Boyfriend Question!!!!!?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Boyfriend Question!!!!!?
273 answers:
2008-04-18 21:01:49 UTC
It's a teenage nightmare that happens to everyone, EVERYONE, even the popular pretty girls. And as much as you think its about looks and popularity when you are in school, no one gives a **** about it when you get out. Srsly, no one. People don't give you jobs based on what group you were in. Humans are instinctual, and they gravitiate to people who are genuine and honest, and although there is a massive bias to people who are "pretty" and "skinny", people who judge on that category alone are idiots. Anyway, away soapbox.

Don't be afraid to talk to guys. Trust me, when I was 14 I was scared to death too. When you're not confident in yourself and how you look around boys, then it is really hard to not be thinking "Oh My God, they are judging me", and that really sucks up any conversation starters. But having said that, now I'm older, the easiest way is just to remember they are another person, not a boy, particularly. Just like any other person that you would meet. Talk about the things you talk about with your friends. Of course there will be differences in likes and such because of gender, but after all, you're both human. You can connect on some level.

And hey, any guy should be flattered for any attention that they get, and most are frivolous with it, but that's their loss. Just go and talk to his guy, but play it cool. Don't be too upfront with the whole 'I like you thing' because it'll leave you open for a whole world of trouble. Just try for friends first, get something started and see where it goes. And as much of a cliche that it is, just be yourself.

It's just life, baby. :)
2008-04-18 20:55:12 UTC
Hey first of all, don't feel pressured to have a boyfriend just because everyone else has one. I didn't start dating until I was 16 and I remember feeling all those things because everyone else did. Looking back on it I see it really didn't matter.

Just talk to him, think of him as person not as a crush and talk to him about things you think you will both find interesting. Start easy like that new movie that is out, or school that day, maybe crack a joke later, etc.
2008-04-18 20:55:13 UTC
you are so young.... to be worrying about boyfriends.. be friends with guys.. theres no rush to find a boyfriend
Chloe F
2008-04-18 20:55:47 UTC
okay.. so im fourteen too!

this time is so hard for girls and guys because we are just starting to know hook up and stuff like that.

Dont be worried about your wait. If you really think you are heavy your personality can shave off the pounds. You also (if you are really concerened) go on the diet for teenagers only by carrie wiatt and barbara schroeder. it is very useful.

He is probaly a really nice guy!!! Guys at this age just sound like jerks so they can be "cool". ha ha

and have confidence! That is the sexiest and coolest thing a person can be!!! go for it and who cares if it doesnt work out. you have so many guys to chase!

good luck!
2008-04-18 21:02:52 UTC
you dont NEED a bf...

good things come if u wait for them

but i guess if u really like this guy its alright and fun to flirt.

but to be able to do that u have to be completly comfortable with ur self....

guys like girls who are not always dumping crap on themselfs...remember no matter what ur beautiful

and a high self esteem is a plus (:
2008-04-18 20:56:48 UTC
it seems like you have to break out of your shell. freshmen year right?? this is not the time to be shy. im a junior and im not one of those skinny girls either im actually about the same size as you. don't talk to guys like there gods or something treat them like any other person let your personality shine through.. im sure you have everything and more to offer than most girls and you dont have much to lose
2008-04-18 21:03:32 UTC
Dont worry about boys, they are just people :)

and once you talk to one, it would be easy for you to talk to them all. plus its what they like, they will appreciate you more and think you have amazing confidence just dont show your fear, and pretend like your talking to a friend.

you'll do fineee
2008-04-18 21:16:21 UTC
ayee Im 15 and i too notice people getting boyfriends etc.

you dont need a boyfriend and dont feel pressued to get one.

it should be a natural process. Being overweight shouldnt stop you from putting yourself out there and just living. Its all about how to deal. HEALTHY self estee is a big plus. be confident, and show that you dont care what people think.

you time will come,

everyone's time eventually comes, even if it is alittle later then others,

goood luck.
2008-04-18 21:07:31 UTC
The reason you are scared is because you are not ready to pursue a relationship. The other young lady is right, focus on your studies and have fun with your girlfriends. Men will always be there. But you need to work on yourself, your mind and let your self grow up. You really are a young girl., no insult intended. Don't rush everything so, slow down. Good luck
2008-04-18 20:53:18 UTC
You are too young to date. Focus on your education and friends. They are more important. You will have your entire life to date. Education comes and goes.
2008-04-19 04:33:02 UTC
Wow , Well Dont Let It Get To Yuuh Too Badly , Yuuh Have Yur Whole Life To Date.. And Maybe Yuuh Should Just Become Friends With Him First , Do Yuuh Have Any Friends That Are Friends With Him ? Maybe Go Out With A Whole Group And Do Something , Get To Know Him , If Yuuh Have Problems Talking To Him Just Relax And Be Yourself . Yuuh May Be Nervous At The Time But Trust Me Yuuh Will Regret Not Doing It Later.. Hope This Helps!!

<3 Sondrahh Baby 'ox
2014-09-05 06:46:23 UTC
I have the SAME weight problem you do and I'm 13. Don't think you're ugly, because sure as heck I thought I was ugly and I get compliments all the time by adults and jealous girls at school.

Just recently I got a boyfriend, last Thursday. I liked him and he liked me, a lot of people don't think he's very handsome but I do, and his personality shows that. I get nervous around him too.

My advice is to maybe wear some make-up [if you don't already] or try a new hairstyle. When you find time, go up and talk to him just say "Hi, I'm ________." And just develop a conversation with him. After you get to know each other he might start to become attracted to you. =]

Just my two cents.
2008-04-19 09:08:06 UTC
Be yourself. Popularity is not all that it is cracked up to be. You know, being popular is just a matter of the mind. If you have friends, then you are popular. If your friends like you, then you are popular. This guy, if he isnt all that cute, he may feel the same way that you feel. He may be having some insecurity issues himself. You know, another thing is this, everyone in the world is not meant to be super skinny! It depends on your health and your height, and your body type. Are you built bigger in bone structure? If you are, and you lose too much weight, you will look sickly!!! Do the weight watchers, and understand that weight is an issue that some people have to deal with for life. Learn to make healthier food choices, excercise plenty, get lots of water, eat larger portions of whatever veggies you may happen to enjoy. Hopefully, at 14 there is some veggie that you do enjoy. Ask your mom to purchase lots of them, and take huge helpings of that, while cutting back on the noodles, potatoes, and starchier stuff! Take your time with it, because slow weight loss is lasting, while the quick fixes dont keep the pounds off for long. Also, eat very slowly, chew your food thoroughly, it will make you get full faster. Dont eat fast!!! Your brain has to understand that you have eaten. Take your time, and you will feel a lot more full. Baby Girl, I've been there, and done that, so trust me on this. !!!!! Now, about this boyfriend stuff, you have some time. Your parents probably arent going to let you go out with anyone just yet. I know, though, that having a boyfriend means you like him, he likes you. You talk at school, and maybe on the phone, meet at the dance or the movies. (got a girl your age) same stuff!!!!! Cause I know she isnt allowed to go out with a guy, but the boyfriend stuff is ok as long as it's like that!!!! Dont be shy or afraid to be yourself with guys though. They are people. Some will like you, some wont. That is life. Just be a nice person. There will be a nice guy who will like you just because of that. You know, most of the really popular girls are kind of mean and snippy. Guys get tired of that stuff and drama after a while. Baby doll, what's gonna happen is you are going to turn into the swan, and the guys who "dis" you now, will be very sorry. You just work on you. Work on being the best you that you can be. Love you!!!! Focus on the wonderful things about yourself, and believe and trust me here, the great guy will come along, and he may be right in front of you, but you dont see him. The same just happened for my daughter, and she is overweight as well. She's still absolutely phenominal, and I bet that you are too!!!!!!!
2008-04-19 10:49:30 UTC
Forget about him. Eventually you will after many sleepless nights. Go for a run.. and i mean pick a destination and sprint some of the distance [no pain no gain]. I think the best thing you can take from this is a motivation to be better and the obvious way to do that is lose that extra weight. Even if this guy is something of a social reject he will still want something that his peers can accept (so that he might be accepted). LOSE the WEIGHT at all costs, at the end of the day you'll feel better for it and you may find that by your graduating year you may have climbed the social foodchain.

If you must pursue this boy, brace yourself for rejection and state your case to him. The information you have presented here i must say looks a little grim.. If he was interested in you, you (or your friend) would have probably detected it, but at 14, this boy is likely not interested in you and he might be caught offguard by you interest in him > this could result in a very short relationship where he at the last minute realises hes not interested.
2008-04-19 10:29:47 UTC
I agree that there are "more important" things to worry about...however, I'm 16 and at 14 (and before) I was dealing with guys.

This is going to sound really cliche, but it's all about confidence. People will make you feel crappy at several points in your life. You just have to understand that what people think really doesn't matter. If you talk to a guy and he acts weird around you, then move on. Guys at 14 are difficult to deal with (not that they aren't at 16 or any other age) just remember that you have no reason to be scared to talk to anyone. Even if they're "popular", they're not any better than you. If they want to give you weird looks or ignore you, then they can just be jerks. Go for the nice ones. :)
2008-04-19 04:25:54 UTC
Hey I can relate to you. Once, when I was14, there was this ABSOLUTELY pretty girl that I had a crush on. She was popular, and had a gang of friends and all. The fact that I couldn't match up to her popularity or beauty freaked me out, I just couldn't force myself to tell my love for her. Time flew, and so did she. Now, I don't think about how it would have been if I had told her my feelings. I grew up. Now for me, it was just a crush. Gone and Forgotten. Either way, you are going to grow, whether he is with you or not. Take this easily. So what if he rejects you? Just say 'NEXT' and move on. And one more thing, you said the guy is 'reeeeeeeeeeeally' ugly to others, but not to you. It's the same way around. You might be 'the one' to someone. I agree that 14 is not a good age to be in a relationship,because you are '14', you got your entire life to live, chill kid!!!
2008-04-18 22:26:59 UTC
I told this to my son and my niece many times but ever think that guys may find you stuck up or conceited. Maybe they think you have a boyfriend already. This could be some of your issues about boys not coming up to you on a regular basis. This could be why you seem SCARED to talk to boys. Its a sign of rejection. Everyone hates rejection. I was rejected by my ex hubby after being with him for nearly 13 years. I was only married for about 4 years. Here's a homework for you to do and see if its not your face expressions that keeps guys away. I know its on my face all the time. I don't get dates cuz I am always looking down at the ground. You should find out how many obese girls have boyfriends in school. Find out how they became a couple. Go talk to the obese girls and ask what their techniques may have been. I was obese in school. I am still obese at my age of 46. I am no spring chicken. I just wonder if you're giving them a dirty look or maybe snickering at them. Next time you see any guys just say hi. Its friendly greeting and no harm is done. It will not put you in any embarrassing moments. Just try it. Try try try again like the motto states.
2014-10-02 10:45:39 UTC
The weight may have something to do with it - BUT that is some times over looked if the girl has a great personality. At your age, you are going through a lot - changes inside and out. If you want to change your look - only you can do that. Remember - it didn't take you over night to gain weight - so don't think it going to come off over night. It takes times - don't get upset if your weight stalls at times.

How does a friends train you to like someone? Don't settle because you don't have a boyfriend, that can get you into trouble. At 14 - don't start being a desperate female - it will only get wo
jorge e
2008-04-19 02:27:58 UTC
First of all you need to get rid of the extra pounds. Especially at your age unfortunately most people your age tend to focus more on physical aspect of others than that which rests within. OK,, you are nervous because you are trying to look at him,, the boys in the eyes. That is the scary part until you become better at it. For now,, when you talk to him, them,, focus your eyes above their heads. Start with, looking at him and when he catches you, just smile a littlle bit. Don't stare. If you are close enough to him, just say hello and wait for him to answer and then just keep on doing that until more conversation sparks. Try that with other people,, not just this one guy. You seem to be shy but with time and practice you will grow out of it and you will feel that you can communicate with jsut about anyone. One reason we go to school is to learn to improve our social skills during lunch hour, while engaged in sports activities. Join a club, there are so many in schools now a days,, that is great. get more involved,, mingle,, mingle,, eatblish yourself as a good person, open minded,, a good friend and you will find that at the end of the day, you will feel better and others will be glad that they know you as a good person,, a friend they can depend on.
2008-04-19 00:55:55 UTC
First of all, there is no way you can have a relationship with a boy if you're classifying him as 'popular' and totally out of your league. even at 14 when relationships aren't that serious, respect and equality are vital.

Also a trained eye is an awful way to approach the situation. if anything goes wrong, you ay turn on your friend who trained your eyes in the first place.

Before you do anything, you must be certain the you DO want to something, and you're not simply trying to fit in, because there's nothing worse than an obligation relationship.

So instead of approaching this situation as an opportunity to score a boyfriend, get to know the boy as a friend. This takes the pressure off you to be constantly attractive, and chances are the boy will like a friend better than a girl trying to impress him.

good luck
2008-04-19 07:14:09 UTC
I would love to have you standing in front of me so I can give you pointers about your looks etc. But since I can't, I suggest you go around and ask every single person you trust to look you over and give you cool tips or pointers. (Let them smell your breath too). Sorry, but I'm always to the point. Also ask them to discuss your annoying habits with you too, if you have any. Don't get offensive, just take it all in. Then when they're all finished giving you advice, then take them up on it and fix anything that may need to be fixed, including anything in your personality or your voice (of course some things might take a while to improve, but thats fine).

If theres nothing to fix, then make a game of it and practice flirting with your girlfriends until you get the confidence, then get yourself to phone that boy you like or walk up to him and speak. Remember its all about ACTING confident and like nothing bothers you. Once you have ACTED confident enough times, it becomes real and not an act anymore.

Remember only idiots like to reject you in a way that might make you feel bad, but a nice guy, even if he rejects you, will do it in a very kind way, that you won't feel bad. Just NEVER show that you feel bad if you are ever rejected, which I'm sure you will never be. Have fun flirting - By the way, flirting is very contagious and empowering. (PS: condoms break and stay away from drugs and alcohol).
baseball mom
2008-04-19 05:59:52 UTC
The weight may have something to do with it - BUT that is some times over looked if the girl has a great personality. At your age, you are going through a lot - changes inside and out. If you want to change your look - only you can do that. Remember - it didn't take you over night to gain weight - so don't think it going to come off over night. It takes times - don't get upset if your weight stalls at times.

How does a friends train you to like someone? Don't settle because you don't have a boyfriend, that can get you into trouble. At 14 - don't start being a desperate female - it will only get worst. Like someone because you do - be friends with this person if you really like him.

Show everyone your real personality - the same one you show your girl friends.

Believe in yourself - don't let anyone take that away from you!
2008-04-18 22:26:38 UTC
I used to have the same problem. Sometimes i still do. If you have the time to become friends and then hopefully more than that, heres what I recommend. Start out by saying hi and hello every now and then when you pass him. after about a week or so of this, if you happen to accidentally "bump into him," start a small conversation. nothing too big, unless it gets that way, but something small and simple to get the wheel going. keep this up and eventually you guys will be talking alot. going farther from that, try and hanging out with him outside of school. little by little, find things you can both do and still have fun in. if all goes well to here, then either give a little flirt to show him that you like him and if he likes you back, then he should ask you out. otherwise, his loss.
2008-04-18 22:02:04 UTC
Okay, I have the SAME weight problem you do and I'm 13. Don't think you're ugly, because sure as heck I thought I was ugly and I get compliments all the time by adults and jealous girls at school.

Just recently I got a boyfriend, last Thursday. I liked him and he liked me, a lot of people don't think he's very handsome but I do, and his personality shows that. I get nervous around him too.

My advice is to maybe wear some make-up [if you don't already] or try a new hairstyle. When you find time, go up and talk to him just say "Hi, I'm ________." And just develop a conversation with him. After you get to know each other he might start to become attracted to you. =]

Just my two cents.
john n
2008-04-19 08:37:08 UTC
People have been saying that teens are too young for over a hundred years, now. that is not exactly correct. teens are too young to worry, and too young to be complicating their lives with relationships yet. Everybody is too young to be catching and spreading disease, and depression.

The fact is people learning how to deal with other people is a healthy thing. I can say that if everyone were in a cacoon until they were adults they would still have to go through the painful experience of learning people.

Your not ugly, you are too young to be ugly, yet.Your body and personality is still growing.I have been through it all, and many times the fat, shy little girl gets into areobics in high school or college, and turns into the supermodel spokesperson for some cosmetics Co. By the same token I have known personally women that were extremly popular in high school that are really not pleasent to be in the same town with. some are in and out of prison, other have illnesses, some are dead.

Most of the people you see, and know now will in many cases not be anywhere near your life in ten years. they will not be important , or friends, you will not even know them then.

don't commit, don't invest, don't worry, but by all means practice talking to people. Talk to the ugly popular guy, talk to the jock, the rich kid, the teachers, and even your parents. We are all exactly the same inside, and talking is the only way anybody learns that. talking allows us to see evil, and discover when people will be evil. lies always come with holes in them. I'm rambling, and thats not pretty, so as long as you don't do something that is going to screw up the rest of your life, and at fourteen that's a long time, have fun, and don't worry, nobody will remember your name in fifteen years.
2008-04-19 00:48:21 UTC
I understand almost completely what you're saying. At the age of eighteen, I'm just now getting to the point to where I'll talk to guys without feeling totally freaked out. I went through my middle and high school years being the dorky overweight chick, and all my friends had to worry about was which guy they were going to go out with next. You can't let it get to you. Fourteen is young -- too young to be dealing with the drama of dating, and breaking up, and all the other mess that comes along with relationships. I know from experience that it's hard to get over that nervousness that comes along with talking to guys, but if you work on it and try to conquer that fear, it might give you a better shot at finding a guy if that's what you really want. Seeing that you're strong and confident will help show guys that you're worth having around.
2014-10-03 12:53:12 UTC
my niece many times but ever think that guys may find you stuck up or conceited. Maybe they think you have a boyfriend already. This could be some of your issues about boys not coming up to you on a regular basis. This could be why you seem SCARED to talk to boys. Its a sign of rejection. Everyone hates rejection. I was rejected by my ex hubby after being with him for nearly 13 years. I was only married for about 4 years. Here's a homework for you to do and see if its not your face expressions that keeps guys away. I know its on my face all the time. I don't get dates cuz I
2008-04-19 07:04:46 UTC

First of all, don't worry about your weight. Your only 14, things change as you grow up a bit more.

Its good that your not shy around your friends, because being shy can never be a good way of making more friends.

Alot of girls get nervous when they talk to guys. Maybe you and your friend could invite him out and tell him to bring a friend along aswell, to make the outing a little less arkward. Then you could start from there. He will soon realize you have a massive crush on him! ;)

Maybe when you get to know him much more personally, he won't give you that funny look and walk away.

Well good luck and hope i helped you out a bit :)

Brooke xx
2008-04-19 01:20:55 UTC

I used to be like that, too. I got nervous easily talking to popular guys in my school. The trick I used to get out of the situation is to have a goal that I don't want to be that nervous anymore. Hey! I got the right to be friends with them just as any other girls. So, ask yourself that same question (do you want to be in the same situation all the time?) and set yourself a goal (I want to talk to them comfortably and be friends with them.) Repeat that goal every day, to let your inner self understands what you want.

About the boy, if you don't talk to him, how would you know he'll ignore and give you a puzzled look? You sounds like a really nice and smart girl, you will gather all your might and go say 'hi' to him. Look, if he does what you're scared of, then it's a good sign he won't be a good friend/boyfriend to you. Anyone who loves you will look past your look.

Good luck!

2008-04-19 10:32:48 UTC
Don't worry about having a boyfriend at this moment. Just cause your friends have one doesn't mean you have to have one as well. You will find someone special in life. Even if it isn't right now. You are in school to make friends and learn. That is the reason why your parents try to support you the best they can. Good luck!
2008-04-19 10:36:50 UTC
boys can be so dumb sometimes! i think sometimes they can't control the faces they make! my brother is 12 and believe me he always makes faces at anything and everything. i get mad then he gets mad because he says he didn't make one! or that that was a good face. maybe the guy is nervous too and that is why he makes faces.

and dont be nervous people that are in middle school may not be apopular in high school. things change people change, body changes everything and things will not always be the way they are now. if you are interested in talking to him maybe one day you see him pass by and just smile and say hey. and keep walking and gradually do mroe until you can actually ask hey ... (his name) how are you?

it will be fine just take it easy. and dont worry about your friends all havinga bf and you dont... te right one will come along. whats the point of being like some other teens that date for a couple weeks or maybe 2 months and break up. and have another bf in 3 weeks! thats not good either
2008-04-19 09:17:16 UTC
I remember when I was 14 and I was just like you in many ways. Felt the same way too. Best advise is be confident and like yourself for who you know you truly are and not for what you think others need to to like you as. This is not an easy thing to do and believe me, takes many years to do. It takes many heartaches caused by popular, good-looking men who are into brainless, giggling, silly women who look like barbie, to realise that you don't really want a guy like that and you are happy with who you are anyway. Once you are happy with yourself truly and you actually start showing that in your behaviour to the outside world, then the right guy will come to you and notice you. Remember, with the right guy you do not have to chase, you do not have to try hard, you do not have to show much...he will do most of the work, the boot will be on the other foot as they say, and he will come after you. This is true but sadly it does not happen always overnight...the right guy will find YOU though, I promise.
Ruksana P
2008-04-19 06:33:54 UTC
I know how you feel, you feel left out, all your friends have boyfriends and you don't.. Doesn't mean your life is over, enjoy your youth, you don't want a boyfriend headache, you want to chill do what you want, concentrate on your studies, going out with friends. If you feel that you are overweight, then do something abouut it. Go jogging or join some aerobic classes. Maybe you are afraid to talk to boys, because you haven't got confidence in yourself, once you have confidence in youself, you won't be afraid anymore, you are scared of rejection. Your not pathetic, you will meet someone nice, just be patient, youngsters go into relationships early, thats why they end up not doing well. Do something for yourself, and feel good about it. You never you start taking of yourself, guys might find that attractive. Good luck
2008-04-18 21:25:00 UTC
OK i m13 and i say that no age is to young 2 date. don't let anyone tell u diffrent!!! ok so treat them they way you'd treat your friends BUT take out the boy talk and gossip which leaves jokes, basic school, and memories. if you talk about gossip and boys they get awkward ( been there done that). start be being friends with him. talk to him in school increasingly each day. let him know how totally awesome you are! try not to drag on about the same old boring stuff then they lose interest. know wat hes about and talk about that part of your life. if the guy is mean, then he will most likely show it when talking to you. after your his friend, ask him to go to a GROUP "gathering" at the movies or restureant ( sumtin simple). then they dont get completely freaked. make sure you have the right group. dont go with all girls. thats worse than a regular 1 on 1 date. dont go with 2 many guys cause then he wont give you any attention. dont go with people who are gunna makeout the entire movie cause then the pressure is on you 2 make out with him and if hes ugly you MIGHT not want 2. or you will feel really awkward when every one else makes out with each other and u 2 are gunna have 2 think hard about all the possibilities and their outcome. so many things can go wrong. but SOOOOOOOOOOO many more thigns can go right!!
2008-04-19 08:41:17 UTC
Just because everyone else has a bf doesnt mean u have to have one. Another thing is dont just go for the hot guy or the guy u think is hot. U do have to think hes attractive but he doesnt have to be drop dead gorgeous. My gf right now in everyone elses eyes is ugly and i think shes okay. Its not about the looks though its about how this guy is going to treat u if hes going to love u and do anything for u. Also being scared is natural maybe u should start talkin on aim and text to gain o comfort level. Have him over to ur house and then if ur comfortable with him do work
2008-04-19 10:29:46 UTC
Guys will come on there on time i was dating a little bit before 14 and i was a little over wieght like 145 i'm rele short so it was alot on me and let me tell you now i have had quite a few boyfriends and it's not all it seems to be it's hard and distracting and confusing and your first boyfriend won't be the last so you might get your heart broken...ok don't be in a rush lol and i'm sure when it comes time to liking the right guy you will say something
2008-04-18 21:36:51 UTC
GGGUUURLLL! It's all about the confidence! I know for a fact that guys dig a girl with a high self-esteem. Not stuck-up, but not afraid of standing out! The more you start talking to guys, even if your nervous, the BETTER you get! Honestly, your weight has nothing to do with the issue. Usually when a guy sees your uneasiness he gets uncomfortable, which is probably why they walk away like you say, so try to be outgoing, and you'll see that guys will start to notice you more, and maybe even ask you out!!! :)
2008-04-19 03:21:34 UTC
Most guys your age are akward around girls (and everyone else.) Find out what he likes and just talk to him. Try to become his friend. Make it casual, don't make it a big thing. Even when you are nervous you are going to have to suck it up and ignore your feelings. The more you talk to him the easier it will get. If nothing else this will be good practice for you and help you come out of your shell. Don't do anything stupid though. No sex and no making out! You're too young for that.
Kendra McLaren
2008-04-18 21:51:02 UTC
Although you are only fourteen, I think that it is important to try and lose some weight. It is definitely not healthy to be 183 pounds unless you are like 6 foot tall or taller. It will help build your confidence, make you look better and most of all feel better and live a longer life. As for boys, do not worry about them. There is plenty of time for relationships at your age.
2008-04-18 21:21:06 UTC
Ok first of all dont be pressured into something just cause everyone else is doing it, when the time comes you will get boyfriend, but right now since u r young the best thing forbu to do is concentrate on school that should always come first then boys second cause believe me getting a boyfriend will distract u and all the drama comes along with it so I dont think ur wanna have problems, ya its fun to have a boyfriend there's also the downside to it, so just wait, ur not in a life and death situation so like I said wait and concentrate on school and maybe one day or sooner u will get a boy and dont put itself down cause of ur weight cause I bet ur pretty.
iiTsz Scanzz
2008-04-19 09:54:09 UTC
Aww darlin why weight watchers, even the most ugliest people and most fattest get bfs if the dude doesnt appriciate u for how u r n wat u r then he aint worth it. Love doesnt have an age but is it really love or a cruushh. You can date him just know your limits (there are already too much teenage mums out there). Do something like drama to increase your confidence it helped me. Try to approch him and smile. Justt be yourself. Get to know him as a friend first. Or try and get a friend to approch this dude and tell him how great you are but she better not give the game away.

Good Luck Darlinn =]]
2008-04-19 00:33:49 UTC
I understand completely how you are feeling because I went through the same thing at your age. Right now you should be more concerned about getting good grades and getting through school first.

Who cares what people think about outwards appearances, its not whats outside that counts but inside and I know that you being a teenager that is hard to do. The more confidence you have in yourself when it comes to talking to anyone, the more people are going to respond like guys.
2008-04-19 10:38:53 UTC
Try to remember that you don't have to date. And it's probably better that you don't. I realize you don't want to be left out and that you get nervous around guys that you like. Here's what I used in high school and into college... just be friendly with everyone. Just talk to these guys like you would a girlfriend without topics like pms en such. The guys that don't respond to your friendship aren't worth your time and the guys who do may get romantically interested in you or not either way you have made some good friends. Believe me in college and throughout life, most guys want a girl they can be friends with first and girlfriend later!
2008-04-19 09:44:19 UTC
Stop following the crowd!!! So what if your friends get boyfriends and you don't atleast you don't have another thing to worry about.

so what if your not popular thats not the world Im not popular and I still feel good and I don't even have a Bf right now. If your really want to date some guy then go ahead nobodies stopping you but your friends sound like A***h***s There probably going to try and make you lose your virginity in highschool or college just because they did =.= huh
2008-04-19 08:55:20 UTC
Listen i'm a boy and if your girl this first thing i'll be looking for is that are you hot, popular, and your charater... now alot of popular guys will be looking for popular girls, so if your already popular that's an advantage for you and make sure your hot but also have style of clothing and hair and so forth.

Now what you what to do is get to know him...just let him notice you if he hasn't already... for example if your shy and all the best way to get noticed is sit on the same table with him but it's best to have at least one more firend with you so it's not too oviuous that your trying to get close to him.

Then start talking to him and just by how he reacts you can tell how he likes you...but don't feel bad if he will always ignor you...even if you keep talking to him and all but he ignors you it might mean he dosn't like you, but snice you are popular guys will always talk to you even if they don't like-like you.

So remember- have style, get close to him but not too close at first.

But then once you know him pretty well wirte him a note...(in your case writing a note is better than talking to him stright on) saying that i heard you liked me or could you ever see us together dating? and then wirte down the note saying let's talk about it later...and once he dose talk about it he should say what he thinks of you and if he says- yeah i like u and ur cool, or just stuff like that you can ask him, so you ever wanna hang out sometimes? and if he says yes then that's your date and you can get to know him even better.

But remember don't go striaght on for the note...follow the steps up there first....and trust me i know...i'm a guy and i should know how guys think.
2008-04-19 07:12:02 UTC
1. Take a deep breath, and relax is not the end of the world.

2. you have big future ahead of you.

3. Love yourself first. don feel left out only becuase you are not dating.

4. you will meet your first love in the future the one that will make you feel does butterflies on your tommy.

5. Consentrate more on your education, having a boy that will be making your child life stressfull should not be your first priority.

6. I gree the 14 year old kid that left you a answer, and he sounds nice too.

worry about your future, is not time to streess about boys that dont really have a clue.
kimia k
2008-04-19 04:13:12 UTC
hey, friends always get the boys too. it's hard i know, and i am 140 lbs, doesnt sound bad but it does annoy me alot, but listen here your weight doesnt matter at all it's you that matters and you just have to boost you confidence ok? i really recomend you read the book "the secret" if you read that you can get anything you's very famous and it works, there is even a small section on losing weight, also if you read paul mackenna i can make you took me 2 hrs to read it and it's so easy to lose weight with it, he says that diets are the enemy of losing weight, you can eat what you want with this, i have already lost 8 lbs in two weeks with this it's amazing, dont worry the right guy will ocme along eventually just be patient ok?

bye good luck!

2008-04-19 10:37:57 UTC
dude, I know exactly how you feel! I'm 15 years old, and my friends all got boyfriends (and my guy friends got girlsfriends) at the same time, no joke. and I felt exactly the way you are right now. but listen to this: if you try to rush into a relationship, chances are it won't last very long. your friends probably talk about their boyfriends all the time, and, yeah, I know how you feel - leftout. trust me, a guy will come your way, and you might find you like him.

but here's my suggestion: work on your self-confidence first. that's what I'm doing. I have a low self-esteem at the moment because of my low grades at school and I haven't been doing very well in soccer lately. I would suggest working on your weight because that seems to be what's concerning you the most. Weight Watchers seems like a good idea, but maybe you should add running to it. I run a mile everyday and my tummy is almost flat!! =D also, add sit-ups and push-ups. (I do 50 of each a day). but don't over-work yourself. start out small, and gradually work your way up. try starting out with jogging 1/3 of a mile every day with 10 sit-ups and 10 pushups, then work your way up.

next, you might want to work on your self-confidence and self-consiousness. you made it clear that it's hard for you to talk to guys. this might be because of your weight, it might not. just don't worry about it. if you walk around the halls at school with your head up, shoulders back, relaxed, and confortably, people will learn to respect you for who you are. if you see a guy you like or want to become friends with, don't even think about what he'll think of you. if he doesn't like you, it's his loss. you're probably a great kid!

but back to the boyfriend situation - I'm having trouble with a guy that I like too, and it's worse because all of my friends do have boyfriends. but I found once I started working on the things that I felt I needed to improve on with myself, I really didn't care because now I'm happy with who I am! =]
2008-04-19 06:19:15 UTC
This sounds almost exactly like me! I'm 14, I'm overweight, etc.

The thing I did to talk to the guy I liked was just said "Hey, wassup?" casually every now and then, and I would add on some other stuff to increase conversation. And if that doesn't work, just try writing a note to him! I even wrote a note and when he asked me about it, I just said "Sorry, It was for my other friends, I must have put it in your locker on accident" It made him laugh a little and we talked a little bit
El Pajaro Loco
2008-04-19 00:37:36 UTC
First thing to do is believe in yourself. think about all your good qualities and remember them everyday. Find some activity that you are good at and get better at it. in short, learn how to develop your self-esteem and define your personality.

Once you know yourself and your unique qualities, then you will have something to share with someone else.

Then, you will be mentally ready to date a guy. In general though, if the idea of approaching a person at school creates this much panic, that alone tells you have to work on your self first. Figure out what makes you nervous.
2008-04-18 22:21:45 UTC
dont not take this for granated. i am so serious when i was younger i was heavy and i thought i would never get a date. the next following year after that i had more boy drama than j-lo. its nothing cause at the end of the day, you will have someone. whether or not they love you for you.

dont listen to other people, when the ish hits the fan. who's in your relationship but you and the other person?

go for it, dont every let anyone tell you, you cant do something because of the way you look either.
Mary C
2008-04-19 10:29:54 UTC
Hey try just being friends with him first. When i was in school I wasn't very easy on the eyes but I had a great personality and all they guys were my friends. I had one best friend who I had the biggest crush on! I didn't persue it. Finally I lost weight and started looking good! all kinds of guys were asking me out I turned each and everyone of them down except my best friend! We have been together now for six years and got married two years ago and have a son as well! patience is your best virtue!
2008-04-18 23:00:13 UTC
OK. Well it's completely natural. But think of it this way... guys are just as afraid as the girls are. Some guys are more afraid. Girls are afraid of feeling stupid.. guys are afraid of rejection. Just talk to him on e-mail or something. Like... accidentally bump into him and then joke about it. Guys think that it's cute when girls make a fool of themself. But... it won't be that bad. As long as you don't like fall down or anything. It doesn't matter if you areoverweight or not. Everyone has a true beauty deepp inside. Just let yours shine.
2014-06-08 20:12:07 UTC
This is not an easy thing to do and believe me, takes many years to do. It takes many heartaches caused by popular, good-looking men who are into brainless, giggling, silly women who look like barbie, to realise that you don't really want a guy like that and you are happy with who you are anyway. Once you are happy with yourself truly and you actually start showing that in your behaviour to the outside world, then the right guy will come to you and notice you. Remember, with the right guy you do not have to chase, you do not have to try hard, you do not have to show much...he will do most of the work, the boot will be on the other foot as they say, and he will come after you. This is true but sadly it does not happen always overnight...the right guy will find YOU though, I promise.
2008-04-19 10:36:42 UTC
I was a little overweight in high school and went through what you're going through though. And guess what? I lost my virginity to a guy I really loved later than my friends did. Most of them lost it too young to drunken one night stands with little boys who barely knew where to stick it. One was actually drugged when it happened. They dont have good memories of it. I do.

Two of my friends were pregnant before they left high school. One tried to slit her wrists at 16 when her bf suddenly stopped talking to her. The point I'm trying to make is sometimes its better off to be fat and alone. You can develop into the person you want to be without the extra drama and huge life changing mistakes that dating too young can cause.
2008-04-19 10:29:58 UTC
You have the rest of your life for boy's! Go to school! Be a kid! Later down the road, those people wont even matter. For real, Im not even kidding! You will hardly remember them. Im sure your a cute kid. It only gets better as you will day you will be a women a beautiful women. Keep working on good health..One day later on in life, you'll see them out on the town..and you'll blow em away! It's true! You watch and see. ; )

You dont need a boyfriend!
2008-04-19 10:24:47 UTC
WOW!!!! U need to get over him sorry but if he is not interested in you then leave him be and if you so worried about your weight then go on a diet. I have had many boyfriends in my life and im only 12 so maybe just talk to him at first with one of my boyfriends I was even scared to be in the same room as him but i got over that and I think you can too! GOOD LUCK!!!
2008-04-19 09:49:21 UTC
Forget the guys. Girl, if you act too needy, and all 'I NEED A BOYFIREND!!!!' no one will like you. Sorry. You need to focus on school. Put the boys in the back of you head, and wait until you have high school going okay before you switch your attention to the guys. lol ^_^ boys will take your time awaaaay from your friends...and at your age...your friends are basically all you have. So....don't wreck your rep. Chill out. ^_^ And then don't fawn over someone!! Take your time!! And most of the time...the popular guys are they ones who you DON'T want to be with. There's a reason they only date cheerleaders. Because they are exactly the same. Think about it.
2008-04-19 06:57:47 UTC
1) Don't feel like you have to date if your friends are. because I'm 12 and have had 1 boyfriend who recently broke up with me about 3 weeks ago. We had been going out a year and a half. And in 5th grade all my friends had been dating and I liked someone but was nervous to ask him out and then the next year he was my boyfriend the one who broke up with me after a year and a half.

2) I felt nervous when I asked my ex out because I thought from seeing movies that they were suppose to ask us out but I asked him out and he said yes.

3) I'm also a nervous person and I've been thinking been thinking about asking my neighbor out hes 13 and really cute and I've known him forever but I don't have any classes with him and I haven't talked to him in like 1 or 2 years.

4) Here are your choices:

- just get to know him a little more

- wait until your ready to have a boyfriend

- ask another guy out and tell him that you just wanted to know if he could help make the other guy jealous

- have your friend ask him out for you or ask him if he likes anyone

Hope this helps.
2008-04-19 10:36:15 UTC
Kid, I was just like that in 6th grade. I'm in eighth grade now, too. I weigh about 150, so I'm pretty high up there myself, but I'm not fat either. But yeah, in sixth, I was the least popular girl IN THE WHOLE SCHOOl. Seriously, the geeks were ashamed to talk to me. Then I made the decision, I'm not going to be made fun of anymore. So from then to now, I've become a popular girl. I was afraid to talk to boys too. It's because you have to be confident. A boy around our age is just starting to really like girls, and if you like that boy, then when you see him, look him straight in the eye and just say, "hey." He will probably get nervous. Dead serious, guys are more insecure then we are at this age. Just accept yourself, and let yourself like you. lol. It really makes a huge difference. Weight watchers is good, I guess, just don't try to get ribby. Guys like curves. When you see those really skinny girls, don't say you want to be like them, because if you have a little more junk in the trunk, it's healthier and better looking. I'm a size 7, so I'm not tiny, but I'm not huge either.

FYI: I was 160 and I wore a size 15 in sixth grade.

It is very possible to lose weight, so don't give up hope.

just remember, Like yourself, and people will like you!!
2008-04-19 10:42:38 UTC
First of all, let me just say that it is OK to be 14 and not dating. You have your whole life ahead of you so just enjoy it. As for this guy that you is normal to feel scared to talk to him. It's your age and the fact that you haven't dated before. If you are really interested in this guy, I would approach him to be friends with him. Tell your girlfriends to just deal with it because you really like him. Good friends will understand and respect this. If he isn't interested, then you can move on. If your friend used to talk to him on the phone, maybe you could call him....and tell him you'd like to talk in person.... That might help. Good luck.
2008-04-19 10:29:05 UTC
well, i am the same age and grade as you and i have a bf.

just be yourself around guys.

i used to be afraid of guys but if you are, they stop liking you.

you need to get over your fear.

and the right guy will come along.

i never thought my close friend would fall in love with me, thats because i have a lot of guy friends and all my girl friends are all crazy about them and everhting, but i just act like myself aound them.

and if you do, they will start to think that u r cool and not scared.

so dont be scared, be urself.

my bf is the world to me, he is the best ever and he is SO cute, even though ive known him for two years and never really had these feelings for him before he told me he liked me. but i feel great!
2008-04-19 09:43:47 UTC
It's time to develop good eating habits and get involved in some activity, even if it only involves lots of walking. It'll do wonders for your confidence. In the meantime, learn how to apply makeup (with a light touch) and dress attractively (which means tastefully, not expensively or shamelessly). These are things that you should learn at your age and they will serve you well for the next ten, because you aren't going to find someone that REALLY matters much before then.
pilot boy
2008-04-19 08:59:01 UTC
your 14 please u should not be worried about this. Im a guy and i was not the best looking when i was 14. Now im 20 and i look great and have a beautiful girlfriend. when i was 14 i concentrated on sport. I find the most attractive thing about a women is intelligence. so please keep your focus on your education and i promise boys will come and go. Take up a sport like hockey please. dont do weight watchers, your 14 you should have no worries! hope this helps. Look after yourself and stay confident.
Chloe M
2008-04-19 04:29:28 UTC
dont worry about it

you are only 14 and you have a long time!

i am 16 and just recently started a relationship with this boy that i really love

so you need to be patient and wait for the right guy

i did and i am happy now :)

and that guy u mentioned get close to him and talk to him because if u dont you will never get anywhere trust me!

actually (im not saying you are) i am dyspraxic which affects social life and other conditions also affect social life so you never know?? (not to offend of course!!)
2008-04-19 03:35:56 UTC
Uhmm... Ok now first are you a christian? I know this has nothing to do with what your facing but ... Let me tell you a little something about me. Im 20 now and I dated guys when I was 13.. I was so young this time... I had this really big crush to on this guy whom I called my "king".... I had friends who knew this and they started to hook us up but the thing that bothered me the most was that I was big and you know what kind of big i'm talking about..., But you see he knew that I liked him alllooottt and he liked me but we never communicated... I liked what he used to tell me... He said It's not the outer appearance that I want but what lies from within the outside. THis was like the best thing that ever happened to my youth life but HE passed away.... and i knew that if he ws still alive maybe now we will the lovliest couples that don't care what people thinks about us... DON'T MISSUNDERSTANT HOW THEY LOOK AT YOU MAYBE IT'S HOW YOU LOOK AT THEM THAT MAKES THEM WALK AWAY FROM YOU! JUST LET THEM COME AND TRY TO LOOK CALM .... if you have time kind you please read 1JOHN4:18
2008-04-19 01:36:46 UTC
honestly you're too young to be worrying so much about this. yeah things happen and sometimes some girls get into relationships soon than others, but some people you just have to wait.

my best advice is truely, be yourself. dont be afraid to make a fool out of yourself. sometimes i find myself saying completely stupid things to boys, but they dont really care, if you can laugh at yourself, they find it cool. if you say something stupid or something you really didn't mean to say.. just play it off, dont make it such a big deal.

dont be in such a hurry to be a relationship, you're still young, you have LOTS of time to find boys and date. don't be like other girls and strive for the popular guys, they for the most part always turn out to be jerks that break your heart. learn to like a guy on who comfortable you are with him and how good you feel when you're with him. you still have to go through the stage of learning if you actually like someone or you just have a crush on them.

take your time.
2008-04-19 00:40:13 UTC
The thing is is you have to remember that in a few years from now what you're feeling now is going to seem stupid to you.

You should just suck it up and go talk to him. Jr. High and High School is something most of us realize that we should have done differently.

Knowing what I know now I most definitely would have put away my fears and talked to someone I wanted to back then. The worst that can happen is he's not interested in you like that, big deal...there will be TONS of guys in and out of your life.
2008-04-18 22:14:01 UTC
You don't have a boyfriend big deal. I see it this way if everyone jumped off a bridge would you do it. I know you feel like you want a boyfriend, but 14 is not the age wait until you're older. The wait is worth it because you learn from your friends which guys are jerks because they are dating them right now. Good Luck.
christine m
2008-04-19 07:45:09 UTC
its called confidence.. I had a girl in school with me she was not attractive at all.. but she dated the captain of the football team, and is now married to a very attractive man. She was very sweet but most of all confident. She spoke to everyone held her head high, and was very sweet. that's what made her popular. she was not shy..shyness is fear..and fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Talk to this guy with confidence. believe it or not body language is strong..I wouldn't want to talk to someone who looked down and was timid it would bore the hell out of me. also make sure your breath is fresh, and you smell wonderful. Guy's love that!! oh and don't mistake confidence with arrogance. Good luck!! and by the way weight has nothing to do with it. it's an air of confidence that gets the gold..
2008-04-19 03:23:53 UTC
You are still young!Don't worry,it will take time but the more you try to talk to guys,the more comfortable you will be around them! Don't worry about finding a boyfriend now,you don't have to follow what your friends do,but your heart at your own time.

Just hang out with guys more,in a friendly way.It will help you be less scared and open up more!
2008-04-19 10:55:11 UTC
The thing about the age 14 is that it has quite weird effects on girls and guys. The guys, who are a little behind the girls in their development, have gone hormone crazy and started looking at guys properly in a more sexual way. However they are still immature at heart and therefore they are going to be superficial (again the sex hormones, looking for a mate with good genes) and arrogant (they are going to push away and play hard to get with anyone under their superficial standard). Girls can be worse as they go a bit insane too, but there are also trying to fight off the competition for guys, but at 14 they have no clue how to do it (hence your friend's reactions with your crush). That is talking about it in a basic and biological sense.

You say you are overweight. Never mind anyone else opinion but it is bad for your health and the fact you are going to weight watchers is a good start. But remember you don't have to be a stick to pull guys, just get yourself to a healthy weight you are happier and comfortable. And if you buy some flattering clothes (Im not necessarily talking about revealing clothes, just clothes that fit and emphasise your good points.) It all makes you more confident.

Confidence is very sexy. I think what you need to do is change your mindset. Rather than thinking, I can't get a guy because Im overweight, think I haven't got a guy because Im too good for them, and as long as you dont voice this, just show it in your body language and think it, it will make you more attractive.

I remember at school my best friend used to be curvier than other girls and not exactly wasn't incredibly pretty, but what she did was she played the game of guys like "they were lucky to have her" and had a lot of confidence thus. If a guy displeased her she would ditch him, her attitude? They weren't good enough. It was never "maybe it was my fault" it was always their fault in her mindset. And its the same principle with these guys. That guy who bends over to get away? What a loser! They aren't good enough for you! You are probably so beautiful as a person in many ways and they are just being blind. Also my friend, had more dates than any of my other friends who were slimmer and prettier!

When it comes to talking to guys, and anything else that requires confidence, acting confident is often the way to become confident. Its like theatre, when I began acting, I was frightened as hell to go on stage. And I made some big mess ups through that. But what I kept doing was going up and trying again and again until it the stage became less frightening to me. Its the same with guys, just keep going up to talk to guys about ANYTHING. It doesn't even have to be flirting. If you mess up, just laugh it off, its all experience and you will get over it.

Education is very important, maybe you should hold off this for a couple of weeks and then have a go at this. Also the summer is a good time for reinvention, so maybe your best bet is to ride out the next few weeks, study hard, lose some weight and go shopping and put these guys out of your mind. Showing that you don't need them (like my friend did) they may come to you and seeing that you are elusive and focused on something else.

A few things to have a go at, I hope this helps. xx
2008-04-19 10:36:13 UTC
i'm kinda in the same position as... a little overweight and all my other friend has their bf... but if you really like a guy and he doesnt want to notice you then try a different approach... i'm sure ur a very beutiful person both inside and out.... try leaving your hair loose and smiling a lot but dont make eye contact with the guy.. laugh with your friends when you see him but in a girly giggle.. and if you want to go directly and talk to him.. talk about something he likes or has a hobby doing... but jus make a comment dont start a conversation.. like while walking past him say hey nice jacket and walk away... use your imagination.. you will have them wondering.....
Becky D
2008-04-19 10:32:38 UTC
Honey, u need to focus on loving yourself before u worry about loving someone else. Take it from someone who knows. I had all the same problems as u when I was in 8th grade. It all got better in high school (promise). Just take a deep breath and start enjoying your life one day at a time.
2008-04-19 10:30:01 UTC
First learn to love yourself.

Once that is done then it is time to start dating.

You need to focus on your health, and self image, before you start dating.

And anyway you are 14, work on school right now, my guess is that you will be liek the ugly duckling.

Right now you dont get any attention, but soon enough BOOM you will be hot.

Don't worry.

The right guy will come along and it will just click.


School first

Health next

Self Image

Then boys

Have fun.
2008-04-19 07:16:31 UTC
even im 14... ok now ur scared to talk to popular guyz, thats the same case wid me... u get a really funny sensation when you do. ok what i did, i started chattin wid them on the internet. and yeha being overweight doesnt matter, your personality can do wonders. well maybe you could find out what he likes and maybe u could try to develop an interest in them. and try ur hell best to make him notice you, trust me it'll not be very good thing if you don't. try emailing him if your dead scared to talk to him. make a good impression on him. and i'll give u a tip. boyz don like anythin except chirpiness and humour in girls, so try to be as funny as possible, and try makin him laugh. he'll surely develop an interest in you. i know my answer is completely hopeless but do these things and u'll see a difference...
2008-04-19 06:16:23 UTC
Rosy Spice, Im sorry to say but, Your never too young to fall in love with someone. Well, I got my first bf when I was 11 now, Im 15. It doesn't change anything, It just makes you feel loved and happy. So don't say that she's too young!

Anyways, don't be shy :] And if these guys all ignore you, Im sure there's always someone there who will want you. Well i'm not saying that this guy you like doesn't like you, but maybe he does ;] god knows :]

love ya. - xoxo Stella
2008-04-18 21:47:57 UTC
I know you heard it a million times, but You are really young to be dating. There's nothing great about it anyways honey! LOL! Anywho, don't stress it, I was shy myself when talking to guys, let's just say I wasn't the prettiest girl at school, but you know what, I'm with my high school crush now and we never talked in high school! Now we have a daughter! Go figure, you got time! Hang with your friends and family, when the opportunity arrives, you'll know! Plus you won't have to go threw a bunch a jerks, to get to the next one!
2008-04-18 21:45:35 UTC
at 14, dating isn't about liking the person, dating is only about the status of having a boyfriend. once you get older, you'll really want to find someone you can love, and everything will work out.

patience is the answer.

also, don't be so nervous around guys. just be yourself. never start talking to a guy in hopes of dating him, always aim to be his friend first. it helps a lot.
Jeremy B
2008-04-18 21:43:13 UTC
well I am a guy and no I am no no 30 man trying to be weird I am 13 years old and I am in 8th grade and I look like I weigh 200 lbs but I don't I just have a glandular problem anyways just find someone who likes you for you I mean I would If I were in the same situation but with this girl ...... Never mind but Just find someone else to like I mean hey I went through 3 girls myself and when I wa sdone My first girl came begging to be with me because she saw all the things I bought and no she is not a gold digger I just love buying things for my ladies.
2008-04-19 09:22:01 UTC
hey i have the same problem but i learned to talk to him im not over weight or anything im also popular so i dont no what the big deal weve been dateing for a month and over that i learned what hes like and we talk and sure hes really popular and im kinda but i have alot of friends to bac me up so if u really like hime then tell him it took me 5 months and even though were fighting we are still close
2014-10-04 15:35:53 UTC
e are dead.

Most of the people you see, and know now will in many cases not be anywhere near your life in ten years. they will not be important , or friends, you will not even know them then.

don't commit, don't invest, don't worry, but by all means practice talking to people. Talk to the ugly popular guy, talk to the jock, the rich kid, the teachers, and even your parents. We are all exactly the same inside, and talking is the only way anybody learns that. talking allows us to see evil, and discover when people will be evil. lies always come with holes in them. I'm rambling, and thats not pretty, so as long as
2008-04-19 08:19:14 UTC
You should ignore the guy who seems to don't like you. And always in mind that you don't do anything bad to him for him not to like you. And for the guy I like I will try to confess to him. Try telling him, if you are ready. Also tell him, that you really want to change for him like losing weight. Maybe, he'll understand and also might have a feeling for you. Just keep believing. If you have been rejected("if"), you really should lose weight and show to that guy that he lose a big chance of you and him to be in a relationship. Trust me, I've done it already.
2008-04-19 07:53:13 UTC
hey, im jus like u,

-overweight but doent look like my real weight..

-im 14 too

-i like a guy too[puppy eye^^]

anyway, i tink u shuld relax around guys. u can treat them like girls/ur cousins which u adores/long-time friends and all if u feel more comfy..who knows, mayb they also feel scared talkin to gals..

i used to tensed up when im around guys[popular n UNpopuler]. jus DONT SHOW it..

i grew out of it when i started secondary sch... yea, i confess, i either treat them like girls friends or my guys, i like to be around them as they show their feelin in a TOTALLY diff. way compared to girls[like girls smile n gushes over sometink cute, they mayb will act mocho and say thats it's still ok lookin 2 them]

and, ur young, 12-15+ relationship norm. doesnt last long... my friends mostly have BF n i feel left out too but when their relationship last about 1-5 wk at most... [some oly last 4 5 days]

no need to feel left out, think positive, if u doesnt get a boyfriend, u wont have heartbreak too.

i thik this crush over this guy would fade and wateva u do, pls DO NOT let that[the feelins u have 4 him] feelin devolpe isto a habit... thats is the worst think that can happen... ^^ cheers... hay, could i be ur friends??! ^^
α ρℓα¢є ¢αℓℓє∂ мєℓαи¢нσℓу .
2008-04-19 07:11:39 UTC
Wow, this is like the most answers to question I've seen if you're not some important person =D.

I think thattt you should lose a little weight and then talk to the guy. 183 is not healhty
2008-04-19 07:05:47 UTC


trust me, i went through the same problem!

Ok first about the weight:

-one of my best friends is bigger than the rest of us, and she has the most guy attention! dont worry about that. and if it really bothers you (which it shouldn't) then just eat healthier and maybe exercise???

-and that's great that you like somebody who isn't "hot"! This is good for you as well ... ever think guys think the same about you???

-when talking to guys just remember:

+ be yourself! or the whole relationship will be a 'lie'.

+ compliment them!!!!!

+ ask them about their hobbies (sport, school, weekends)

+ and most importantly THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK! not only so you don't come out sounding a bit silly, but also so you don't run out of things to say!

just breathe and if they don't go for you, MOVE ON!


Don't worry. It took me a while to get this right!

It'll happen, just keep practicing!

Good luck babe!

2008-04-19 03:29:22 UTC
Oops, you are going too fast. You may want to have a crush, but not a boyfriend officially. You should be focusing on your studies so that once you get a degree, you would be more out-going rather than your friends. jealousy doesnt help. Many people would want you after they learnt your true colours. So, good luck for your education.
2008-04-19 02:21:56 UTC
I've just passed my 14..

I'm 15.. (not too old, right..)


Although you're 14, I think you should go on date. but remember that you have to date just like people in 14 do it. I mean there are rules we have to go with..

If you want to make a date, you have to believe on yourself. Don't be shy that way!! Just make up your personality, not changing, I mean..

I say just believe in yourself..

But, I suggest that you may not too aggressive to make a date. because a date is only a date.

And.. may i say something, "Are you jealous?!" I think you're in an affection of that GUY!!. Haha..

Just kidding..

The alternative to be less nervous to talk with a guy is (in my opinion):

1. look for what they like..

2. talk important things..

3. don't be too talkative..

4. control your emotion!!

By the way,, guys will not ignore you if you talk your main importance at them. but, you may pretend about their favorite topics.. If you talked them with the boring topics, maybe they will ignore you..
2008-04-19 02:00:44 UTC
I am 14 too, and alot of my friends have bfs and gfs. I am also single, and not THAT popular lol. But I dont care, most of the people i know that hve bfs and gfs, get like kinda bad grades... and in trouble for talking in class.
2008-04-19 10:01:20 UTC
Don't make excuses about your weight. You can't weigh like 200 poudns and pull off 150. be realistic. of course weight isn't easy to lose, But cmon....

Anyway, you gotta have the confidence. If you dont, then you cant do anything in life basically.
2008-04-19 07:01:50 UTC
i had that problem too! i just relized that i needed to be myseolf where ever i went. If they didnt like me, than it wasnt going to work out anyway because you cant pretend forever that your something that your not it gets way to difficult(trust me) And being popular just means your like everybody else. If your not than you have something different to offer to somebody. Just be you and sooner or later some guy will fall head over heals for the girl who STANDS OUT instead of blending in? i hope you figure out waht you want.
2008-04-19 04:43:47 UTC
Ohhh bless... well trust me guys are just a waste of time if u dont find one u realy like dont feel under pressure bcause ur friends have bf's jst take ur time 2 find a kind guy who u like nd he likes u bak. im 14 2 nd i av only had 2 boyfiends nd i was heart broken wen we finished.. so jst sit bak nd wait 4 the right 1 girl... hope this helps x
2008-04-19 10:53:09 UTC not trying to preach to u, and im not ur mom, and every1 has prolly told u this already but u r too young to be worrying about dating right now. boys at ur age are,how can i say this, immature. and if they are trying to date also, its for all the wrong reasons. but that doesnt mean u cant befriend the boy u say u like. talk to him, chances are, he's thought of talking to u too but is afraid of what his friends would say or wutever. kids at ur age r too influenced by their schoolmates and friends. forget about the friends and go talk to him. at the end, u'll see ure making a big deal for nothing. but remember, try not to rush into things as far as dating goes. u have ur whole life ahead of u for dating. and if it makes u feel any better, at ur age, i was pretty.i had the body, had the looks, had the brains,, total package. but i never got asked out or anything by any guys(boys) until i was 16 in my sophomore year in high skool. and all the boys in middle skool did the same exact thing to me that theyre doing to u. its not how u look or act that makes them act that way towards u. its just the simple fact that u guys r young and those boys are just being..well...boys! take ur time with dating and believe me, later on in life, u'll see all these boys that u say u like and that u consider so popular right now, and u'll laugh at the fact that they even tickled ur fancy!!
2016-02-29 19:30:08 UTC
My advice is to maybe wear some make-up [if you don't already] or try a new hairstyle. When you find time, go up and talk to him just say "Hi, I'm ________." And just develop a conversation with him. After you get to know each other he might start to become attracted to you. =]
2008-04-19 10:30:39 UTC
Focus more on losing the lbs and not the fellas. Once you lose some poundage maybe you'll draw some attention from the opposite sex.

Perhaps you could get a personal trainer.
2008-04-19 10:29:45 UTC
well first, i don't think u should go on weight watchers to get a guy. a guy who is really nice wouldn't care what u look like, he would accept u for who u r. if this guy doesn't he is obviously not worth ur time and u should find another. just becuase ur friends are dating doesn't mean u have to too.
2008-04-18 21:29:50 UTC
Don't feel left out cuz you don't have a boyfriend yet, I have a cousin your age, she's among the "popular" group of people and she hasn't had a boyfriend either.

Just treat him as you'd treat any other guy, but if he's rude to you in any way, he's not worth your effort, time, or worth of you in any way. (and guys who always ignore you and give you puzzled looks and walk away when you try to talk to them are immature a**holes....)
2008-04-19 01:54:23 UTC
I am so sorry. I have the same problem at school. I really like this popular guy but he has a girlfriend but anyway try to go to him with a bunch of your friends around try to compliment something like his shoes(etc...).
2008-04-18 23:47:10 UTC
I say no matter how you look or how popular you are tell people how you feel. But remember usually when a friend has liked guy then they're off limits.
2008-04-18 23:02:26 UTC
well this is what you can do lose that weight .then strat to get you some nice outfitsthen when you looking all good get the boy you all ways whanted.then those other girls who said that he was ugly will wont him those haters .but don't let those people get in your head.also do not care what other people say ,do ,or think about you .because it well all ways be dislikes outn go with what you think and not others.
2008-04-19 10:22:25 UTC
I would not stress myself over this. There will be plenty of guys yet your are yound and if he had an interest in you has he satrted talking to you? You do nto even have to talk to him just maybe a nice smile or a friendly wave and see if he comes and talks to you. Guys live it when you play hard to get
Desy Lynn B
2008-04-19 09:42:08 UTC
Okay you first need ti think im here and if you dont like what i bring to the table then your not worth my time. Then you need to talk to him and get to know him more so what if his friends dont like you , your not trying to date them! But i was told when you stop looking and trying thats when things happens so dont give up! Make sure you still remember that school is more important than a guy so you dont mess up your life.
2008-04-19 07:42:37 UTC
well look for some other guys whu like talking to you other than running behind those who tryto avoid ya. Personally,being over weight aint no issue,try being fun in class so they would wana talk to you. I wonder y girl's make moves, I would never do that, you should wait for the guys to make ther first move insteat. till that time enjoy your life with your girls
2008-04-19 17:58:50 UTC
Just be friendly. It isn't like you need a serious relationship in 8th grade! Trust me, you'll find the right guy. You just need to put yourself out there and talk to them. Just get over your fear. You won't be able to do anything with a bad attitude about guys. (You are probably just curvy : ] )
2016-10-05 12:22:06 UTC
it may be annoying for you, yet your mom is basically preserving you and does not go with something to happen to you. Age distinction does not matter she will have the means to continuously assume a guy is to previous for you in view which you're her daughter. And definite your mom would have met your father a similar time you met yours and your mom in all possibility made some errors that she basically does not go with repeated to you. basically hear to her because of the fact contained in the tip if something does happen to you, you will experience undesirable for no longer listening and you will experience sorry related to the effect.
2008-04-19 08:11:50 UTC
You still got your whole life ahead of you. You have alot of time to find the right person for you. Don't worry about it now. You can still try and lose the weight, so when you do meet the right person, he will fall madly in love with you.
2008-04-19 05:00:47 UTC
Try talking to the guy! It's NOT going to hurt ,the world won't stop spinning and you'll live to 'play' another day! If you don't you will always regret not trying! Once you get over "the hump" you will learn it's not that hard to do!
2008-04-18 21:59:27 UTC
well I think the very best thing to do is work out every evening doing track jogging swimming or what ever and don't worry abt the others soon as you get to the right weight I will grant you this much you'll be a hottie and you'll have lots of friends!!!
2008-04-18 21:53:03 UTC
Getting a bf is like giving yourself all the troubles. . .you don't need a bf...just have fun...go, etc...with all of ur girl friends. . High School boys are still very immature. . . just keep going a good education...going to college you can date tons of cute, good looking guys are different, too. So plz just cheer up@@ don't worry too much about boys for now.
2008-04-18 21:20:55 UTC
im 13 by the way. you say that people dont notice you, i think thats because you dont speak up around him. everyonce in a while talk to him in the hall. say "hey whatsup?" so that you can start a short conversation. just start casually talking to him, and then see if he gets more interested in you. While talking to him, try to figure out wether he is really what you thought he was, because most of the time, guys arent always what they appear to be. if he doesnt seem to be interested in you, then there will be other guys later on in life.
2008-04-19 10:35:33 UTC
dude I'm the same way but I'm different cause I'm in 5Th grade and I'm 11 and 86 pounds but boys hate me too cause I'm tough and girlie but u don't need a man all they do is sit around and do nothing so be proud that your independent
2008-04-19 09:58:41 UTC
You can do whatever you want, but remember weight, and other physical apperances don't matter because your going to find the perfect guy for you someday. Weather it is when you are 14 or 21, it doesn't matter.
2008-04-19 06:53:36 UTC
It doesn't sound like ur ready for a boyfriend right now, but are feeling pressured and a little insuperior to your friends. Jst take it slow, and eventually, the right guy will come around. If you want more just to notice you, just try to be yourself, laugh and smile. Guys like girls who hav fun. ;)
2008-04-19 03:44:16 UTC
Geeeeeee.....don't stress yourself out!! Just try to talk to him once in a while, find out what he's like!! Maybe he is good for you, but then again...maybe not! And a guy should like you for who you are, no matter how you look, or how embarrassed you get when you talk to him!(most people think it's cute;) Just be yourself and don't think too much about it!!!!

Hope i helped!!!!:D
2008-04-19 07:14:23 UTC
In my opinion, they just don't want to say "no" so they don't hurt your they ignore you or walk as not to create hard feelings or a negative vibe/aura. If they said "no," it'd make you feel bad, focus your anger on them in particular, and their image or reputation could be compromised. Maybe a guy is a "nice guy" but doesn't want to date or talk to someone not physically attractive to him yet doesn't want to make himself look like a "bad guy" just because he's young, male, and uses his visual senses to gauge attractiveness. Some young guys are like that just as some young girls are like that, too. Eventually, you'll find a guy who looks past the exterior. If your self-esteem drops too low, you'll find yourself in many men's beds trying to make yourself feel better about yourself. Be wise in your decisions in life.
2008-04-19 05:57:09 UTC
i have a few things to tell u ...

*dont be scared of guys

*be confident

*like urself, only den wil someone else like u

*dont jus dare to feel bad about urself

*focus more on studies, not becos guys are bad, but becos, u might just have to compromise on ur studies, if u really get into guy problems,.

*be friends with him, u can be the best of frnds too, to start with

good luck ..:) cheers :)
2008-04-18 21:30:27 UTC
Well what you should do is try to get his attention and get his number text him or call him and let him get to know you then it will be easier for you two to talk in person and then he can ask you out and you will have a boyfriend and wont feel left out! Good Luck!
2008-04-18 21:02:25 UTC
ok being overweight is not the problem its your personality harsh right but its true u just have to be yourself u can't b like oh he'll nver talk to me I'm overwieght and I'm to shy the second u think that is the second u'll be treated like tht. wear cute clothes tht fit u not ur friends wear a little make up(as in a brown mascara for ur blonde hair and a light pink lipgloss) but only enough tht looks natural and cute and then just build up ur self confidence and the more u look at a guy as like a fantasy the more he becomes tht u should look at him as just another classmate then it won't b so tough and good luck and remember ur great and it shouldn't b up to the guy to decide tht.
2008-04-19 02:00:08 UTC
I think you should not be so afraid to talk to him? I was nice to your friend for a while until your friend annoyed him. He might be as shy talking to girls as you are with guys. May be he is different that other guys that have been messed up to you.
2008-04-19 03:40:33 UTC
try walking or ridind a bike for two hours a day and let the boys in the hood see you and i garuntee within 6 months you will land the boy of your dreams-they must see your dedication to losing the weight though
John Caluya
2008-04-19 02:02:25 UTC
but i'm 12, first of all do not talk to the guys that hates you just because you're an obese person. do not eat and eat right away! be fit! exercise everyday to lose your fats.

just stay with your friends and not to be teased with the boys!

good luck!
2008-04-19 10:28:40 UTC
u know what, u've got more than 200+ answers to this question of yours , coupled with the fact that u sound really honest , let me tell u something sweetie . .

am 23 years, i've dated a lot of hot girls n dumped them n got dumped too . .

but bottomline is, the girl that am with now, she aint so hot, & like u , she keeps on telling me that .. its just a question of low self esteem . but we both love each other

guys love girls who are confident & smart n with a sense of humor . .'cos might sound cliched, but eventually, looks fade . .it totally does , n ur left with someone who used to look beautiful before but now is screwed up . . now, would u rather be with someone who u are comfortable with to spend the rest of ur life?? no ! ! sorry wrong answer , ,

ur only 14 sweetie , ,i dont know whether u get to read this, but trust me , , ur issues are trivial , , ignore all those jerks around u trying to pull u down , show them the middle finger on both ur hands , focus on ur studies , , ur gonna be fine , ,trust me , , i love you . .

kudos to ur honesty , keep those levels up !!
2008-04-19 10:26:44 UTC
i am having the same problem im in 7th grade and im overwieght lyk i wieght 130 and i lyk this kid who i doubt likes me and hes popular and its really hard but if you try and just talk to him and lyk act lyk u dont lyk him when ur talking to him and if u become his friend then u can hang out and stuff with him and try and get closer everyday but dont act too pushey just lyk talk to him on the comp and maybe hang out in stuff and if its meant to be everything will fall into place from there

trust me =]
2008-04-19 09:40:55 UTC
you should find a guy who likes you exactly who you are. who thinks more of what is inside than on the outside. maybe try calling this guy and find out what you have in common. maybe you have a class together and could ask him for help on your homework? or offer to help him. anything you can do to get him to start noticing you.

good luck!
2008-04-19 07:46:00 UTC
You are still young to have a boyfriend, maybe you want a boyfriend because your friends have one, but you don't have to get one wait till you are older! At this age you should focus on education and studies not in dating someone. If you are overweight then exercise more and eat healthy foods. REMEMBER:BE YOURSELF, YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE WHAT YOUR FRIENDS HAVE!
2008-04-19 10:40:01 UTC
Just remember,people these days are thinking more materially than spiritually as are out of track of true life, that`s why their attitude toward other sex is more physical rather than see the real you and love who you are.


So have more Patience till you find the real person who would love you for who you are , not for your physical looks,even that you have to make sure He has more good purpose in life than just love you for his self desires.

All the best,take it easy
2008-04-19 10:27:16 UTC
don't feel like you need a boyfriend so me, you don't...i didn't start dating until i was about 15 or 16, and i didn't date much at all...i focused on my education and volunteering, and when i went away to college i started looking to date more...within a month of college i got a boyfriend, and we've now been together over 8 months...just wait to start dating til you're older, and you'll find someone who actually cares about you...
2008-04-19 07:30:35 UTC
If I were you an you really liked this guy I would just send some signs to him. Be simple. Smile when you walk by and basically just try to talk to him and see where it ges from there.
2008-04-19 04:54:55 UTC
You just have to be yourself. Be you self around him and hope it works out. You can't change for anyone, you have to find someone that likes for who you are. Just approach him and if the times right let him know. or give him a note
2008-04-19 01:02:20 UTC
omg honestly ppl ur never 2 young 4 love!i had my 1st bf b4 i turned 13

sweety dont feel like u need a bf jus cos evry1 else has 1 u wait till theres a boy u like who likes u back nd ur ready!

good luck
2008-04-18 22:49:58 UTC
When time comes every thing will be OK. So wait untill then.

Show little patience. Try to reduce your over weight by being on diet.
samantha k
2008-04-18 22:24:39 UTC
omg!!! i no what u mean i am like u but i am 13 years old and all my friends have bf and i feel left out because i do not have one but i am not that bad around the kewl boys or the buys that thibnk that they are but are not i do not no y but i am not that bad around them but they all are my friends nothin more but i am only 13 so i have enough time to get one and to have my first kiss
2008-04-19 08:37:37 UTC
you should try to talk to him.. just pretend he's just another person in school. just stay cool and talk about something that happened in school or whatever. & don't stress about your weight, your too young to be worrying. just have fun with life and if he doesn tlike you back then go for someone else, there are tons of guys out there and im sure you can have one of them!

good luck
2008-04-18 22:55:15 UTC
Guys don't care, its all chill. They wont bag on you. just don't sound crazy talk about school, compliment him. compliments compliments compliments. Those are all i give and ima hella popular, in the since that i'm friends with just about everyone expect the goth kids who want me dead cause i asked them what they did over the weekend...
2008-04-19 10:34:36 UTC
omg i'm 14 too!! i have the same prob. i'm overweight but not discusting! wow ur like amazing to hear from. one question though does weight watchers work? anyway my advice is just be his friend im shy too and i'll do the same get to know hima and his friends better and maybe they won't slash u anymore! b/c if ur his friend first he will feel less intimidated!!! soooo, just take it slow, and who knows, maybe it will amout to something!!! good luck! :) hope i helped! :)
2008-04-19 10:35:13 UTC
1st off ur not to young to date....i'm 14 to and i have had 3 boyfriends!!!! now ur problem is that u are insecure....i have to be confident and noe that nobody can take u down!!!! as for ur weight i'm not the skinniest thing at skool either but people like me for me!!!! and so do i!!!!

2008-04-18 22:09:02 UTC
i know how you feel. just try to be confident and dont show that you are scared because they see it and just maybe try to avoid talking. try to overcome your fear of talking to them. its not that easy and takes some time, but all you gotta do is start with 1 guy and try to be confident with him. if it doesnt work try talking to another guy. by the time you talk to a bunch of guys you will see that this frear will go away.
michael h
2008-04-19 10:32:05 UTC
hmm well if u wanna lose weight then excercise, its all about how into the idea of loseing weight you are

as for the guy

talk to him and show interest in him, maybe tell him you hink hes cute or something, also tell him u like him, he might like you but just remember there are plenty of guys who would like you for you
2008-04-19 05:09:16 UTC
I use to be like you =) terrified to talk to guys you like. Just act natural around them and if they don't like you it's there lose not yours. You will find someone that likes you in the end =).

So don't worry about it too much, just be normal around every guy, you will be surprised how many will like you after that.
2008-04-19 04:44:41 UTC
ok .. this was me whn i was 12-13 .. i as scared to death . i was over weight and i had a couple bf but hardly any to my friends.. now i have lost weight and amm dating this adorable guy i love ! (i am 15) ../ i would say yu should get his email addy and tlk to him a bit .. tlk to him more and more and if he replys back alot he may like yu to .. then tlk about going out and see how he replys ....
big apple.
2008-04-18 21:24:22 UTC
you are just 14 an this is not the inn. you say are overweight well here is your chance for a makeover. also you say you are not shy so it's is time for you to show all the guys just how you really look. anyway if you don't talk to the guys they will ignore you so get in there an let them hear what you have to say an stop being scared of the guys they wont bite you i am sure.....
Happy to be me
2008-04-19 09:40:03 UTC
dont worry im like twelve and i already had two boyfriends. um.................. u shouldnt be like so obsessed about ur wait a guy will come and like u for who u r. The best I can do to help is say that look pretty act cool around him and maybe hell start crushing on you.
2008-04-19 03:17:29 UTC
i have never seen any Q's get so many answers congrats u have a very interesting inquisitive mind keep it up. the worlds most intelligent folks r those who ask Q's u r one of them,

looks r only superficial its ones heart that matters most have confidence no one will eat u
2008-04-19 10:23:23 UTC
just remember that the guys are as nervous and inexperienced as you are. try to hide it and eventually it will come natural for you. talk about easy subjects like movies, cell phones, computer websites, sports, etc
2008-04-19 07:36:32 UTC
hi! i have that same problem..except im a guy and its the girls who i go away our country we are called "torpe" guys..for me i just try my best in being friends with the person know..get to know the guy, understand him..and maybe if your lucky he might end up liking you..well that didnt worked out for me,..i just gave a chocolate cake to a girl i like and she just said thanks..and everyone in my class knows that i like that girl..what do you expect from a 7-student brighten up! there are more fish in the sea!
Steph H
2008-04-19 07:09:11 UTC
Good things come to those who wait....

and and remember you live once...take don't want to look back on your life when your older and ponder over what could have been "don't regret the things you have done, but the things you haven't".
*BlackSoul*_ KåGGÿ ÇhÅñ
2008-04-19 04:56:48 UTC
XDXD i'm sorry...i'm laughing..not for you but..for the concept.

do you want to know my story?

i'm overweight too (but not too much only a little bit)...

i've got..seventeen ...and i haven't kissed anyone in my life...

i still give my first kiss..

it can be sounds ridiculous...but it's the truth...and i'm not ashamed of myself...

cause''s faboulous give the first kiss to a person that you love..and not to a guy that you don't know...!

you're've a lot of time to have a boyfriend...!
2008-04-19 01:12:58 UTC
at 14 years old you shouldn't be worrying about boys so much. for awhile try and keep boys as mates and have a laugh with them, then as you get older your know what makes them tick. just enjoy yourself. maybe this boy wants girl mates and not girlfriends. give him a chance, maybe hes shy as well.
2008-04-19 10:32:17 UTC
1. Don't worry go with the flow

2. Eventually you will find the right person b/c they must like you for who you are

3. if you are going to try be confident and dont act to flirty

4. dont come on to hard

5. good luck
2008-04-19 05:52:36 UTC
Okay! It's hard to be a teen believe me I know I'm one myself! I know you probably have heard this alot but just BE YOURSELF. It really works just let that crazy side come out of you!! The guys might see how you really are!!!!!!!!!
Neico Lynn
2008-04-19 04:51:15 UTC
ok im in the same situation for my age(12) im a little heavy 130lbs i like a guy and i just started talking to him and it turned out he liked me so go 4 it girl
2008-04-19 03:22:49 UTC
sweety you are still young so as the girl told you, this is a time in your life to concentrate on your school and education. i know you will want to do like your friends, but my dear, i have been your age and trust me, this is sooo not the time for boyfriends..take time to grow and understand life okay
Andie g
2008-04-19 09:55:20 UTC
dont feel pressured to have a bf just bec everbody does.. but its normal to have a crush on someone,..dont be afraid to make friends with hard ur r still so young to think about having a bf
2008-04-19 09:37:02 UTC
i have the same exact problem as you and i have the same body type. i think you should confront him and ask him why he is acting like such a jerk.

or you could just ignore him and he'll come around and see what he's missing out on.

and if you feel left out of your friends like me look for buys in other schools. trust me the right guy will find you.

can anyone awnser my question?? please!
2008-04-19 06:06:26 UTC
It is better to make friendship some one through your studies and make impression him that you study good and understand the subject good. Believe me not one, ten will walk and talk around you. But you have to do as i have advised you.
2008-04-18 22:53:23 UTC
well iever date guys from mi school worst thing 2 do but yea ur 2 young anyway trust me boys r nothin but trouble
2008-04-19 04:24:57 UTC
u have to overcome your shyness first. better concentrate on studies and other interests rather than boy friend dating. in course of time, u will grow into a young lady and many boys will love to date .
2008-04-18 22:45:03 UTC
ok... now act what might happen in your head...

Guys do like talking to girls... If you think you look gross another guy might think your the most hot looking girl in the room...

Try talking to him...

You have to remember, We are afraid of rejection too ^^
go away
2008-04-19 10:22:52 UTC
uh no offence but you're a little too young to start dating. I was 16 when i started. anyways, just act natural and talk to him, like bring up a subject, and get into a nice suttle conversation.
Carrie D
2008-04-19 07:35:43 UTC
I wouldn't worry about it consentrate on school alot of these guys these days have insecurity issues and they don't like to be with women who are already sucessful or on there way to becoming one. be the best you can be
2008-04-19 00:54:07 UTC
your yung so are they , they are just as petrified as you, but open up and remember not all guys or girls are nice. some are bitter mean jealous prudes.. we are all different and theres lotsa fellas out there will be happy to be your friend or more in time. cjhs
2008-04-19 06:22:50 UTC
hey dudette u r too young to go for 19 myself and i haven had a single girl friend.So be patient.Even if its getting late u ll get the latest brand new model boy happy don worry!!
2008-04-19 08:27:05 UTC
First learn to like yourself. Second IDENTIFY the type of man you want to be with.

Then look for Mr. Right.

Never settle for second best!
2008-04-19 05:47:57 UTC
Ask one of your friends to ask him out for you if nobody else likes him you have no competition which is good for you. And if he rejects the offer than you wont have to face the embarresment.
2008-04-19 03:59:04 UTC
not necessary that just b'cause all your friends have got boyfriends you too must have them .but,if u really like that guy then ask one of your most trusted friend to talk to hi9m and convey your message .i'm sure that if h eis nice guy he will understand you .good luck.
2008-04-18 21:11:21 UTC
i'm now 24 but i understand your fear i was an overweight teen too. dating is something that can be very challenging yeah yeah everyone say you are too young but hey this times are not the same as it ways 10yrs ago popularity and keeping up with peers is something that matters alot. best advise is to be yourself don't look for a boyfriend look for a friend learn about him let him feel comfortable around you and if dating comes into the picture then is welcome if not don't stress it , someday it will happen ,, just be carefull you don't want to end up been single with a kid or nothing like that you also need to understand that now days boys as young as 11yr are looking for easy sex .. i know i'm been to strong but sometimes teenagers need to understand that life is not as easy as it looks!! good luck and like k-cee and jojo said ..DON'T RUSH IT!!
2008-04-19 05:59:07 UTC
dont feel left out, feel smart. boys are just a hassle. they're funner things to do than have a boyfriend at your age. be a kid they'll be plenty of time for boyfriends later.
2008-04-19 00:28:26 UTC
dont feel ensecure about ur self try to talk and get to know him then just wait for things to happen on there ownbe possitive

good luck believe in ur self and keep in mind that ur beutiful^_^
2008-04-18 23:31:14 UTC
183 im sorry my cousin is a sophmore nose tackle and he weighs 176 just be your self
2008-04-18 22:14:19 UTC

daht iz prety muchh wahtz happenin to me

i am overweightt too

butt i am popularr round da fobs(fresh ov da boat) cuz i am a fob

n i like diz dudee too bbutt i am scared to talk to him too buht not az scaredd

wen u start talkin to da dudee ur mouth takez control kindoff

n if u talk to dem alot u think they like u az well

itz really hardd to get da guy u likee wen ur one ov ur best friendz like him too ! arghh

waht havee u got to loose just go and talk !?! take a friend wit u if da guy ignores u so u can turn around n talk to ur friend den u wont feel embarrassed

one ov my best friendz like da guy i like too n she once thought daht i waz jealous cuz she waz all flirty wit himm n huggin him n all daht ! pisses me off

buht dahtz all u can doo

u dunt have muchh ov a repetation either soo just go talk !
2008-04-18 21:37:30 UTC
14 is to young to go out with some one and you can try to talk to him and your friend can try to let him talk to you at school and your friend can get over that you where talking to him.
2008-04-19 09:01:30 UTC
If you are answering a question and/or expressing your honest opinion you have nothing to be afraid of. It will get better over time.
2008-04-19 08:37:03 UTC
i think you should get your friends to ask him if he likes you, no matter what his friends say, and i dont think you shoud worry about your weight, if he likes you, it should be for you and not someone 20 pounds lighter. everyone is made different and is pretty on their own way not matter what other people say. dont worry so much about your weight at your age. it's unhealthy.
Mitch D
2008-04-19 07:56:13 UTC
Just be confident in yourself. Go out there and force yourself to talk to him. Its really not that big a deal.
2008-04-18 22:16:53 UTC
Just because everyone else has a boyfriend doesn't mean you need one... focus on school. Boys will come and go
2008-04-19 10:32:00 UTC
i dont realy get the question, but maybe you should just gradully (sp is wrong i know sry) start talking to one guy at a time lol im sure youll get there in no time ;)
zara shine
2008-04-19 01:40:09 UTC

and then maybee youll have some rela friends honney,,,

please *****, i hate to be brutiall. but GET OVER IT... a boy is like a girl except doesnt have a vagina,,, KK?
2008-04-18 23:31:12 UTC
just be yourself its as simple as that i was 14 once too and ive learned over the years that guys love girls that r fun that r comfortable with themselves that like to hang out and have fun treat him like one of your girlfriends minus the gossip of course cuz then hell be like WTF???? have fun around him be playful and kinda flirty but a careless kind u know dont get all awkward around him cuz then hell be like right ok gotta go! be the kinda person that you would wanna date good luck
2008-04-19 10:30:19 UTC
Don't worry about it. It'll happen when it happens. I'm 16 and I still haven't gotten a girlfriend.
2008-04-19 05:47:21 UTC
ey dont u think ur just too young to date? concentrate first on your studies..make your parents happy and proud..enjoy your youth...enjoy making friends's better to get into a relationship when you are ready emotionally...don't get pressured if all of your friends have need to rush...
2008-04-19 01:32:35 UTC
dont be shy

you should call

or text him he will be nice

dont listen to everyone ur not 2 young

im 13 haha i lovee boyz good luck hope all is well=]
2008-04-18 21:56:07 UTC
sweetie your 14 yrs old enjoy life and honestly dont let other people influence you, when your ready youll know it , right now enjoy your life with no drama, trust me once you strat with drama theres no going back . when your older youll look back and regret not enjoying your ( childhood/ teenage) whatever... dnt worry about it so much...
2008-04-19 10:28:27 UTC
hey just go for it i am 14 to and i am over wight but i went up to this popular and asked him out and he siad yes and we've been going out for about a year
2008-04-19 00:40:51 UTC
hey dont worry im 14 but i dont date i always flirt and talk to the guys i like but not b4 i get to know them like this one guy on my bus that i really like i didnt start to really talk and flirt with him until i got to know him. like we talk and i really know alot about him and i REALLY REALLY feel comfortable around him. we used to talk only on the bus but now were friends and we talk outside of skool and in skool at lunch and stuff. U JUST NEED TO GET TO KNOW HIM!!!
2008-04-18 21:48:45 UTC
worry about school you can date but you are a little young just hav fun and do good in school you want to go to college and make sure you ask your parents if you can date they might get mad
2008-04-18 21:27:35 UTC
Everyone gets nervous to talk to people they like --even when we get older.

But I think if your friend liked him first maybe you should find someone else or she would get really hurt.
2008-04-19 09:49:58 UTC
first of all ur not pathetic, loads of people feel the same way as u do.

anyway its natural to feel like that towards someone u like, so try feeling confident around him..and if u want to talk to him get one of your mates to come with you to make u feel more calm
roshani d
2008-04-19 10:37:34 UTC
i know its really hard to talk to guys specially if u like them bc u get nervous but take a deep breath and just go up to him and say something thats very causal like "what class are you going too"? and things like that

best of luck
2008-04-19 08:48:38 UTC
Stop downing yourself because of weight, even skinny girls don't have perfect bodies.
2008-04-19 07:17:50 UTC
yes you are still young to worry about that don't treat yourself so inferior or others will treat you like that up some confidence..remember, you can never please everyone..try pleasing happy..always remember the saying.."save the best for last"...its not yet late for you..enjoy being'll never get back to it..
2008-04-19 10:47:56 UTC
hey gal!! ts a gal 2 gal talk..evn tho i'm 18 i do hav plenty of experience concerning guys....well first of all....guys r not all tht a big deal to fret me they have more complexes than babes u sound pretty cool to me....u not tht desp kinda gal..... wen in skool be u'r self(i kno ts a pretty cliche line but trust me it's d key to get bfs) guys r jst like us u kno wid jst a diff genitelia i guess....they have look complexes nd all tht. u jst have to be gud nd do d ryt thing..... jst don't aim for a relationship..... find a friend first. trust me babes if a guy is gud enuf to be u'r friend he can be u'r bf as well....nd u'r so young....u have plenty of years to find love.....if u really wanna talk to him u have 2 one day or the other face u'r fears nd go up to him nd me if t works out u myt jst find a really gud friend nd mayb u'll laugh after a few years tht man!!1 i was scared to talk to this guy!!! jst go to him nd smile or say hi or nything....u sound like u have a cute smile...let it do the magic for u.....lemme kno if it name's aneet jst in case...i'll be bak if u need me again.....(jst in case this is my bro's id....i'll make mine )
2008-04-19 08:51:26 UTC
it's mean to call anyone "discusting"

some people can't help it.

and: it's not about GETTING a boyfriend. it's about finding a person you really like.
2008-04-19 05:35:50 UTC
since you feel this way, you are too young to date. i felt this way for 15 years before i got my first (and current) girlfriend, but now i dont feel nervous at all talking to her.
2008-04-18 23:01:38 UTC
hey theirs a lots of guys waiting for you out there but don't be scared faces up to yourself and look in to yourself and say who am I and pray
2008-04-18 21:22:47 UTC
i'm 14 to and i have come to relize it is very stressful to be left out and feel ugly ( even though your not you just feel like it) but my way of thinking is their is a person out there for everyone just relax and be your self

ps.i get scared and shy around boys to i get in this awkward feeling like i'm going to say something stupid but most of the time it makes them laugh if i do =]]

idk if i really helped but just sharing and experience
2008-04-19 04:29:51 UTC
dont worry bout it lovly!

Love takes time!

YOu should feel happy a guy is not chashing you cos he wants to only shag you....

most lads now will poke and run after!

Just wait a while....they'll hate them fellas in around 8months!
2008-04-18 22:41:47 UTC
if you don't have a boyfriend it doesn't mean that they will ditch you or something.. i am the only girl who hasn't got her first kiss or hav a boyfriend in my year.. but does this mean my frends will ditch me ?.. the answer will be no.. and don't let anone judge the people you love.. =)
2008-04-18 22:54:46 UTC
when ppl tells u to focus on yr studies, u wont like it.FACT is u r only 14yo and its not worth it.Anyway, looks like he doesnt hv any interest in u.So STUDIES will always comes in first
Bad Gurl
2008-04-19 10:34:13 UTC
Dont worry about it use your confidence and im sure you'll make it
Lexy L
2008-04-19 05:22:42 UTC
heya ok im 14.i m nt dat popular bt i hav lots a long as your nt like 20st ladz dont really care about weight..all my lad friends sed dey wud prefer to go out wid sum1 wid a sound and fun personality!! i understand it's hard used to be really scared bout talkin 2 ladz like sick in my stomach i try to look my best when i see them and act myself..n ive gone out wid 3 ladz since den..1 lad all my friends sed dont go out wid im..hes ugly bt lik u 1 ov ma friends liked im n i started likin im..but stupidly i listened to my friends n didn't go out wid im wen he asked me out and now everytime i see im wid oder girls i feel so jealous!! if you like this lad dont let him go!! i did and i regret it everyday!! if your nervous take a deep breath n bring one ov your friends over with you to talk to they will think your cuming over as friends and just get chatting even if its about sum weird teacher you have..hope this helped gd luck.x
2008-04-19 00:17:26 UTC
woo woo woo! 14 i guess i really was a late bloomer. its kinda great now! most of my friends that had bf that early have Kids now!
2008-04-19 10:25:40 UTC
Dont talk too much with them and don't take it as a problem be whatsover you are
2008-04-19 08:42:14 UTC
wow your only 41, oh lol i mean 14 and you shouldnt be thinking about this yet! im 14. (almost)

soo many answers! wow i wish i had this much for my questions! lol! :D
2008-04-19 09:20:54 UTC
well it shouldnt matter if his friends dont like you bkuz ur not gonna go out wit them youll b going out wit him.

well the only way 2 cure shyness is to confront your fears and if u fear tlkn 2 boys then i say jzt go up 2 him and hang out a bit and b friends then see wat happens
2008-04-19 09:27:10 UTC
You need to find someone who likes you. I know there is someone out there who would LOVE to be with you.
2008-04-19 04:47:08 UTC
its okay to have crushes but not dates for a fourteen. im same age as u! so i kinda know abt dat
2008-04-19 10:32:51 UTC
i think it is best to let things happen naturally... start off as friends and if things were meant to be, they will happen.... when you try and force things, they never turn out the way they are supposed to
2008-04-21 18:32:42 UTC
you're a 14 year old girl and you weigh 183 lbs ?!
2008-04-19 10:24:48 UTC
Don't be scared to talk to a guy.
Deb J
2008-04-19 09:39:01 UTC
From a VERY older woman: This too shall pass.
2008-04-18 21:30:22 UTC
so..u lik him .... if u like him jus keep it deep in ur heart until ur friend likes another guy...then confess to him cause if u do ur friend wont feel like u took her boy away kk? i support u
agent 47
2008-04-19 10:31:32 UTC




if you wish you can mail me
2008-04-19 10:35:21 UTC
well go to him and say we need to talk and close your eyes and say i have a crush on you what do you know he might like u too thats what i did and now we are together.
2008-04-19 10:32:40 UTC
I'm sure ur beautiful, don't worry bout da guys, ur time will come.
2008-04-19 10:28:19 UTC
If your having trouble with him I am always open. I will go out with you.
2008-04-19 10:24:22 UTC
Smile at him a few times.Hold eye contact and show him that you are interested.

Don't be nervous, he will know
2008-04-19 10:27:34 UTC
I think ur too young to have a b/f
2008-04-19 10:27:15 UTC
219 answers!? thats probably a yahoo record!
Christopher O
2008-04-19 09:38:07 UTC
Ask Dele at
May May
2008-04-19 09:11:24 UTC
Well, don't worry. You'll get a boyfriend eventually. And he should like you for who you are, not only your looks.
sleepy but can't sleep
2008-04-19 10:21:16 UTC
read up on sports or Anime then talk to him about that
crazy kido
2008-04-18 21:08:31 UTC
be his freind a while and see where it goes but dont rush plus u got to worry bout ur eduacation to so make sure it doesnt inerfere butlike i said take it nice and slow
2008-04-19 05:40:39 UTC
c xc xc cx xz z xz vcbfvx
Joya N
2008-04-18 23:51:56 UTC
i think you should talk to him when hes by himself... and ask him do you like me... drop hints...give him thoughts time him try to get noticed
2008-04-18 21:18:36 UTC
If you really like the guy you would wake up one morning and want to do it. Make sure its quick to! Becouse you never no, someone else might take him. Also make shure he likes you.
2008-04-18 20:56:00 UTC
i kno exactly what ur going thru..I was like that and it's scary i kno but hunni time isn't your best friend, if you really want to talk to him start on msn, get it from one of his friends and then by phone and then soon enough you'll be talking face to face with him..

good luck and be positive, you have to love urself b4 u can love anyone!!
2008-04-19 10:32:44 UTC
2008-04-19 07:59:25 UTC
don't worry if u don't have a boyfriend my friends are the same way
2008-04-19 00:42:33 UTC
Just give yourself time and you'll be fine. Don't worry you'll be ok just be yourself.
2008-04-18 21:12:09 UTC
you should take deep breaths when you are going or plan to talk to him, but you better hurry up, you never know if he will find a girl...even if he is reeely ugly
2008-04-18 21:12:35 UTC
everything comes in time. natural causes can never be argued. just let a boyfriend happen in your life when it does.
Taylor L
2008-04-18 21:05:20 UTC
well first off u think ur overweight that just tells ppl that u have no self confidence if u think that u are pretty n u got "it" have self confidence... but guys *** and go so focus first dont worry bout guys...
mehendi h
2008-04-19 03:38:52 UTC
i have a no girl friend can you help any one
2008-04-18 21:50:07 UTC
ï ♥ яÜρєяT gяïиT + mΰѕїc =P
2008-04-19 05:15:30 UTC
chill man!!

what u need is...


just hace the confidence to approach and talk to people and just be yourself!
2008-04-18 22:05:55 UTC
im 14 and i have a boyfriend! ^_^

its overrated... but still, get him to like you... it can be sooo worth it!

2008-04-18 21:44:31 UTC
you are very overweight - go on a diet
2008-04-19 07:37:52 UTC
pl contact me am joel mail me to
2008-04-19 04:35:06 UTC
dw. 183cm tall isnt dat bad.
2008-04-19 02:00:15 UTC
oh my god i m really scared about u .................. in such a cute age u r very much concious about ur love..............

dear this is not the age to fall in love.................. ur cute buddy

dont bother about ur physical appearance ........................see ur to frank which make me fall in love with u..............

when i was at ur age i was also like means underastemating............................but life doesnt remains fix it takes an rotation nd make such an good to which every body wants to talk to me...........this an great game which is life playing with u r bothering about them tommoro they will bother about u ...........................

see i m bothering about u....................................

good bye nd al the best...................... one day u will get ur love
2008-04-19 09:02:24 UTC
lose some weight. Then go for him.
2008-04-19 10:24:50 UTC
too young
2008-04-19 09:36:27 UTC
Ehhh I think that you should leave him alone, because he was your friend's first.
sad gal
2008-04-19 05:07:48 UTC
ya...u are still young...dun be so into relations as yet....the path is still long for u gal...
2008-04-19 10:29:20 UTC
I think if you like someone go for it...
2008-04-19 10:23:40 UTC
umm... give up?

too many details, sweetie. keep your questions brief.
2008-04-18 22:42:31 UTC
if you're overweight....get real, you're not getting a popular guy.

ps i have aids
2008-04-19 10:30:19 UTC
I just want to be 237th in line on this.

Somebody please fix the questions program.
2008-04-19 07:48:49 UTC
HELLO!!! im 11 n im dating n sio is everyone else! But anyway so did i! guess wat he asked me out. i found out we both liked eachother! Ask him! It may help!
2008-04-19 09:44:27 UTC
stick to school
2008-04-19 03:22:18 UTC
Your too young! Stay in school!!!!!!!!
2008-04-19 06:56:36 UTC
lose some weight.
2008-04-19 10:32:25 UTC
supra space.
2008-04-19 10:22:36 UTC
You shouldn't worry about it.
2008-04-19 05:48:13 UTC
2008-04-18 22:10:21 UTC
be brave and talk to him
2008-04-19 10:22:49 UTC
if you're overweight excirse.
2008-04-19 10:22:46 UTC
don't feel pressured your ok!!
2008-04-19 08:43:19 UTC
i'm sure there is beauty in everyone
2008-04-19 05:28:21 UTC

Kenzie 347
2008-04-18 21:20:34 UTC
just be confident and do what comes naturally
2008-04-18 21:12:07 UTC
just tell yourself hey dont be nervous cuz if you loved somebody

would you be nervous no well i think you have got a good chance good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-04-19 08:28:19 UTC
damn girl u thick
2008-04-18 23:02:33 UTC
no one likes fat chics
M dawg
2008-04-18 21:02:07 UTC
I"m not sure .. I really didnt read what u had to say. but the point is that u have to talk to him are do something with him.

And most of the time the "Girl" is the "one" . because the guy wants the girl. guys are dogs, and like to see girls at there locker with a nice pretty cute outfit on.

Girls can get guys easy and get payed to.
2008-04-19 10:33:11 UTC
OkaY lOl
2008-04-19 10:34:17 UTC
u sound like a stalker...
2008-04-18 21:17:50 UTC
ur too young right now. give it time
2008-04-18 21:01:07 UTC
im 14 i kow how this is

get a new outfit and show his *** that youre the best thing to ever grace his world, you dont even have to say a word, show him
2008-04-19 09:35:01 UTC
2008-04-18 20:58:11 UTC
dont think u r ugly and now u have to put your attention on your study.......

gorget allthose blloody stuff............................
Some guy
2008-04-18 21:13:34 UTC
183 lbs?

I think we've found the problem right here.

The 'puzzled' look is the guy thinking 'she'd be kind of nice looking if she wasn't such a fatty - wonder why she let herself get so big?'

Eat less and once you get your weight down guys will ask you out.
Headfirst For H a l o s
2008-04-18 20:58:05 UTC
omg im 14 too

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.