should i wait to have sex?
2009-07-29 08:41:17 UTC
basically, im 14 and everyone is having sex at the moment and i don't think im ready.
im going out with this guy who is also 14 and i know he wants to have sex, he is being so nice to me, saying he doesn't mind if im not ready, but i know he does really and i don't wanna be holding him back. im fine with kissing and stuff, but i don't want to go 'the full way yet' but if i don't do it, everyone will just make fun of me, do you think i should just do it, or wait and face the comments.
i mainly don't want to do it because of teenage pregnancy's and STDS.
81 answers:
nikkideejay [Su-Fi! :)]
2009-07-29 08:46:12 UTC
don't do it! believe me, wait a little longer. atleast until you're sure.

i'm 16, and basically everyone in my life has sex. i don't think i know one

honest virgin besides my little sister. but the thing is, we don't get made

fun of for it. people respect us. stand your ground for what you believe.

like if you don't think you're ready, you're probably not. hell, i'm almost 17

and i don't think i'm ready. so i'm just abstaining from it until i figure it out.

but don't worry about what people say. they don't matter. the respect

and love for yourself is all that really matters. and two 14 year olds having

sex, that just seems disturbing.

also, on the pregnancy thing. it's good that you think like that. because i have

a friend who is constantly "pregnant." she's also 14, but she just has sex.

she doesn't worry about getting pregnant or an STD until afterwards.

good luck dear!
2009-07-29 08:54:24 UTC
Yes. Even birth control is not fully effective and think about that few minutes of enjoyment from an over excited young man leading to a childhood ruined by being a parent too young. You might lose a chance for a decent career and good education but some families can work together well in helping bring up baby for their baby.

You are not holding him back by not having sex with him. It is just his horniness and hormones thinking for him and not realizing consequences if you should get pregnant. Guys ARE going to tell you what you want to hear just to get in your pants.

As for people making fun of you think of this, they aren't your friends if they cannot respect your decisions. Also who is going to be the joke, you for being smart and staying celibate or that 1 or 2 girls that WILL get pregnant eventually? My 14 year old daughter and her friends are still sex free thankfully and they make fun of the girls that are 13, 14 and 15 that have 1 -2 children.

Last thing for you to think about, go to the super market and to the produce area and grab a small watermelon and think about how that would feel coming out of you because you wanted to please your friends so they won't laugh and your boyfriend that you won't have all your life.
2009-07-29 08:49:41 UTC
Okay, so you're fourteen. It's better to be safe than sorry. I think that losing your virginity is one thing, but losing your virginity at fourteen is another. I mean, what are the chances of you actually sticking with this guy through and through? If you don't feel ready, just don't do it. I promise, it can save you a lot of heartbreak and unhappiness. Also, I'm not telling you this because I believe about waiting till marriage or religious ordeals or anything like that. I'm just saying that having sex, especially the first time, is a big deal. It should be with someone special, and you shouldn't have to feel like you're sneaking around. Wait until you're a little more mature. I promise, it will benefit you more than what the alternative would do.

And don't subject to peer pressure. If people make fun of you, or talk behind your back about it, just stay cool. :) Glad to be helpful
2009-07-29 08:49:29 UTC
DON'T! If you don't want to, don't do it! You will regret it so much later, and your friends will be regretting it when they are older too. Wait until you are older, I know you've heard the "you're too young" thing but why rush sex? You won't like it if you are not ready, most likely you'll be ready when you're older and you're in a long relationship with someone you love. I've heard so many people my age (i'm 19) talk about how they had sex when they were your age and how bad of an idea it was. Your first time should be perfect :) not because other people are pressuring you.

If your boyfriend isn't okay with not having sex then you don't want to be with him anyways. Good job thinking of pregnancy and STDs :)
I'm blunt, get over it
2009-07-29 08:49:30 UTC
Trust me, wait until you are ready. Numerous psychological studies have shown that at this age, and if you do not feel ready, the psychological consequences of sexual activity are horrible. Sexually active teens are more likely to commit suicide, they have a harder time connecting with significant others later in life and have a higher divorce rate. The repercussions of sexual activity at such a young age can be catastrophic. Then when you add in the fact that 1 out of ever 3 people has an STD, it just doesn't seem worth it. You could end up with herpes or god knows what else, and have to live with that the rest of your life. And what if you get pregnant? Condoms help but the fact remains the only thing that guarantees you will not get pregnant is not having sex. And speaking as a guy, if he is really not ok with waiting, he is not worth your time. You are young you have plenty of time to have sex when you are older, or at least when you truly feel ready. And lets not forget that the actual likely hood of this relationship lasting the rest of your life is pretty slim.
·ξ £ºvə ξ·
2009-07-29 08:53:10 UTC
Let me tell you. You are one of the smartest girls out there. You shouldn't do it because your only 14! You should wait until you find the right guy and YOU are ready. Don't just do it because of some boy. Plus who cares what the other ones think right! If they make faces be like "At least I won't be a parent soon." or something like that. If you walk around school happy and stuff and ignore peoples comments than they will stop trust me! Sooner or later they will see how you react about sex and how happy you are without it and they will stop. Also you are only 14 hun, you shouldn't be worrying about sex. Most girls just worry about guy problems,friends,how you look,etc. Please be more mature because if you have sex right now and you do not want to you will regret it. Think about when you get much older from now; talking about 20-30 years; you child will ask you when you first had it and then you would have to tell them at 14. You basicly just entered the teenage life. At your age you gotta deal with what everyone is doing and you shouldn't be doing it just for them. This guy is pressuring you about how you should do it just because he wants it. He basicly just flushed the rest of his life. I am pretty sure that you do not want to go down with him like the rest of the "sex having" students in your school is. Plus think about what your parents are going to do finding out that you did that. It will disapoint them and it will make them think about why would she do it? So all im trying to say is....DONT DO IT IF YOU ARENT READY!!

2009-07-29 08:56:58 UTC
If you aren't ready you aren't ready, and pushing it will be one of your greatest regrets in life. Every girl dreams of that first time being romantic and with someone we love, and just perfect. Not of grinning and bearing it to make someone else happy and than waiting around for a month or two to see if we're pregnant and raging parents afterwards. No matter what the other kids say, in 10 years you will have forgotten all of their mean comments...but, 10 years down the road you will always remember your first time. So ignore the immature teasing of the others, and stand your ground, and wait to make a memory worth remembering.

Plus. If the guy you are with is really worth it, he will be worth it in a few years when you are ready. And he will respect you even more for being strong. If not, do you really wanna lose your virginity to him?
2009-07-29 08:48:04 UTC
I'm really impressed that girls your age are at least thinking before the act. Good on ya :) And as for whether or not you should wait is really up to you. As an adult and from experience I would advise to wait because if part of you is not sure, then of course you are not ready. If your guy is fine with waiting than that is super sweet but if he's not than...really that decision is up to you. Don't give in to peer pressure. Your virginity is something you only get once, you don't get a second chance to give it away. Make sure you are ready, and the guy you are with is someone that loves you as much as you love him. Choose a guy you know will cherish you and the fact that you will/may give up your innocence for him. Good Luck.
Morgan W
2009-07-29 08:58:21 UTC
It takes courage and maturity to not fall into having sex when it seems like 'everyone else is doing it'.

Stay within your comfort zone. If you guys are able to talk well and enjoy spending time with each other, there is no need to bring sex into the relationship, especially if you don't want it. And as for being made fun of, sex is a personal experience and a personal's not a trophy or a bragging right. In short, it's nobody's business but your own.
2009-07-29 08:47:12 UTC
Don't have sex. You'll regret it, and it does nothing but cause trouble. EVERY guy at that age wants to do it, he's just going to have to be patient. Don't feel pressured about giving something away that is rightfully yours. Also, if you hang around the Church crowd, you'll get a lot less pressure about this sort of thing. You could talk to some older folks who could encourage you too.

Just wait it out and face the comments. I would personally tell you to wait until marriage. Everyone I know that has waited hasn't regretted it.
2009-07-29 08:46:43 UTC
ok. don't have sex at 14. don't do it. for real. let me tell you something. i had sex will a girlfriend after 6 months, and i was 16 at the time and felt like i was so ready. she dumped me on the morning of my friends funeral. it had been 9 months and i had no realization that she wanted to end it. it sucked. im with someone better now, and we've talked a lot about it, and i would still be better if i was a virgin at least for a little while, and im 18. so really, look ahead in 5 years and ask yourself, is it really worth the risk? and if you say yes to that, be smart. take birth control and still use a condom.
2009-07-29 08:46:13 UTC
If you aren't positive that you're ready, definitely wait! It's not worth those risks unless it's something you really truly want. Be glad that you have a boyfriend who respects you enough to wait, and don't feel pressured by everybody else! Besides, it may seem like everybody is doing it, but in reality, most kids your age are not. When you get older, you may regret not waiting, so take it slow and enjoy the kissing and stuff for now!
2009-07-29 08:49:05 UTC
Should you wait to have sex right now, YES! At 14 you are way too young to be able to handle the emotional aspects of sex. I am not going to tell you to wait until you get married because I don't believe in that, but you need to wait until you can handle the responsibility of it. Don't worry about what other people are saying about you. Most people your age have not had sex and are just saying they have to sound cool. If you get pregnant at 14 your life if pretty much ruined.
2009-07-29 08:47:18 UTC
You should never do something just because everyone else is. Especially when it comes to something like this. If you have sex at this age you will look back at it when you're my age and older and know that 14 was way to young. You are not a child and I know you know the consequences but I know that deep down you know you don't want to do it and when its all said and done you will probably wish you had waited. But obviously its your choice alone and no one elses.
Sophie B
2009-07-29 08:52:01 UTC
If you aren't ready, then don't do it...

It doesn't matter what the others say....

And despite what they may say they have done, about half make up the stories.....

When I was 16, all the girls in the locker room, talked about having sex with their BFs, except me, and a couple others.....after I graduated 2 years later, I found out that the only ones that had real sex, were me, and one other girl...

Don't believe everything you hear, and don't be pressured into doing anything......
2009-07-29 08:45:25 UTC
wait and face the comments, i useed to be 14 and think, i should just have sex with any random girl that would want to have sex with me just so i do nt get made fun of. Stick up for what you believe is right and no one will make fun of u, jus tell ur friends to put up or shut up cause ur opinion and yourself should matter to u the most. If they keep making fun of u, then u need some new friends.
Sexy Matador
2009-07-29 08:56:45 UTC
You NEED to be patient and wait. If he can't understand that that's his problem! The only reason people make fun of you is because they're jealous they don't have that MOST SACRED part of themselves anymore.....think about it like this....would you rather have something NO ONE has and feel special or have something EVERYONE has and feel like a loser?

I can GUARANTEE you if you save yourself for WILL make someone A LOT happier than you would having sex now. Your future husband will DEFINITELY thank you for it. Another thing to think about....would you want to marry a man who has had sex with LOTS of women or know that he has saved himself and waited SPECIALLY for you??? Flip the script and think about that one! Give the ultimate gift to the one you's not a coincidence that you feel you don't feel's because you AREN'T ready.

Think about your future husband and WAIT!

Hope I've helped!
2009-07-29 08:45:44 UTC
Trust me, don't do it. There is more honor in being a virgin. Losing your virginity at 14 will have a very bad look on you among others..Especially adults. Even if the others say it's cool, it's not. You are far too young for sex..And so is he. You guys are 14..You should be enjoying things that are for your age, not adult stuff. Just enjoy your childhood while you can..:)

Btw..Don't let those comments get to you. They are the ones who are immature and stupid for doing it so early..In fact, I bet a lot of them are lying about it just to look "cool" among the others. It's not cool. It makes them look bad.
Mae West
2009-07-29 08:50:42 UTC
You should definitely wait to have sex honey! It is your body and your decision and no one should be allowed to make you change your mind. Most importantly, you said you are not ready. Listen to your instinct.

Sex isn't something you should have just because everyone else is doing it. This is something you share with someone you care about and who cares about you. If this boy really cares about you, he would understand and not rush you.

I really think you are too young to have sex, for those reasons you stated earlier. I had a boyfriend in high school who I went out with for over a year and we never had sex.

2009-07-29 08:48:36 UTC
DON'T DO IT nothing good will happen if you are doing it for the wrong reasons and you don't have to impress people by being a slut i have been there you don't get real friends that way im only 17 and nothing good came from it trust me just because everyone said they where doing it doesn't mean you should want to.its really not what everyone said it i think you should just wait untill you know your take the risks..hope i helped!
2009-07-29 08:45:51 UTC
YES YOU NEED TO WAIT. Don not fall into what everyone else is doing it will only lead into bad judgement. When everyone else is getting pregnant from there lack of judgemenet is taht what you want to be to. 14 is way to young. if your to young to be a parent then you are to young to have sex. Whats the rush> Wait until you find someone that you love and that love you to. You will never regret waiting.
2009-07-29 08:54:27 UTC
Alright, do what's comfortable to you. The guys only wanting to have sex because his friends are influencing most likely. He can definitely wait. If you're not ready, don't do it. Who cares if people make comments. Most likely most of your friends haven't had sex yet, and are just saying they have because they feel like they shouldve by now. But 14 is pretty young to be having sex. Most likely you won't be getting an STD from him if he's your age, but pregnancies are definitely something to be careful of. If you absolutely can't wait, try mutual masturbation, or something instead of intercoarse.
2009-07-29 08:48:29 UTC
youre 14 and EVERYONE is? this is a messed up world. dont do it. wait till youre happily married or in a serious adult relationship. Trust me, if you do it now, you may think youre the odd one out in your community or whatever, but youll be thankful when youre thirty with a happy family when all your high school friends are single and on drugs with teenager children who hate them or just have messed up lives. if you got preggo, you'r either have to get an abortion (not give youre baby a chance to live!) or have a baby before high school and drop out. or get an STI or STD. theres nothing good about it
2009-07-29 08:46:47 UTC
oh my love,please do not have sex until you are ready

sex is not something that you should feel pressured into by your peers.

you will know when the time is right for you,and my dear 14 is far far too young,just because your friends have loose legs does not mean you have to follow suit.

just stick to doing what your happy with,any boy that truly likes you will wait until you are ready and respect your boundries.

you have all your life ahead of you to do adult things,dont rush into this one now.
2009-07-29 08:52:30 UTC
i think you should wait. bcuz ur virginity is something to powerful , that is yours, and when u find the right guy the right husband the one you know he will always be there for you, that's when u know u are ready, because if u wait till u get married you are giving him a gift. a gift that you waited just for him. u stayed pure and strong. i can promise you that. if you wait your sex life would be way better if u wait cuz you can experience with your husband stuff,but if u lose it really, its like you already lost something special that you cannot give to him. i hope that helps i had my First everything.

my first real b/f

my First love

my First time

my first everything

and i married that man!!

and now we have a little boy together!

and we are so happy.

you just have to wait and be patient
2009-07-29 08:45:52 UTC
No, your too young, and like you said your not ready. If he really likes you he won't care if you don't have sex because your not ready. You don't have to be like all the other people your age. I'm 14 and there's alot of people at my school having sex, and im a virgin.
2009-07-29 08:44:58 UTC
Hold on, said, you're 14 and "EVERYONE" is having sex???? I'm in shock. Maybe I've been sleeping for the past 20 years or something. Like....there's no hurry! Even now I'm waiting till marriage.
2009-07-29 08:44:03 UTC
Don't do it.

I'm 14 as well, and trust me, not many people are doing it. It may seem like it, but it's not.

If your boyfriend doesn't understand that you want to wait to get married, then he's not right for you. If he really loves you, he'll stay with you even if it means no sex.

The first time should be a special time with one you plan on being with for a long, long time. Not a boyfriend at 14, whom you may break up with and never see again.
2009-07-29 08:45:43 UTC
No. dont have sex if your not ready. and your still very young. i wouldnt recommend you having sex at the age of 14. are u still in middle school? not a good look. dont do it if your not ready. and if u feel you are then you need to talk to your doctor or parents abotu contraceptions!! they reduce the risk of pregnancy and STD's. make a smart decision. one that supports a healthy future.
2009-07-29 08:45:33 UTC
If you don't think you're ready don't do it. It doesn't mean you have to wait until marriage or anything but just wait until you want to do it. I don't really condone 14 year olds fooling around..but I did it a little bit. If you're up to it, just go as far as you are comfortable going.
brittany *
2009-07-29 17:30:44 UTC
Wait until YOU are ready. Don't just do it because everyone else is. 14 is a young age, you still have tons of time when you're older to do it.
2009-07-29 08:46:34 UTC
You should wait. I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years. He is my first kiss, first love and first person i had sex with. I still love him and plan on being with him forever but i still wish that we would have waited. Also 14 is too young......if you want to have sex before you're married at least wait a year or 2 with your bf before you decide to. It wont make him love you and it wont make you more mature so don't push it.
2009-07-29 08:48:54 UTC
i think you need to get new friends. i'm about to go into college and only two of my friends have been de-virginized and to be honest, they are the ones with the lowest self esteem out of all of my friends. i still hang out with them obviously b/c they are some of my closest friends but i can't help but make that connection and think that maybe:

those who chose to wait until they are with someone REALLY TRULY special (and don't just tell themselves that person is special b/c their friends are having sex) are wise and will feel more confident in the long run. maybe try to make some new closer friends. make new friends but keep the old. ;-)
2009-07-29 08:47:53 UTC
You're right to not want to have sex at your age, and the folly of those about you is no reason to stoop to their level. The best way to prevent STDs and teen pregnancies is to wait until you're married to engage in sexual intercourse, in fact it's the only surefire way to avoid these undesirable effects of sex. Birth control is never 100% and condoms only cover so much, I for one think you're right to wait. And bottom line, you should never have sex if you fee uncomfortable about it.
Odwin Oddball
2009-07-29 08:46:21 UTC
The phrase 'everybody else is doing it' is a very bad reason to do anything.

If you aren't ready, you need to wait. If your BF can't accept that, then its time to move on.

Over the rest of your high school years, there will be lots of times that "Everybody" is supposedly doing something. This is almost 100% of the time completely untrue. "Everybody" usually likes to say they are doing something, but less than half of them actually are.

Stay true to yourself at all times and in all things.
Jamie S
2009-07-29 08:45:43 UTC
defenitly wait, you will regret it BIG TIME!!! you really shouldnt be having sex until you are married or atleast able to drive a car! seriously, you are not even done developing.

when you get older, you will see how gross it is to even think of little 14 year olds having sex.

and ya you want to have herpes the rest of your life? you need to be in love with someone and know you would die for them are marry them before you have sex.
Mr. Thomas
2009-07-29 08:58:16 UTC
listen sweety, im not gonna get into the whole speech about your still too young or anyhting.. but one thing about boys dont EVER let a boy make u feel pressured into doing anyhting. if you feel ur not ready then DONT do it, and dont worry about ppl making fun of you. now that yes I could say, your too young to realize that it doesnt matter wat ppl say cuz I was the same way when I was younger, worried all the time about what ppl said or thought of me. now im in college and I realize that it doesnt matter wat ppl say. becasue sweetie, at the end of the day its you the one thats going to have to deal with the problem, worries and regrets, and the same ppl that who you thought would make fun of you are no longer anywhere to be found to help you, and then what?.. Im gonna be honest, im 24 yrs old and Ive seen kids my age or older who hasnt lost their virginity, and yeah some ppl might say their "punks" or "need t oget laid" but thats their on personal preference at the end of the day the same ppl laughing are the ones pregnant, with STD's, and worried and cant wait til their period comes hoping their not pregnant. so again, thats your own personal preference and dont let anyone make that decision for YOU. now as far as the boy, ive never done it peronally but most boys and even my brother is the type who will sweet talk and do wat ever it takes to get laid so my advice to you is if a young man or bf isnt will to wait until YOUR ready then thats not the right guy for you, theirs no rush and of course YOU ARE NOT holding him back. you guys are only 14 yrs old and you have along way to go and im talking lots of years and time to catch up on sexual activity. at the end of the day, think to yourself, "once we have sex, then what?" and think about it good, is this guy going to leave me or is he really going to stick around and make this relationship work. I really hope this helped hun and PLEASE make the right decison whether its to do it or not BUT if you do decide to, just make sure you want too, so u dont wake up the following day hoping you didnt do it. I def recommend using a condom but also, im not sure if they tought u this yet in school but theirs not such thing as 100% safe sex, condoms could always break, birth control could always be expired, or you might make the mistake and make a condom slip off while having sex.. and like I said earlier, "then what will you do?" think it in ur mind hun, and you make the personal decision becasue at the end of the day its YOUR body and YOUR mind and most of all YOUR DECISION.. and me personally, theirs no rush, sex wil lcome someday, but whats the rush hun? think hard and best wishes.. if you need any further help PLEASE feel free to let me know and I wish yo uthe very best of luck. take care
Girl You Don't Know
2009-07-29 08:47:14 UTC
I think that you should not have sex don't get in to pier pressure. Just tell him I'm sorry I don't want to have sex right now. If this does not work then go ahead have some fun just use a condom.
2009-07-29 08:45:39 UTC
I'm not at your age yet, but don't do it! It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing. You should wait until your in love. And you should know that that's all he's after. He may seem to like you but it sounds to me, he just is after one thing. But of course, that's up to you to decide. Don't do it. You're not in love. God wants you to wait! :)
2009-07-29 08:59:29 UTC
listen to your gut girl........wait. Trust a young woman I have been in your spot!! You like this guy and you want to make him happy.......but do what makes YOU happy, because more than likely next year you won't even still like him!! And your right, be afraid of STD's and pregnancy because it is a VERY real thing!! Loosing your virginity is NOT all that anyway......when I lost mine I was thinking "So that was it???"
2009-07-29 08:53:32 UTC
DO NOT DO IT!!!! you will regret it soo much and if 'everyone' is doing it think of where they will be in a year.... 15 year old mothers -thats horrible!! you should wait until you're married. oh and if they guy gets mad at you for not wanting to do it or dumps you then he is definately not the right guy.

♥ Beebee ♥
2009-07-29 08:45:58 UTC
No wait til your ready dont let anyone push you in to doing anything you dont want to cuz once you loose your v-card you dont get it back! Do it when you know that you really love someone and you know hes the right guy for you dont let him pressure you!
2009-07-29 08:44:25 UTC
14 is not a good age to have sex. I am 14 and i choose not to have it. Just because other people are messing up their lives doesn't mean you have to. be the better person and stick up for yourself.
miser no 1
2009-07-29 08:53:44 UTC
GRACIOUS! sex n at dis age .i too m 14 n tat thought has never occurd 2 me . i kno it may be vry difficult 2 regret coz u r in ur teens.but dis is not d right time babes.wait 4 som more time n dont worry about comments.will u mind telling ne 4m which place u r.
2009-07-29 08:47:10 UTC
w8 till ur like 16 then your legal. (but seriously do it when your ready dont let pier pressure make u do stuff u dont wanna do)

i remember i chick getting nocked up at 14 at my school, the next day every one was calling her a slut
Kelly L
2009-07-29 08:44:33 UTC
I only read the first sentence of this and it already told me the answer. DON'T DO IT. Who cares if everyone else has done it. If you're not ready, don't rush. You're too young anyways.
2009-07-29 08:47:31 UTC
You should wait. Your reasons for wanting to do so are perfectly fine. You shouldn't worry what others are going to say (although it's hard). If you do something that you don't want to do, you'll regret it. And if this boy likes you, he'll hate that you regret it. Listen to yourself, and wait. I wish I did.
2009-07-29 08:47:35 UTC
your worries about pregnance and STD's are well founded... but don't pay any attention to what people think or say... if they don't criticize you for your choice here, those same stupid people will find something else to criticize... don't listen to them, this is your choice.

usually, your first sexual experience is an embarrassing but special one... there's no rush, and no end to "nice guys" that will be willing to sleep with you.

take your time. make it count.
2009-07-29 08:47:41 UTC
WAIT! You maybe sexually ready, but you are NOT mature enough for sex. Trust me!!!! You need to date someone for a least a year b4 sex!
Halloween gal
2009-07-29 08:44:59 UTC
if you don't think your ready then DONT. Your young if the guy dumps you because of it he never really liked you. When you decide your ready go on the pill first
2009-07-29 08:44:31 UTC
I'm 19. MAN and never had sex.. its so ugly and disgusting having 14-year-old girls having sex, really, it gives us the impression you are a total ***** and isn't worth anything.. so, hold on..

So, good luck!
2009-07-29 08:48:31 UTC
Just because everybody else is, doesn't mean you have to sweetheart!Why would want to be like everybody else?

You can make fun of them when they have STDs or Pregnant! :)

Whatever you decide. do what you think is right.
2009-07-29 08:45:16 UTC
I didn't even read your question I just seen that u were 14...yes wait
Brooklyn Michael is 111/2 months
2009-07-29 08:45:04 UTC
I REALLY think you should wait. You said yourself that you are just not ready. He can still want to do it and still be willing to wait until you are ready. Please do not rush this you are 14 enjoy it.
Dr. Girl
2009-07-29 08:44:44 UTC
If your not wanting to have sex. then you should wait till YOUR ready. Don't fall into peer pressure. Good luck. :)
that girl
2009-07-29 08:45:58 UTC
theyre just making fun of you cause youre the last person with some self respect and it makes them feel bad so theyre turning it around on you. dont do it!
2009-07-29 08:45:45 UTC
wait till your at least 18. Dont be a sheep.
2009-07-29 08:44:02 UTC
2009-07-29 08:46:48 UTC
dont do it. im 13, almost 14 and i know i wouldnt. my ex gf wanted 2 and i told her no. my friends said stuff but i didnt wanna potentially ruin someones life. it doesnt matter wat ppl say. ur making a smart decision. just make the smart decision
Forlorn Hope - 6 suspensions
2009-07-29 08:44:11 UTC
you sure everyone is having sex and not just SAYING they are having sex???

perhaps you should wait until you grow up and maybe know the consequences of having sex and making sure you are protected...
2009-07-29 08:46:27 UTC
Yeah. Do what you want to do. Don't do things just because others are doing so. Do what you feel is right.
2009-07-29 08:44:51 UTC
Don't be stupid like your friends. Keep you pants on. Sit back and see how many get pregnant and/or contract a STD.
2009-07-29 08:45:43 UTC
jus be patient dont do it because everyone is doing it.. im 22 and still a virgin.. because i wanted to be regardless or wat anyone thinks or had to say.. so jus face the comments until ur truly ready to.. dont give in to the pressure..
2009-07-29 08:44:52 UTC
ok im 15 and i have not had sex im waithing till 16 because it is better
2009-07-29 08:44:10 UTC
Most of "everyone" you are talking about is probably lying. Wait until it is right for you.
2009-07-29 08:44:09 UTC
Oh my god. You are 14! You don't want to do it yet. Wait! Otherwise you'll regret it.
Sayids Twin
2009-07-29 08:48:12 UTC
If you don't want to, don't! There isn't wrong with waiting for marriage, personally i didn't want to wait.
2009-07-29 08:48:11 UTC
You shud so wait, tel him your not ready and you want this to be special. DEFFO WAIT !
stung by a bee
2009-07-29 08:47:12 UTC
i think you should wait.. whats the rush?? if you have to ask then of course ur not ready! if this guy really likes you then hel respect your decision, if not then hes not who you think he is.............
2009-07-29 08:44:58 UTC
YES WAIT TILL YOU MARRIED, IF YOU GIVE IT up before you will end up getting hurt. Screw what they say...
Moe man
2009-07-29 08:45:52 UTC
wow you sure fall into per-pressure easily but you should wait until your married.
2009-07-29 08:46:51 UTC
lol wow, ur afraid of people making fun of u. and u don't think they won't say anything when ur pegant?
2009-07-29 08:44:12 UTC

The best thing you can do it wait.

If the guy really loves you, he will wait too!
Tar Baby
2009-07-29 08:44:43 UTC
if you decide to go through with it, bring a towel
2009-07-29 08:44:20 UTC
nope, your too young, and you know nothing about sex, its bad and you can get a really bad social desseas
Arab Money
2009-07-29 08:44:20 UTC
If you don't want to, then don't. Don't let anyone pressure you into it.
2009-07-29 08:45:07 UTC
Dont Be STUPID> You will always regret it.
Struck Down
2009-07-29 08:44:00 UTC
Wait until marriage.
2009-07-29 08:44:03 UTC
wait, wait, wait.

no one has ever regretted waiting to have sex.
2009-07-29 08:45:16 UTC
If u can even get laid then.................NO **** DUMB-*** TAKE IT, TAKE IT TO THE BASE!
2009-07-29 08:45:24 UTC
do wat ur heart says never rush into sex you will regret it l8r

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.