I was at work and seen a beautiful girl, the most beautiful in the building hands down. I work as a forklift and I seen her in a department where I drop off my pallets. I walked up to her and asked her if she had a second, took her to the side and told her that “I thought she was very beautiful and I just wanted to give her my number” i planned out different words I was nervous as hell and that’s what came out but she went well with it. I handed it to her with two fingers she grabbed it with both hands and we held hands for a second and she told me her name. Then we held hands as she walked away until we separated. She smiled hard and seemed happy. I haven’t got any message or calls at all and when I see her at work it’s hard to say hey, because it’s a always distance between stations and the timing has to be right. When I approached her I had walked all the way up to her in her department and parked my forklift. Now I’m confused because when we do make eye contact she has a poker face and I can’t tell what her vibe towards me is, no smiles or looks of awkwardness just a straight poker face. She did come around my forklift once today but I was talking to another manager about some work related things so I couldn’t conversate with her the timing was off. I can’t tell if this is a Loss or not. It’s been 2 days so far and no response as in calls or messages. Again in the moment I made her smile hard and it felt right and she even made it easy on me by holding my hand. I’m lost?