What is it about girls that make them so confusing?
lip v
2009-06-25 13:25:09 UTC
Yea i guess i dont understand women for the most part but i always wanted to know why are they are so confusing? I know some women are gonna be like "Were not confusing, its just guys are stupid" lol. Anywayz plz filter in ur thoughts.

Thanks for the answer in advance.
48 answers:
2009-06-25 13:44:02 UTC
· It is a universally accepted truth that men and women have different wavelengths in

· However men prefer to use short and direct expressions for communication other than the elaborate female language.

· She: I thought you'd be coming late for the movie (Followed by a soft sigh)

o Here the soft sigh indicates that she is content and relaxed about him.

· He: How long you've been waiting?

· She: Just five minutes.

o This 'five minutes' is equivalent to half an hour.

· She: How do I look now?

· He: Fine

o Here he makes the serious mistake of not understanding woman's language.

· He: Why are you silent?

· She: Nothing (Followed by a loud sigh)

o She wants him to be in his place and not to intrude into her personal feelings.

· He: I was at Mr. Nelson's farmhouse yesterday.

· She: Oh I talked to him about what you were doing last night

o This 'Oh' is equivalent to the expression 'fine' from her side.

· He: It is really frustrating to hear that you called him again. (Pauses)

· She: Go ahead (with raised eyebrows)

o Here she is daring an argument.

· He: You must not poke your nose into whatever I do. (Pauses again)

· She: Go ahead (normal eyebrows)

o Here she is giving up the argument with a feeling that whatever he does or thinks is not mattered to her.

· He: I'd considered of taking you along with me.

· She: Thanks a lot.

o Here she is not meant to thank him for his concern.

· He: I've an idea

· She: Please do tell me

o Her dialogue is not a mere statement.

· He: we'll go to Mr. Nelson's next week for a holiday.

· She: That's Okay

o Her statement implies the idea that she is not all considering the idea of visiting the farmhouse.

· He: Wait! I'll open the door for you

· She : Thanks

o She really means to thank him here.

· There are a lot of expressions and statements through which women say what they really mean.

· Men have to follow some simple exercises to understand what is really meant by women when they say something.
2009-06-25 13:31:05 UTC
That is call war of the sexes. Just as every guy calls the women "confusing" the women do the same thing. However, I can only speak as a guy and I find women very, very confusing. They think we have these abnormal abilities to read whatever is on their mind and since we can't do it, we get called stupid. I don't even know if this helps you but, how can any guy help you on a question like this?? Nobody knows...
2009-06-25 13:31:35 UTC
You're right. Most girls think that guys are confusing because they don't always show their feelings. I try not to be confusing--I'm usually pretty open--but I'm not like an open book.

Some girls can be confusing simply because boys are confusing. When a guy doesn't show that he likes a girl or a girl can't tell whether he does or not, the girl tries not to be open to the guy in case he doesn't like her.

Maybe if both genders were open, we wouldn't have this misunderstanding all the time.
2009-06-25 13:31:27 UTC
We ARE confusing. But guys are confused to begin with. I don't know, seriously. You know how there's that book "Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars"? It's like we are two different species sometimes. I guess I'm confused by guys too. It's a growing experience getting to know the opposite gender. But there's a very fun side to it too.
Dancing Lady 101
2009-06-25 13:32:17 UTC
I just admire you for admitting that girls can be confusing. There are many guys who wouldn't admit this.

I really don't think we are very different from guys. We either like you or don't like you. We are either shy or not shy, depending on if we know you. We are either attracted to you right away or need more time or will never be attracted to you.

Point is, you wait around and look for the signals, and you will get your answers.
2009-06-25 13:34:10 UTC
Girls can be confusing because we don't make up our minds and we keep wanting more or better stuff even though we have enough. Just hang out with girls for a while to understand our complex minds. good luck trying to decode chicks
2009-06-25 13:33:32 UTC
Girls are just much more complicated I guess....we analyze everything, even the simplest things like a hello. We think about every single thing before we do them, which is why we tend to be so cunning. Guys, on the other hand, are more straight-forward and blunt. They just see whatever color is there (ie. blue green or black). Women however see the colors underneath (ie. purple + red = blue, blue + yellow = green, so many colors could make black) to put it metaphorically. Basically, women are just much more complex than men (no offense).
2009-06-25 13:31:16 UTC
the thing guys need to understand is: girls dont even understand themselves.

we dont know why we do what we do. we cant help you understand because WE dont get it either.

i hate girls that say girls arent confusing. they think too highly of themselves.

i can tell you:

-we are subject to change our minds at any time

-we dont often like to make decisions on our own (when we say we dont care, we REALLY dont care. for example: "where should we eat tonight?")

-we are very sensative and notice things you probably have never thought twice about

good luck. you all need it.
2009-06-25 13:31:17 UTC
Girls are confusing, I think that too!

We are always lost in between what we really want and what people want from us, so we play games and give a lot of wrong impressions.
2009-06-25 13:31:07 UTC
im pretty sure i am so confusing AND i confuse myself more than anyone... its pretty annoying. girls just are more emotional and some know what they want and some dont and some think they know and some dont know anything. and its pretty much impossible to understand just cuz no one really knows.


haha. that didnt help you.
2009-06-25 13:30:03 UTC
because the female brain is wired differently

the irrational and rational parts of their brain are connected unlike men.

this means that women live in a fantasy world and aren't capable of a reasonable thought process.
2009-06-25 13:31:04 UTC
girls are confusing because they read too many romance novels or have too many ideas of what they think of as the "perfect man" or "perfect situation" or perfect whatever. and in all of those ideal circumstances, they expect other people to be able to read their minds. i mean, which girl wouldnt want to be kissed passionately in the rain or for an ex that they're still in love with to come after them or something else like that? they kind of expect guys to know exactly what they want WITHOUT actually expressing it - you know, kinda like those romantic guys in the movies.

hope that helps!
2009-06-25 13:31:07 UTC
Because girls like to play games. They listen to what their superficial friends, family members, and the media tell them. Oh, if you guy asks you out too soon, that means he's desperate. Or, oh, even if they like a guy, they still have to act oblivious until the guy approaches them.
2009-06-25 13:29:47 UTC
I guess in a way they are confusing, but sometimes that's what makes them more interesting. :D If your ever with a girl and your confused about something just ask her...hope i helped.
2009-06-25 13:29:36 UTC
They have their own mentality and way of thinking than guys. Women do go through a lot more than men so they see things very differently.
2009-06-25 13:32:46 UTC
Despite what scientists say, mentally at least men and women are separate species.

Take a look at this if you doubt.
2009-06-25 13:29:31 UTC
We are not confusing we are just very emotional. If you want to understand us, think the complete opposite way of the way you are now and you'll get it. We like attention.... we like presents..... we like to be noticed and understood. OPEN YOUR EYES!
m!LLy b0r3d
2009-06-25 13:30:13 UTC
girls are just as confusing as guys. we question guys and so do guys question girls. like a guy says "i dont understand why girls like bad boys" and we question "i dont understand why guys think girls are confusing"
2009-06-25 13:29:30 UTC
Being a woman myself I'm guessing its because a lot of women, including myself have a lot of mood swings.
i love everyone :]
2009-06-25 13:45:19 UTC
I'm a girl, and I KNOW I'm confusing. hahh

I think girls are confusing because we play mind games..

And hint around..

And can be very very subtle and not blatant.

please answer mine.
2009-06-25 13:28:47 UTC
Girls are confusing.. That's just life. Get used to it man...
2009-06-25 13:29:29 UTC
Girls are confusing because they are immature. The ladies have the "i let you get close, then I push you away" The women are more open, the last stage of a female's life. She is very mature, but she still likes to be treated like a teen when it comes to romance.
2009-06-25 13:29:00 UTC
They are indecisive, they tend to go with whats hot, jump on the band wagon, are vain, shallow, want money. Now, before 100,000 women come and !itch at me, I'm just speaking in generally, there are definitely some worthwhile ladies out there.
2009-06-25 13:28:23 UTC
HellifIknow!! Haha- good question though...

Girls/women make NO freekin sense whatsover...luckily my wife is the exception. :)
Dakotah C
2009-06-25 13:28:14 UTC
It's because... That's What Girls Do!
2009-06-25 13:30:55 UTC
we try to be things so you will like us.

inside when you know us by heart, we aren't confusing. we will get simpler
2009-06-25 13:29:35 UTC
Unfortunately they were created without souls. It's not their fault but rather the result of their ancestor eating a magical fruit offered by a talking snake. They are responsible for all evil in the entire universe, and this, sadly, makes them behave in erratic ways. Whatever you do, don't allow them into your home or they will use their secret weapon, know as "vagina," to manipulate you. Again, they can't help it, but you should still be wary.
2009-06-25 13:30:48 UTC
I probly shouldnt be saying this bcause

i am a girl but truth of the matter is that most

female dont know wat they want so they're always changing

their minds!

srry girls!
2009-06-25 13:30:29 UTC
nopee its both! they guy and the girl that aree confusinqq. Not just onee :)
2009-06-25 13:29:25 UTC
its true though

guys are just dumb and girls have a sense of whats around them and whats going on, guys live the moment
2009-06-25 13:29:33 UTC
I confuse myself alot and Im a girl, so this was programed into my dna, Idk why girls do the things they do like change their minds ever second...

lol :P
2009-06-25 13:29:31 UTC
Yes I know we are. It's cuz are brains work different then yours.
2009-06-25 13:28:42 UTC
Haha. I agree with the chick who told you that.

You just have to get used to it. Boys are hard to understand, too!

2009-06-25 13:29:52 UTC
Well, I think mostly because they don't know what they want.
2009-06-25 13:29:22 UTC
because they dont know what they want, and they like to mess with us... god, still love them hah
2009-06-25 13:35:13 UTC
Because we actually think with our heads and not our penis.
2009-06-25 13:28:39 UTC
The more you talk, or rather the more you listen, the more youll know. Peace. :)
2009-06-25 13:28:35 UTC
pretty much everything from the mind games to the "I want you to want to do..." things
2009-06-25 13:27:56 UTC
Girls are not confusing! You are!

Sometimes when it's "that time of the month" they get a little crazy but for most part guys are the one who act like an idiot!
2009-06-25 13:30:11 UTC
The only thang dats confusing is .Y.O.U.!
2009-06-25 13:31:53 UTC
we're emotional and fickle.lolz
2009-06-25 13:29:22 UTC
were not confusing, its just guys are stupid... lol!!!! we just think differently than guys... answer mine

2009-06-25 13:29:26 UTC
i think this is a sign tht u are possibly homsexual
Kenneth M
2009-06-25 13:29:00 UTC
Kate O
2009-06-25 13:29:02 UTC
because we think with our hearts and not our penis.
2009-06-25 13:28:36 UTC
How are girls confusing? Explain please :S
2009-06-25 13:28:52 UTC
be gay
2009-06-25 13:28:03 UTC
hey douchebag i asked this like a couple weeks ago...DON"T COPY ME!!

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