Ok, you are not going to like this, but he is going to play you or atleast try!
Number 1, you are too conservative for him and may be a small challenge, but any great looking guy looks for a non abrasive personality to match with it, and you are too skeptical.
If he goes from girl to girl, he probably feels he deserves it.
Guys like him, think they have to spread their sead, so to speak!
If you wanna get laid, wouldnt mind sex, go for it. There are a lot of desperate horny women that would love to get laid by a hot actor! However, in his mind, hes too good for you!
He thinks hes better than you and just going about his business, and getting love and affection and admiration from women of all types.
If you are not the jealous type and want a good friend with benefits, go for it.
If you are looking for a serious lover, you will fail miserably!