with the boys drinking! It wasn't the same.
Twenty answers:
2006-05-14 09:57:33 UTC
I understand theat u love him and it is hard just 2 let go suddenly but believe me I think u should do wats better 4 u which is 2 look 4 the truth more and more..until u r 100% sure that he is basically cheating on u..and while doing ur investigations sont show him..oh and the more u find that he is cheating on u show him that u trust him so much and tel him stuff like " I no u wud never be with sm1 else honey its cuz u love me as much as I do"..this is only 2 make him feel so guilty b4 u leave him..
2006-05-14 09:54:34 UTC
I am sorry to say this, but it looks like your relationship might be over. When I was reading this, it sounded too good to be true, and it was indeed.

The first thing you should do is to confront him with the facts you have, and ask him why he is doing this to you. In my personal opinion, I wouldn't believe anything he says, because if it's been going on for 8 months, it wasn't "just a thing", or some impulse he couldn't resist at the time. People make mistakes, but they don't make the same one for 8 months.

If he tells you he is going to change, he probably won't.

The confrontation might brake up your relationship, and this is a risk you have to be willing to take. You do not want to marry a man like this. He will cheat on you with more than one woman. This is not what a woman wants or need.

You should be able to maintain yourself without his help anyway. I hope you have a job and a "plan B" place to live. Some men are players by nature, and like to have several girlfriends, so I would forget about him. He is not worth it and you don't deserve to be treated this way. At this point, you are wasting valuable time that you could be spending with someone worth your love.
2016-05-20 07:22:49 UTC
The UK DOES have a constitution. People need to look up the definition of constitution and have a little think to themselves. How does the country function then, if it doesn't have a constitution? Every country has a constitution, it is a set of rules and rights outlining how a country works or functions. It doesn't have to be written down in one place though, like the USA's one is. Just because you cannot present on book or page with it on doesn't mean it doesn't exisit. The UKs constitution isn't codified, it has emerged and existed over hundreds of years. Its still there though. To the Lord Chancellor. Google his "old job" to understand it better; but The old problem with the role of Lord Chancellor is that he/it was a direct contridiction of the seperation of powers. Therefore although the "role" or named of LC is still there, his role and responsibilities have significantly changed to make sure he doesn't have an excessive amount of power or control. He used to be present in all three areas: Legislative - he could as a Lord go into the House of Lords, be present and vocal in the debating of laws, and give royal assent to laws Executive - He is a member of the cabinet, an MP, and so can also go into the House of Commons so had all the functions of a "normal" MP or "commoner" and a law maker there, Judicary - he was head of the judicary, he could sit as a judge, usually in higer courts hearing appeals Therefore he was preciding over laws he had made. "In January 2004, the Department of Constitutional Affairs published a concordat, outlining the division of authority between Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice and which was intended as the basis of reform. The Government introduced the Constitutional Reform Bill in the House of Lords in February 2004. The Bill sought to abolish the office of Lord Chancellor, and to transfer his functions to other officials: legislative functions to a Speaker of the House of Lords, executive functions to the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and judicial functions to the Lord Chief Justice. The Bill also made other constitutional reforms, such as transferring the judicial duties of the House of Lords to a Supreme Court." So the aim was to still have the jobs/functions that the LC does, but disperce it over a number of people so that one person didn't have such exceptional power. The reasons against this "reform" were that the person chose to do the job was of exceptional calibre, knew that the role they held was powerful, and so had to be exceptionally careful and exceptionally good to get the job. There was also a direct link to say the judicary and the cabinet, which if LC was no longer there, wouldn't be in place. So the cabinet wouldn't have a direct link to the judicary, or so the arguement goes. The new position of the LC is in the House of Commons, he is still a member of the cabinet, and an MP. He no longer goes into the HofL, their speak, (which used to be the LC) is now voted for by the Lords. Thus the old principle of someone being given the job of LC and then being made a peer because of it disappears. Only those who've earned (supposidely) their peerage, are in the House. The Judical Appointments commission take the role/place concerning the judicary, meaning the LC is no longer involved with the appointments of any judges. It creates a true seperation of powers. The name of the highest court in the land, The House of Lords has been changed, to also aid the seperation. The creation of the ministry of justice is another reform
2006-05-14 09:58:48 UTC
Well I tell you sweetie if you really getting all this stuff why not go with the flow..

You get to enjoy a nice meal

you get $400.00 a week to take care of him

Shopping on the weekends driving your Benz

Live in a new home

What the heck get all you can till you can do better just don't get married...If you do it will even get worst
2006-05-14 09:53:06 UTC
Well, as the saying goes, "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is." This guy you have been with sounds like a real charmer, but not ready to settle down.

If you are satisfied with the material benefits - money, car, etc. - that you get from him and don't care that he is messing around with other girls, then stay with him. Otherwise, confront him and tell him that his behavior is unacceptable. If he settles down, you will know he is the one for you. Otherwise, you can move on to a more mature person.

Good luck....
2006-05-14 09:56:46 UTC
1. Do you want to grow old with your man?

2. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with him?

3. Do you trust your gut feelings that you feel when he trys to explain things to you that you know aren't true?

He sounds like a player and if you answered no,no,yes to the questions above then you need to send him packing and find happiness somewhere else. Life is to short and precious to be wasting energy worrying about some man that is supposed to be in love with you.
2006-05-14 09:52:13 UTC
The question is, how much are you going to put up with before leaving him? You aren't dumb, you know he's cheating on you. Take your new Benz and run him down, problem resolved. (JOKING!) seriously, you need to have a talk with him, tell him that you know what's going on, and see if the relationship can be fixed. Otherwise, you need to move on.
2006-05-14 09:50:14 UTC
You seem a lot more focused on what you got out of the relationship than what you put into it. Maybe he's looking for someone who wants to contribute as much to a relationship as he is. Not judging you. Just reading what you wrote and seeing a lot of what he gave you and did for you. I don't see what you did for him or gave to him.

What should you do? Talk to him. If it's not too late, maybe you can salvage things.
2006-05-14 09:50:11 UTC
Sounds like he is a cheater. Even if he has not actually cheated it sounds like he at least finds the idea exciting. I guess you have to decide if the money, car, nice house etc is worth it to live with a unfaithful person.
2006-05-14 09:52:43 UTC
Talk to him politely and wih sincerity and let him know your aprehensions. In today's material world it is pretty easy for a human to go awry. So, giving him a chance to redeem himself is normal.

wait n watch, if he still do not recognise your sincerity, better dump him and get a going with life. This is big and long world.
2006-05-14 09:53:26 UTC
If you can deal with the situation and care more about your lifestyle with him, keep quiet, stay and enjoy the lavish life.

If you can't deal with it, confront him and see what he has to say.If he denies it, trust your gut instinct..if he admits to it, You have 2 options: walk or stay after that. It all depends on what is more important to you.
2006-05-14 09:51:10 UTC
hey i really feel for you, if it was me i would confrount him (or get more details from your mates) about being seen with this other girl, were they just talking or were they doing more, if they were doing more get rid of him as hes a lying cheating so and so. you may just need to tell him that unless he buck up his ways your ending it. although you have to also remember that this guy needs his own space and time with his mates (if thats what hes doing)

2006-05-14 09:53:52 UTC
dont come to conclusions as to him and try spying on him 1 or 2 times.if u r finally 100% sure hes cheatin on u then ditch the dude.
2006-05-14 09:55:56 UTC
Move out, and get on with your life. Please don't stay with him just cause he gives you money. He could also "give" you AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases. And if he cares so little for you that he's out clubbing and getting other girl's numbers, he'll just treat you worse as time passes, not better. PLEASE PLEASE leave now. You are a toy to him, not a relationship. Please think more of yourself than that and leave before it gets worse.
2006-05-14 09:52:49 UTC
Hey stop suspecting! Try to win his heart with lots of love (not lost love it is lots of Love).

You must LOVE LOVE LOVE so that, even if he wish to he should not go away from you...

The only mantra for this is LOVE........... Keep LOVING...

You will certainly succeed.

I Wish you all the best.

(My wishes are to you is not for your 10 points)
2006-05-14 09:50:38 UTC
he is giving another girl 800/week, takes her to nice resturants to.

break up with him or enjoy the money and keep can screw around too
Thunder Templar
2006-05-14 09:58:42 UTC
1st, check those numbers.see if you can get your hands on his cell and call or send sms and wait for reply.Don't look for messages,just call or send sms. 2nd, if you can confirm that he is cheating on you, leave him. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH SOMEONE WHO IS UNFAITHFUL!
2006-05-14 09:50:45 UTC
gurl sounds like he is cheating on you...i would just let him go b4 you get more hurt then you already hopes are with you
2006-05-14 09:52:34 UTC
2006-05-14 09:48:49 UTC
hes probably cheating on you. maybe you should talk to him about it.

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