Yes, girls are attracted to assholes. Some will call them bad boys instead of assholes, or whatever. Many girls won't admit this, or perhaps some have a blind spot that keeps them from seeing it. I just had a girl come right out today and tell me (after I told her "go for the good guys"): "But the good guys just aren't any fun."
At least this girl is truthful and honest about it, as nauseating as her statement is. Many girls will tell you, no, I prefer a nice guy. They'll answer this question and say, don't become a jerk, be yourself, be nice and respectful. But I can tell you, doing this will probably get you nowhere.
I believe that the reason most girls are attracted to assholes, is that deep down, beneath their outer beauty, they themselves- the girls, that is- are ASSHOLES. Yes, I think I'm the first guy to come out and say this: Most girls in today's world are total assholes.
You basically have 2 choices. 1) You can try being an asshole, and you might get some girls, maybe, if you can pull off faking being an asshole. 2) You can be yourself (nice), and not get the girls.
But whichever you choose, don't let girls push you around. Don't make the mistakes I've made in the past, that is, letting girls use you, abuse you, and always get the short end of the stick. These girls have cost me a ton of time, money, energy, and pain. Don't let the same thing happen to you.
If you choose option 2 above, then let the girls have a blast of "fun" with their jerks. They can have their assholes, the drama and soap opera nonsense that goes along with it. Just whatever you do, don't let them come whining and crying to you when they get hurt. They made their bed, let them lie in it. Don't be the shmuck that gets no benefits but has to listen to the aftermath. Man up.
Yeah, I know, what I'm saying won't be popular. But I'm convinced it's the truth, sad to say.