Hello - I will be completely honest. I am almost 21, and I have never ever even been asked out buy any guy. I am currently in college. It is a private college with extremely high standards. I am not arrogant, but I am completely confident in who I am. People tell me (not just my family) that I am extremely pretty. I am not nor do I act ditzy or stupid. I was valedictorian of my high school, I have extensive knowledge of about 6 foreign languages, I am creative, and I have been educated in music (studied some of it in Europe already), as I am a classical singer. I am not anything close to a "nerd" either. I work extremely hard at everything I do and I do not back down to challenges. I am usually placed in/assume leadership positions in class projects, etc. I usually always take charge, even if there are guys in the group(I thought that this may be the problem - because I take action). I am outgoing. I dress well and I LOVE to shop. I wear makeup, and I know how to apply it, but I never overdo it. I am on a diet at the moment (losing freshman 15), but I was never overweight. I have an average body - I don't look like a Barbie doll. I am starting to think that "Barbies" are the only ones that guys want. I guess I am a bit picky about guys, but I feel that I shouldn't have to settle for someone that I am not attracted to. I am not insecure. I LOVE who I am. I am not mean at all; I am very kind and helpful to others.
I do not understand this - why am I single?? - Please help!