So basically at the end of my road there's this house which (I think) is a rehab center thing? All these old drunk guys live there and often they'll sit outside and smoke. I don't see any of them that often except this one guy, who will usually wave at me when I'm on my way back from school. This started as like he'd wave at me across the street, and I'm just trying to be polite, so I'd wave back. I don't know if he's just lonely but it makes me really uncomfortable. It's not just waving though, he sometimes will try to talk to me. He once asked me what time my school ended, another time he asked if I smoked, and I have no idea what to do. I can't really just ignore him... I once didn't notice him and he shouted 'hey' across the road... I could walk a different way home, it'd be annoying having to go out my way to avoid him and I usually walk home with my friends, so I'm a bit embarrassed about saying I'm too afraid to walk home. I posted a question like this earlier and a lot of people said, tell your parents. I just don't want to worry them and i don't really know what it would achieve... they'd just worry and there isn't really much they can do. Maybe there is something? I just have no idea what I'm supposed to do. What do you do in a situation like this? He hasn't technically done anything but I'm afraid he might or even so, it's really stressful because he's so close to my home and I don't like going out in case he's there.. any suggestions are appreciated, thank you.