Every day it seems like, I see on the internet/tv a woman saying "men are pigs". Explain how! I never did anything piggy. I never rolled in mud, ate from a troff, nor do I have a snout! Of course I'm not stupid, I know it is a figure of speech. But, basically, women say men are pigs for being attracted to them. I saw a question asking why men are attracted to boobs on Yahoo Answers, and almost every answer were women saying "Because they are pigs". This makes no sense.
I responded by saying that women are attracted to muscles on a man, so how come women are not pigs for liking muscles?
So, how come women are not pig for liking a man with muscles? How come when a man says "I want to date a model" he is a pig but when a woman says "I want to date an athlete" that's ok? Please answer.