So I been dating one of my friends for the last 4 months and everything is really good because she is my best friend. I know things are not perfect but as close as it can be to perfect. I know she has always had guy friends and i dont have a problem with that, but the only problem that i have is that her ex's still text message her and i told her that this is a big deal to me. I told her that its not cool for her to stay in touch with her ex's obviously its important to me so if im important to her it should matter. she said that we both have different views regarding this subject and it just makes me feel that it doesnt really matter if she stays in touch with her exs. she says that she doesnt go looking for them or makes time to spend with them but just the fact that she can't telll them HEY LOOK DONT TALK TO ME NO MORE. i never understood how could people stay in touch with people that broke their heart and made them cry. makes no sense to me. i would hate to give it my all and than later down the line find out that she had kept in touch with her ex's. makes me feel like why should i give you my all if you are still holding on to your past. i dont think it does nothing good if you are trying to build a solid relationship.she told me that "she cant be with someone that will tell her who to talk to and who not to talk to" Idk what it is if she likes the attention or if she just can't tell those people to go away. I always have a hard time with breakups and it wouldnt do me any good to stay in touch with people from the past. its the past and thats where it should stay.
perhaps you might think I am exagerating but this is a big issue for me. I am real nice guy and i feel women take advantage of that. they feel that no matter what they know i will be there for them. I hate that about myself but its how i am.
i hate to sound cocky but the truth is that I know im a darn good guy and would just hate to give my all to the wrong person. i dont want to be made a fool off :(