What do I say if a GIRL wished me a Happy Thanksgiving?
2009-11-26 16:57:47 UTC
She sent me a text saying, "Happy Turkey Day :) ". So I just replied with, Happy Thanksgiving! :)
She didn't reply...Did I mess up? by not sounding interested. Should I of asked her what she was doing? I mean I kinda like her, but I'm not very good at holiday things. I also don't want to sound desperate by sending her another text
32 answers:
2009-11-26 17:01:59 UTC
while i hate holidays and everyone i know, knows this, they stil wish me well on these days.

i have gottne used to just saying 'thank you , and you as well".
2009-11-26 17:06:09 UTC
Calmmmm Downn.

She Prolly Sent The Happy Turkey Day :)

To You In A Forward..

Like She Prolly Sent It To Ten Ppl,

Including You,

So Umm.. Yehh Text Her Now & Be Like Heyy(:

& When She Writes Back Just Ask Whatchaa Doin?

& Then Start A Conversation From Theree(;

2009-11-26 17:02:42 UTC
Say thank you then say Happy Thanksgiving back! :) You are not going to sound desperate. Just try another question that relates to the topic like "Did you have a good Thanksgiving dinner?". Or "Did u like the turkey?" Maybe she just wasn't answering because she was busy. You never know. Hope I helped! :)
Daniel O
2009-11-26 17:08:04 UTC
Good lord.

You don't want to sound desperate to her by sending another text? You've just made yourself seem like the most desperate kid on the internet with that question.

It was probably group text, she was expecting maybe 10% of people to reply, ou did, it's not going to make her like you any more or any less.

2009-11-26 17:08:58 UTC
Honestly, she might have sent that text to everyone. But if you like her, you probably should have asked her what she was doing. Then, you can both complain about your families and their weird Thanksgiving habits.
2009-11-26 17:07:08 UTC
Nope it's no big deal. Maybe you should send her another text & ask what she's doing for thanksgiving and keep the conversation going.

Hope that helps :)
I Love Jesus
2009-11-26 17:02:33 UTC
Not really. Like the other person said it's not meant to be a convo starter. Unless you said Happy Thanksgiving. then said something like so where are you going today blah blah blah
2009-11-26 17:06:33 UTC
aw don't worry!

see, with holiday text messaging i think most people send those out mass text. and usually, they won't reply to the other ones.

next time you see her, ask her how her thanksgiving was :]
2009-11-26 17:05:25 UTC
at night just sent her a text asking how how her thanksgiving dinner was. you will sound interested but not too clingy.
2009-11-26 17:03:03 UTC
Well, saying thank you along with happy thanksgiving might have helped.

But she's probably just busy with thanksgiving festivities. She'll probably get back to you later.
2009-11-26 17:09:15 UTC
lol no ur fine, i basically sent that text to everyone on my phone. if u are interested in her though, text her tomorrow asking her how her thanksgiving was and just starting up a conversation. i think she'll get the idea.

answer mine please?
2009-11-26 17:06:37 UTC
maybe she just wanted to wish you a happy thanksgiving

it's possible that she automatically sent it to all her contacts.

but if you really want to start a convo without you seeming desperate wait til tomorrow

and be like so how was your thanksgiving yesterday?

hope it helps("
2009-11-26 17:01:19 UTC
She was probably just being friendly. I sent that same exact text to all of my friends, guys and girls. And I have a bf, and I don't mean anything by it. I wouldn't read into it too much .
2009-11-26 17:01:45 UTC
nope you did good... she expected a rteply sayin something like thanks happy thanksgiving too so dont worry.... if you talk to her some then just text her back a little latter asking if she had a good day/thanksgiving
2009-11-26 17:02:54 UTC
if u think a girl likes u if they wished u that u stupid. but just say it back there is no otha way . u did nothing wrong sheprobaly didnt have nothing else to say she probaly just wantedto wish u a happy turkey day.
2009-11-26 17:06:21 UTC
She might have sent that to everyone in her contacts or something. I had a lot of those today and no one really replied back.
2016-05-25 03:38:39 UTC
The new boyfriend is busy with family and isn't paying attention to her at the moment. So she's trying to get her attention fix from you.
2009-11-26 17:05:10 UTC
you didn't do anything wrong she was just saying happy thanksgiving. lol not a big deal
2017-02-19 23:19:18 UTC
2009-11-26 17:06:30 UTC
your thinking about it too much. she said happy turkey day to be nice and thats it. she probably didnt answer back because she's busy with her family.
2009-11-26 17:02:05 UTC
she might have just been texting everyone say happy turkey day, you didn't do anything wrong
2009-11-26 17:03:08 UTC
It's just nothing,Don't make into something huge.

If you want to start a convo ask her "How's your thanksgiving going?"

2009-11-26 17:01:03 UTC
its not a big deal. i got about 20 txt messages today saying the same thing. its not meat to be like this huge convo starter
Eoin C
2009-11-26 17:02:24 UTC
That's as completely harmless text.

You seem extremely desperate.
2009-11-26 17:04:05 UTC
i said that to all my friends but doesn't mean i liked them all they repyed saying the same bac to me. anyways she might like u if she considered to text u happy thks giving
2009-11-26 17:06:21 UTC meant exactly what it said, happy thanksgiving!
2009-11-26 17:01:50 UTC
ask her what she is doing this thanks giving, and maybe she is doing something cool, you should go with her, and have some fun, or if she is doing something boring and she says she dredding it, then think up something for the two of you to do together.
2009-11-26 17:06:26 UTC
she simply meant:


nothing special, u did the right thing :)
2009-11-26 17:02:14 UTC
ahaa..umm, just say "yeah you too" just because she doesnt reply doesnt mean shes not interested.and dont text her again.
Hana h
2009-11-26 17:01:46 UTC
you could be cool and say you too or if you wanna flirt say you to baby with a big smile : D
2009-11-26 17:08:47 UTC
you have nothing to worry about.
2009-11-26 17:00:14 UTC
Sayy it Baqq ..Duhh ....

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