My girlfriend recently dumped me, and I will admit it was hard. i cared for her alot and did everything I could for her. The thing is, she dumped me on facebook. This made it ten times worse and really pissed me off. Due to this, I felt no real need to talk to this girl. She is in one of my classes that I have 4 out of the five days a week. I have never once went out of my way to talk to her, but if she said hi to me, which she did, I would respond nicely. I am pretty much mirroring what she does. A friend of mine that is a girl noticed that my ex would stare at me and would glance over at me alot in class. This past friday, my ex than came up to me and was like, "yah know chris, if it wasnt for me saying hi to you, you would never say anything to me." I replied by shrugging my shoulders and not really giving her an answer. Than when class was over she got up and said "have a nice weekend chris" Am I handling this whole situation right. I want to make sure im not being immature by only talking to her if she talks to me.