How can i be charming?
2005-12-08 17:57:11 UTC
How can i be charming?
Three answers:
2005-12-08 20:53:36 UTC
Well first of yourself, everyone else is you need to figure out what suits your style...

But there are some little things you can do:

-bring a flower

-open her car door first

-always hold the door for her

-after dinner when you are ready to leave, hold her jacket while she puts it on

-ask questions about her

-listen listen listen

-talk about yourself...but don't gloat


Make her feel like a WOMAN...that is she is wonderful and desirable, and don't worry about looking wimpy...a man with feeling is charming.
2005-12-09 04:46:56 UTC
A charming person is one who makes others feel witty, smart, beautiful, etc. So, if you are hoping to charm somebody: Smile. Open doors. Ask questions about his or her interests or areas of expertise. Evince genuine interest in the answers. Be creative in doing kindnesses without being asked -- bring a drink or a treat, discover a preference, etc.

In other words, charm is all about how you make the other person feel -- not about your own performance. If you cannot resist telling what you perceive to be charming stories or jokes, make them low-key, self-deprecating, and extremely short.
2005-12-09 02:02:17 UTC
Charm is not beauty, charm is about how you talk and carry yourself.

I think sporting a good smile, intention to be friendly,good and being confident make you charming.

All the best :-)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.