2008-09-17 20:06:17 UTC
I been with my boyfriend for almost a year, he's nice and everything.
I moved in with him 6 months ago and so I clean up around the place. He lives with his brother and sister, and the place was a mess with random things everywhere. I had found a picture with him and his ex gf around the time I moved in, and he said just throw it away, and said he doesn't know what's in the apartment, and doesn't know if there are pictures anywhere else.
So I said ok, just move on, he is with me now.
Then I found another picture in his old mp3 player that he had for couple years and don't use , had 2 different ex pictures in them and he said his brother put them in the zune because his brother used the zune.
Then opened the old computer my bf never uses, and saw the same girls pictures from the zune, but I know he doesn't like her she was really fat,and not his type.
NOW, I was cleaning the garage all day today because there are a whole bunch of boxes with random old junk and right as I was about to finish, I found a photo album and said to myself, I hope there's no girl in here, and guess what, there is a girl.
There were 3 pictures in there with a girl.
I believe it is old picture, but I started crying.
Am I over reacting?
What should hapen?
Should I ask my boyfriend who she is and how long ago it was and why they broke up?
She looks a LITTLE like me and I would kick his *** if he sees me as her.
He also works from 3pm-3am in san fransisco and fremont.
So I am always home, lonely, and feel like he isn't even my boyfriend.
He just got a job in SF last month, works 7. Hours and 30 minutes there, and before I asked him how long he'd work there for, and he said 2 - 3 months, and I said does he promise he would quit after 2-3 months, he said yes.
Now he says "I don't know, it depend how the money is" and gets mad everytime I ask.
He says
" What you want me stay home all day with you and fight with you every day?"
What could I say?
Oh and his working days in SF is monday-thursday, and sundays. His other work he has to do everyday except he skips saturday.
Right now, since yesutrday, me and him have not been talking because I bought a puppy and he is all mad, and says im stupid ****, so I stop texting him and just went to sleep.
I don't want to keep living like this with him working all day, what can I do?
Please read everything and understand it and answer. I need help..