2011-07-25 06:38:47 UTC
So the next day rolls around and my friends implant this idea in my head that if i like this girl i needed to call her and hang out before she leaves....so i hesitantly pick up the phone and call the night after the day we met, i get voicemail, leave a message "hey (blank) its (blank)-give me a call back when you get a sec..if you want...bye"
So i didnt hear back from her at all and sent her a facebook msg saying the reason i called was cause i talked to so and so about such and such.....basically i made it seem like the reason i was calling was indirectly related to us, and more about business because i am in Real Estate and she owns her own business.....and at the end i said "but i would be lying if i said that was the only reason i called....you made quite an impression on me and i want to see you again.."
she never responded or called back and its been four days....Am i dead in the water here? I havent tried to contact her since....What do i do in this situation if i really want to see her again? Do i text her and see if she responds? do i wait until next week to call? Do i just straight up ask her is she is not interested to please just tell me so i quit wasting my time? I need some advice....