Curious Libra woman
2010-02-04 12:38:46 UTC
Lately, I'm seeing the other side. Just yesterday, we had an argument out of this world! I was appalled. Let me try to break it down for you...The evening before yesterday, this man and I JUST had a conversation, trying to get "us" back on track. It was a good conversation so I thought. Things seemed to be back to normal! That afternoon, I brought him dinner and we talked for a bit. Again, we were cool. I got home he called and we talked...we were FINE! Here's the doosey...on the social site, he puts a profile picture up of himself and a young lady. The young lady WASN'T me. I IM'd him to ask if that was his girlfriend, and of course I didn't get a straight answer. I told him to have a nice evening and I logged off. Baffled, I sat in my bed like what kind of game is he playing? Is he INSANE?
So the next morning, he called me about some comments my family left about on my page. He appeared jealous but for what?????? I couldn't ask a question about the girl! Now you want to question me????? So the argument began. He tried to run script like, you should be secure about what we have going on. I put the picture up, because I like the way I look, forget the girl! People focus on the wrong thing, he says. I'm like, who are you fooling?!?!?!?!? Save the game for another lame! I'm not buying the BULL! I feel like he does things to intentionally hurt me! Being a libra woman, we are jealous and sensitive. It doesn't feel good. My goal is to leave, but I have feelings for him. He wanted to come over and stay, last night, like nothing happened! But, I was offended by some of his statements. For example, he said "You were such wifey material." or "If you're petty over a picture and you're NOT my woman, why would I want to jump into a relationship with you?" I'm like what are you trying to say???? Don't talk around the bush, sending threats! Have the guts to stand on your decision!!!!!!!!
So, I went to bed not allowing him to come over. Of course, I haven't heard from 'em, but I'm sure it's not the end of him either. This morning, I checked my FB page and he's changed his relationship status to "in a relationship and it's complicated." WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? What is this behavior all about? Does he just want me to know he's seeing other people and don't want me? I mean I asked him what keeps him coming back? I swear I'm in a Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde situation...What should I do?